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Havde vi reageret hvis terror-truslen var dansk?

Et øjeblik troede vi at alt skulle ramle sammen, men så viste det sig at vores terror-mand bare var en studerende på vej til eksamen, og han tager det sgu meget cool: http://www.mx.dk/nyheder/danmark/story/10379674
Manden var klædt I tøj fra USA, havde skolebøger i hånden og i sin oppakning. Men han havde en mellemøstlig baggrund.
Havde vi reageret sådan hvis manden havde været ærke europæisk?
Jeg ved ikke om jeg synes det er pinligt, for jeg er da glad for at vide at der bliver reageret, men er også ked af at blive mindet om hvor meget frygt der er for terror i vores tidsalder.
Heldigvis tager han det meget cool, og er ikke blev ked af at være blevet mindet om sin arv og rolle i det danske samfund som mand af mellemøstlig herkomst.
Jeg håber hans eksamen gik godt.
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Ulven kommer effekt..:

Jeg er som du, selvfølgelig glad for opmærksomme menneskers reaktion, men tænker også at man må skulle tage meget på sit åg, at være en helt almindelig ung studerende med eksamens nerverne uden på tøjet og så have mellemøstlig udseende. For NEJ, det havde IKKE været samme, hvis ærke europæisk, det er i hvertil fald min overbevisning.
Har selv været ude for 3 "falske" bombealarmer, hvor jeg tænker kommer der et 4. tilfælde, så er man nok tilbøjelig til at tænke..: Jaja, som om?
Men den tanke tør man jo heller ikke at have, eller hvad?

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Havde vi reageret hvis terror-truslen var dansk?

To you who read this:
You have but two emotions, love and fear. One is changeless but continually exchanged, being offered by the eternal to the eternal. In this exchange it is extended, for it increases as it is given. The other has many forms, for the content of individual illusions differs greatly. Yet they have one thing in common—they are all insane. They are made of sights which are not seen and sounds which are not heard. They make up a private world which cannot be shared. For they are meaningful only to their maker, and so they have no meaning at all. In this world their maker moves alone, for only he perceives them.
Each one peoples his world with figures from his individual past, and it is because of this that private worlds do differ. Yet the figures that he sees were never real, for they are made up only of his reactions to his brothers and do not include their reactions to him. Therefore he does not see that he made them and that they are not whole. For these figures have no witnesses, being perceived in one separate mind only.
It is through these strange and shadowy figures that the insane relate to their insane world. For they see only those who remind them of these images, and it is to them that they relate. Thus do they communicate with those who are not there, and it is they who answer them, and no one hears their answer save him who called upon them, and he alone believes they answered him. Projection makes perception, and you cannot see beyond it. Again and again have men attacked each other because they saw in them a shadow figure in their own private world. And thus it is that you must attack yourself first, for what you attack is not in others. Its only reality is in your own mind, and by attacking others, you are literally attacking what is not there.
The delusional can be very destructive, for they do not recognize that they have condemned themselves. They do not wish to die, yet they will not let condemnation go. And so they separate into their private worlds, where everything is disordered and where what is within appears to be without. Yet what is within they do not see, for the reality of their brothers they cannot see.
You have but two emotions, yet in your private world you react to each of them as though it were the other. For love cannot abide in a world apart, where when it comes it is not recognized. If you see your own hatred as your brother, you are not seeing him. Everyone draws nigh unto what he loves and recoils from what he fears. And you react with fear to love and draw away from it. Yet fear attracts you, and believing it is love, you call it to yourself. Your private world is filled with the figures of fear you have invited into it, and all the love your brothers offer you, you do not see. As you look with open eyes upon your world, it must occur to you that you have withdrawn into insanity.
You see what is not there, and you hear what is soundless. Your behavioral manifestations of emotions are the opposite of what the emotions are. You communicate with no one, and you are as isolated from reality as if you were alone in all the universe. In your madness, you overlook reality completely, and you see only your own split mind everywhere you look. God calls you and you do not hear, for you are preoccupied with your own voice. And the vision of Christ is not in your sight, for you look upon yourself alone.
Little children, would you offer this to your Father? For if you offer it to yourself, you are offering it to Him. And He will not return it, for it is unworthy of you because it is unworthy of Him. Yet He would release you from it and set you free. His sane answer tells you that what you have offered yourself is not true, but His offering to you has never changed. You who know not what you do can learn what insanity is and look beyond it. It is given you to learn how to deny insanity and come forth from your private world in peace.
You will see all that you denied in your brothers because you denied it in yourself. For you will love them, and by drawing nigh unto them, you will draw them to yourself, perceiving them as witnesses to your reality, which you share with God. I am with them as I am with you, and we will draw them from their private worlds, for as we are united, so would we unite with them. The Father welcomes all of us in gladness, and gladness is what we should offer Him. For every Son of God is given you to whom God gave Himself. And it is God to Whom you must offer them to recognize His gift to you.
Vision depends on light, and you cannot see in darkness. Yet in the darkness in the private world of sleep, you see in dreams, although your eyes are closed. And it is here that what you see you made. But let the darkness go, and all you made you will no longer see, for sight of it depends upon denying vision. Yet from denying vision, it does not follow that you cannot see. But this is what denial does, for by it you accept insanity, believing you can make a private world and rule your own perceptions. Yet for this, light must be excluded. Dreams disappear when light has come and you can see.
Do not seek vision through your eyes, for you made your way of seeing that you might see in darkness, and in this you are deceived. Beyond this darkness and yet still within you is the vision of Christ, Who looks on all in light. Your vision comes from fear, as His from love. And He sees for you as your witness to the real world. He is the Holy Spirit's manifestation, looking always on the real world and calling forth its witnesses and drawing them unto you. For He loves what He sees within you, and He would extend it. And He will not return unto the Father until He has extended your perception even unto Him. And there perception is no more, for He has returned you to the Father with Him.
You have but two emotions, and one you made and one was given you. Each is a way of seeing, and different worlds arise from their different visions. See through the vision that is given you, for through Christ's vision He beholds Himself. And seeing what He is, He knows His Father. Beyond your darkest dreams, He sees God's guiltless Son within you, shining in perfect radiance, which is undimmed by your dreams. And this you will see as you look with Him, for His vision is His gift of love to you, given Him of the Father for you.
The Holy Spirit is the light in which Christ stands revealed. And all who would behold Him can see Him, for they have asked for light. Nor will they see Him alone, for He is no more alone than they are. Because they saw the Son, they have risen in Him to the Father. And all this will they understand because they looked within and saw beyond the darkness the Christ in them and recognized Him. In the sanity of His vision, they looked upon themselves with love, seeing themselves as the Holy Spirit sees them. And with this vision of the truth in them came all the beauty of the world to shine upon them.
Teaching from "A Course in Miracles"
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Havde vi reageret hvis terror-truslen var dansk?

