Julen er en hedensk fest siger JV
Det store bevis: hedninge har holdt fest ved juletid! Det er substansen i deres kritik. Ingen hedenske fester fra tidligere tider har mindet om julen. Juleand, rødkål, julegaver, kravlenisser og juletræ er bestemt ikke ideer der stammer fra romernes solhvervsfest.
Skal man derimod se på en skik der vitterligt har hedensk baggrund er det at sige Amen (som alle kristne - også JV gør). Jesus kalder sig selv "Amen" i NT - men hvor stammer ordet egentligt fra? Det er såmænd navnet på den Egyptiske afgud Amon:
"What is the meaning of AMEN? Most of us were taught it means ‘Let it be’, ‘Certainly’, ‘Verily’, etc. The Hebrew word though, is actually pronounced Awe’main. This is phonetic. The “A” has an “AWE” sound and the “E” is “AI” as in main. The Strong Concordance confirms this in Hebrew number 543 and Greek number 281.
The question now is how did this occur? Was this an accidental error or was it a deliberate deception over the centuries? One small letter changes the entire sound of a word and thus, also the meaning thereof.
The chief mighty one (god/idol) of Mitsrayim (Egypt) which was also worshipped in Greece, Syria and surroundings, was AMEN. The encyclopaedia 'The Concise Columbia Encyclopedia', Columbia University Press. Copyright © 1991 by Columbia University Press, describes it as follows:
Amon (â´men, ä´-) or Ammon (à´men) or Amen (ä´mèn), ancient Egyptian deity. Originally the chief god of Thebes, Amon grew increasingly important in Egypt, and eventually, as Amon Ra, he was identified with RA as the supreme deity. He was also identified with the Greek ZEUS (the Roman JUPITER). (Ed.: Jupiter or 'Zeus-Pater' - 'Zeus our father').
The true pronunciation here is in fact AMEN. The same information can even be confirmed on the web page of the Egyptian Tourism, AMEN-RA, AMEN, AMEN Worship. Amen was originally the Theban hidden mighty one (god) of the heaven. According to Funk & Wagnalls, Standard College Dictionary:
AMEN: In Egyptian Mythology, the mighty one (god) of life and procreation ... later identified with the Sun-god as the supreme deity, and called en Amen-Ra." http://www.masada.org.za/English/amen%28e%291.htm
Med andre ord: Vi har udskiftet den bibelske udtale Å-men til fordel for Amen - navnet på den Egyptiske solgud Amon (hvis navn udtaltes Amen). Den dag JV'erne begynder at forholde sig seriøst til, at de faktisk påkalder den Egyptiske solgud hver gang de beder kan vi begynde at at snakke om deres kritik af at julen ligger på samme tidspunkt som den romerske solhvervsfest.
Glædelig jul - også til I hedenske JV'ere!
Skal man derimod se på en skik der vitterligt har hedensk baggrund er det at sige Amen (som alle kristne - også JV gør). Jesus kalder sig selv "Amen" i NT - men hvor stammer ordet egentligt fra? Det er såmænd navnet på den Egyptiske afgud Amon:
"What is the meaning of AMEN? Most of us were taught it means ‘Let it be’, ‘Certainly’, ‘Verily’, etc. The Hebrew word though, is actually pronounced Awe’main. This is phonetic. The “A” has an “AWE” sound and the “E” is “AI” as in main. The Strong Concordance confirms this in Hebrew number 543 and Greek number 281.
The question now is how did this occur? Was this an accidental error or was it a deliberate deception over the centuries? One small letter changes the entire sound of a word and thus, also the meaning thereof.
The chief mighty one (god/idol) of Mitsrayim (Egypt) which was also worshipped in Greece, Syria and surroundings, was AMEN. The encyclopaedia 'The Concise Columbia Encyclopedia', Columbia University Press. Copyright © 1991 by Columbia University Press, describes it as follows:
Amon (â´men, ä´-) or Ammon (à´men) or Amen (ä´mèn), ancient Egyptian deity. Originally the chief god of Thebes, Amon grew increasingly important in Egypt, and eventually, as Amon Ra, he was identified with RA as the supreme deity. He was also identified with the Greek ZEUS (the Roman JUPITER). (Ed.: Jupiter or 'Zeus-Pater' - 'Zeus our father').
The true pronunciation here is in fact AMEN. The same information can even be confirmed on the web page of the Egyptian Tourism, AMEN-RA, AMEN, AMEN Worship. Amen was originally the Theban hidden mighty one (god) of the heaven. According to Funk & Wagnalls, Standard College Dictionary:
AMEN: In Egyptian Mythology, the mighty one (god) of life and procreation ... later identified with the Sun-god as the supreme deity, and called en Amen-Ra." http://www.masada.org.za/English/amen%28e%291.htm
Med andre ord: Vi har udskiftet den bibelske udtale Å-men til fordel for Amen - navnet på den Egyptiske solgud Amon (hvis navn udtaltes Amen). Den dag JV'erne begynder at forholde sig seriøst til, at de faktisk påkalder den Egyptiske solgud hver gang de beder kan vi begynde at at snakke om deres kritik af at julen ligger på samme tidspunkt som den romerske solhvervsfest.
Glædelig jul - også til I hedenske JV'ere!