5tilføjet af

Engelsk hjælp hurtigt!

hey, nogle som vil hjælpe med fejl i følgende tekst:
The picture is made by Oleg Dou. On the picture there is a human, who is covered with stickers. The stickers are letters in different colours. The ear and neck is out of focus and only the face is emphasized. The heard is placed in the middle of the picture. The photographer has chosen not to show the whole crown. The picture is very modern, because of the colours and the very simple settings. When you first look at the human in the picture, it looks like a living human, but when you then look closer at it, you can see that the human is very artificial and looks like a porcelain figure. The human haven’t any eyebrows and any eyelashes and the eyes are very shiny. The interpretation of the missing eyelashes can be that the human, is very vulnerable and easily impressionable. Eyelashes are also very feminine, and that they missing, can mean that the human on the picture, isn’t a woman. At the same time the face form a triangle. A triangle is very sexual, and that the triangle is pointed down, is a symbol of a women’s genital. The small noose is also a symbol of a woman, while the mouth looks like a man’s. The lips are dry, wrinkled and very small. That the mouth is closed is also very masculine because a woman’s mouth instinctive is open. An open mouth signal sexuality.
The first I notice at the picture is the human’s eyes. They are very shiny, and they stare at you. It’s like your eyes are catch by the human’s eyes. The eyes have a fixed and empty stare. Because of the two small white circles in the eyes, is looks even more like a porcelain figure. It’s like a lamp is shining from right side of the picture, and make the two small circles.
The colours in the picture are light, and that makes the human looks innocent and neutral. When you look at the picture you travel into an imagined space, were you can feel how the human has it. The different colours at the stickers at the human’s body can interpret that the human is affect on many different attitude. It’s like the human has a facade on. The letters that covered the human, can mean, that th
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indholdet er godt, men det virker som om du har forsøgt at gøre dit engelske bedre med en ordbog, men du skal huske at bøje ordet også... prøv at læse hver sætning igennem og tjeck efter om alle tha ord og endre bindeord er der og evt er sat rigtigt.....
ordet human syns jeg er et dårligt valg,jeg ville have gået efter person eller man.. men det er som sagt mit valg...
syns virkelig du beskriver billedet godt, men tag dine kritiske briller på og tag en sætning af gangen så vil du selv kunne finde småfejlene, for det er virkelig alt hvad det er bitte små fejl..
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Husk grammatikken!! - kongruensfejl trækker MEGET ned.

Linie 5 The human HASN´T - eller HAS not - any eyebrows
Linie 7 and that they ARE missing - eller, bedre: the fact that they are missing...
Linie 8 the face FORMS a triangle
Linie 9 a womAn´s genital
Linie 9 The smal NOSE
Linie 11 instinctiveLY is open
Linie 11 An open mouth SIGNALS
Linie 12 The first THING I notice...
Linie 12 It´s like your eyes are CAUGHT
Linie 14 and makeS the two small circles
Linie 15 and that makes the human LOOK innocent
Linie 16 wHere you can feel how the human FEELS (!!)
Linie 17 that the human is affecTED BY many different attitudeS
Linie 18 cover the human
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Send in the teacher!

Hellere lade den kyndig komme til, jeg trækker mig ærbødigst tilbage, til det lille hul hvor jeg kom fra...;-D
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Sådan var det nu ikke ment

- som jeg husker det, fokuserede du på det indholdsmæssige - altså om teksten gav mening - mens jeg hev den røde grammatikkuglepen frem. Således kan enhver bidrage med sit - og det fungerede vel fint? Ingen grund til, at du trækker dit bidrag tilbage, med andre ord.
tilføjet af

Nej, nej det ved jeg da godt ;-D

Nej, men når nu en med den fornødene ekspertisen er kommet til, hvorfor så gå med livrem og seler.
Det er helt fint med mig, ikke et ondt ord herfra ;-D
Yep, kan se hvor du vil hen, at vi kunne komplementer hverandre, da indfaldsvinklen ikke er den samme ;-)
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