> Politik & Samfund > Fri debat: Politik & Samfund
6tilføjet af Labour man
Hei Danes! Why dont you strike back
like your parents and grandparents quickly would do, and throw theese dirty criminal people out, so Denmark can be a nice country again.
tilføjet af Dane
We will....
..after some time. We are a very tolerante people - to a point. But enough is enough.
We will probably called racist if we strike back.... Like they call us when we vote on "Dansk Folkeparti". I think a lot of Danes will vote on them next time!
tilføjet af hubba bubba
Why don't you mind your own business?
tilføjet af Labour man
I do. But I care about you too
Dont you?
tilføjet af Anonym
let him
and why dont you just stfu and let people say what they want to ^^ we live in a country with freedom to speak or what`?
Og hubabuba er vist et stykke tyggegummi ^^
tilføjet af knaeleren
its an democratic chocen goverment!!!
tilføjet af Labour man
Yes, but the majority in your democracy hate theese criminals