Mon ikke den stakkels mand for lov at tage en om-eksamen.
Jeg håber det samme beredskab var trådt i karakter hvis manden havde været hvid, for som vi jo ved er alle terrorister ikke mellemøstlige muslimer. Spørgsmålet er om kvinden havde fundet ham mistænkelig hvis han ikke var lidt mørk i huden.
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Havde vi reageret hvis terror-truslen var dansk?

NEJ, sandheden er at danskere er terror-hysteriske, komplet hjernevaskede efter 9/11 - som i øvrigt var et Inside Job og et False Flag.
Lige nu kører hysteriet så igen efter halshugningen af James Foley, mens 99,9% af befolkningen komplet ignorerer og overser, at det hele var et hoax og at det var CIA der stod bag (dem der ikke ved dette, kan læse denne tråd: http://sol.dk/debat/216-konspirationsteorier/2840006-er-halshugningen-af-james-wright-foley-et-hoax).
Jeg benægter bestemt ikke, at der ER problemer med visse muslimer her i landet. Bevares. Men jeg ser det altså som en heksejagt imod muslimer, ligesom vi havde en heksejagt imod jøderne i 30´erne og 40´erne. Det minder meget om dengang, synes jeg. Alle muslimer skæres over én kam og betragtes som terrorister, sharia-tilhængere, homofober o.s.v., alene fordi de er af mellemøstlig oprindelse. Det tangerer racisme, vil jeg mene.
Hele det danske samfund skylder naturligvis en undskyldning til den yngre mand, der blev hængt ud på alle landets forsider tidligere i dag. Jeg synes det er skammeligt og siger noget om, hvor hysteriske og urimelige folk er blevet overfor folk af mellemøstlig oprindelse.
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Det første man tænker på, hvis man ser en nervøs dansker er, at han må være terrorist - og så ringer man til PET🙂
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Havde vi reageret hvis terror-truslen var dansk?

Se Breivik!
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Havde vi reageret hvis terror-truslen var dansk?

Mon ikke den stakkels mand for lov at tage en om-eksamen.
Jeg håber det samme beredskab var trådt i karakter hvis manden havde været hvid, for som vi jo ved er alle terrorister ikke mellemøstlige muslimer. Spørgsmålet er om kvinden havde fundet ham mistænkelig hvis han ikke var lidt mørk i huden.

Helt sikker er at kvinden deltager her på sol debatten, samme hysteriske tone brugte hun i hendes opringning til politiet 🙁
Tænk at tøsen havde ringet til politiet med en melding om en rocker som opførte sig mistænkeligt, jeg kan allerede forstille mig samtalen 🙂
Bedste af de hele var at manden kom flot igennem eksamen, og fik lov for åbent kamera at forklare at han godt kunne forstå kvinden, det var hverdag for ham, hold kæft hvor er vi ringe
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Det første man tænker på, hvis man ser en nervøs dansker er, at han må være terrorist - og så ringer man til PET🙂

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