Vand ifølge naturloven kan kun stige 30 meter.
Nu er der et træ i Canada som er 117 meter højt.
Hvordan få den træ vand op i 117 meters højde.
tilføjet af finn45
Hej du
der kommer da vand ud af skyerne gg
tilføjet af tomtitomtitom
Mange tak
tilføjet af Vandmand
Her er en teori
Vandet bliver simpelthen suget op i træet efterhånden som det fordamper fra bladene.
Jeg tror de 30 meter er den højde vandet ville kunne løftes af hårrørseffekten alene.
Danmarks højeste træ er 20 meter højere end det, nemlig omkring 50 meter. Det er en douglasgran i Silkeborg statsskovdistrikt.
>>... 2>The cohesion theory
According to this theory, water is actually lifted up trees from above, using the power of the sun; it is pulled up under tension as the sun evaporates water from the leaves. When first suggested in 1894 this theory was greeted by disbelief, but since then a large amount of evidence has been found to support it. For a start, it has been shown that if water is held in a narrow pipe it can actually withstand large stretching forces without breaking, just like an elastic band. The water's strength is due to the cohesion between its molecules. Experiments have shown that the cohesive strength of water can hold up a column of fluid nearly three kilometres high.
A relatively simple experiment shows that water in a tree is being stretched. If a branch is cut from a tree, the water column is broken and the water shortens, just as an elastic band does if it breaks. The water column retreats into the branch. The branch can then be sealed with its leaves held in a pressure vessel and the cut ends sticking out. A pressure can then be applied within the vessel, squeezing the shoot and forcing the water out of the cut end again. Water starts to come out when the positive pressure applied equals the tension that the water was under in the tree. Using this technique, stretching forces of well over 20 atmospheres have been detected; twice as much as would be needed to raise the water to the top of even the highest tree. The remaining pressure overcomes the resistance which the tree{A146}s narrow vessels and tracheids (water-transporting wood cells) impose on water flow. ...<<
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er det sjovt at være på sol
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Jeg har prøvet andre artikelen, men ingen er helt enig.
Men det er stadigvæk utroligt at naturen kan overkom lovens kændte kræfter.
Mange tak Vandman.
tilføjet af Vandmanden
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