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H&M dokumentar

Hej alle:)
Sidder og skriver PR opgave om H&M og deres CSR arbejde. Specielt med henblik på børnearbejde og arbejdsforhold. Er faldet over et navn på en dokumentar som blev vist tilbage i 1997 som hedder "The latest fashion - at what price?" det er en dokumentar hvor det kommer frem at firmaer som H&M, Nike og disney får deres tøj fra fabrikker som bruger børnearbejde.
Men mit problem er så at jeg kan absolut ikke finde den her dokumentar nogen steder på nettet!!
Kunne jo være der var nogen herinde, der måske vidste noget:)
På forhånd tak:)
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Hvem har sendt dem

Har du prøvet DR el TV2?
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Svensk TV

Det var på svensk tv. Vist SVT. Men der har jeg nemlig heller ikke rigtig faht noget held :(
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søg under

børnearbejdere pukler for H&M
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jeg fandt nedenstående...

jeg søgte bare efter hm og sweatshops som de firmaer der bruger børne arbejdskraft går under... måske kan det hjælpe....
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker
In December 1997 a TV documentary was broadcast in Sweden accusing H&M of using child labour in the Philippines. Do you allow children to be used in the production of your clothes?
H&M deliberately distances itself from child labour and consequently we do not accept that our suppliers use child labour in the production of our clothes. We make this clear in our Code of Conduct, which all our suppliers undertake to observe.
We ourselves were very concerned at the allegations in this case and followed them up immediately. In February 1998 we travelled to the Philippines and met the people who took part in the film. These included the nine-year-old girl who was alleged to be working trimming threads on sweaters. It quickly emerged that the allegations were incorrect. When the film was recorded (in summer 1997) Jo-Anne, as the girl is called, was on her summer holidays and had gone to spend an evening with her aunt who worked at the factory. The aunt had taken work home with her and Jo-Anne found it fun to help out for a while.
To assure ourselves that the picture that was conveyed to us during the visit was correct we took a Filipino specialist in child labour with us to the village. She confirmed what Jo-Anne, her teachers and parents told us: this was not a working child. She goes to school for eight hours a day and is a hardworking pupil.
Quite apart from this special case, we have full-time staff who visit our suppliers' factories daily to check that our Code of Conduct is being observed and that child labour is not being used.
Verdict = they do not get clothes from swetshops
Source: http://www.hm.com/ca/abouthmcom/customer
I'm against child labour and sweatshop labour!
1 year ago
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Hej Anja

Kender ikke præcist den dokumentar som du taler om. Men jeg skriver i SRP omkring CSR arbejdet, og du kan gå ind på H&M's hjemmeside under deres CSR arbejde.. der ligger to film, hvor de fortæller alt om arbejdsforhold og miljø mv.
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