Prøver du på at få os til at tro på, at Gud har hænder, SK?
Det var lyjse der skrev at Hendes Gud har hænder - Lyjses Gud er som bekendt Kristus Jesus.
Det mest Groteske er, at tegninger af
både "gud jehovah" og den underlige u-Bibelske konstellation
"ordet/mikael/jesus" er tegnet med hænder i GB's udgivelser fra løgnefabrikken WBTS'
"mikaels" hænder:
Her "mikael" [m/en højre hånd/[vanskabt] der mere minder om en "Dæmons/Satans"]
1913 Kalenderen
"gud jehovah's" hænder:
Er det ikke Blasfemi at afbillede "gud jehovah"
..... ?
"mikael" & "gud jehovah" - begge med hænder .....❓
[sUk fornægter jo, iflg. sUk,
intet fra JW]
Forøvrigt har jeg fundet et meget "sjovt vers", taget WBTS' utallige pamfletter og "læsekrav" ad notam:
Prædikerens Bog 12:11-14
De vises ord er som pigge, og som søm er de sat i tætte rækker, de er formet af én hyrde.
Men ud over det: Min søn, lad dig advare!
Der er ingen ende på de mange bøger, der skrives, og den megen læsning bliver man træt af. Når du har hørt det hele, skal du drage den slutning: Frygt Gud, og hold hans bud, det skal alle mennesker!
For Gud kræver dig til regnskab for enhver handling, alt det skjulte, godt eller ondt.
Er du forøvrigt faldet over noget der minder om nedenstående ?
Good luck with that. Maybe you need a reminder of what cult you
are going to and their plans for your future. From their own literature
you have their new World Order (same wording as the masons).
Their teachings hasn't changed, their future new Order will start with
the WTS (Gods Zion) in war with the worlds forces, the WTS is
Gods government and speaks for him. Then the genocide of all
christians begins, slaughter all over the world, and the JW's are to
treat this time as a time of great joy. No tears allowed for any of
the victims. The WTS survives to lead the new world order society,
and they are Gods government according to themselves, here on
earth the whole new millennium. Those outside who escaped Armageddon
will be executed swiftly. This will go on the whole new age period.
The WTS serves as Gods judges, and they will have absolute
control. Anybody ambisious or critical will be killed. People will
not be allowed to morn for their dead ones. Laws will be enforced,
books opened, more brainwash, new 'knowledge' will be given.
History books will disappear, Jesus is only near invisibly, what's
new... Definitely no need for bible or Christ redemption anymore.
People will be sent as slaves out to the countryside to plant.
Home business is the only allowed ones, factories will be shut down.
All marriages are arranged by the WTS government, children
are first allowed,then everybody will become one sex(!): This is from their
magazines, mind you. None of this has been denied, so this is
your future, my friend. I would rather die ten times over than live
in that hell. Or, this whole Rocicruician New world Order
idea is a terror regime from Satan, just like the WTS is.