I dump 4 U!
Du kan nu betale dig fra at slå op med din kæreste.
Det er aldrig sjovt at overrække en ubehagelige meddelse såsom: jeg slå op, din far er død, du er fyret eller andet...
Men nu har det amerikanske internet firma I DUMP 4 U påtaget sig opgaven, at slå op med din kæreste. Og det er måske bare den første af ubehagelige ting du kan betale dig fra.
Her er lidt priser:
$10 For A Basic Breakup
So you met some person online or at a club and you had a few good times, and now you want to get rid of them. Or you met someone else and you just want to let your old flame go. That is what the $10 plan does..
$25 For an Engagement Breakup
So you have cold feet? You could skip the country and fake a kidnapping… but look what happened to the “Runaway Bride” it seems like $25 is so much better than thousands of dollars in civil costs..
$50 for a Divorce Call
Sometimes you need someone else to help you start a divorce. We can’t hand your spouse the papers, or legally finalize the divorce, however we can help you get the awkward moment started…
Du kan nu betale dig fra at slå op med din kæreste.
Det er aldrig sjovt at overrække en ubehagelige meddelse såsom: jeg slå op, din far er død, du er fyret eller andet...
Men nu har det amerikanske internet firma I DUMP 4 U påtaget sig opgaven, at slå op med din kæreste. Og det er måske bare den første af ubehagelige ting du kan betale dig fra.
Her er lidt priser:
$10 For A Basic Breakup
So you met some person online or at a club and you had a few good times, and now you want to get rid of them. Or you met someone else and you just want to let your old flame go. That is what the $10 plan does..
$25 For an Engagement Breakup
So you have cold feet? You could skip the country and fake a kidnapping… but look what happened to the “Runaway Bride” it seems like $25 is so much better than thousands of dollars in civil costs..
$50 for a Divorce Call
Sometimes you need someone else to help you start a divorce. We can’t hand your spouse the papers, or legally finalize the divorce, however we can help you get the awkward moment started…