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JV og censur på FB

facebook er et sted, hvor man skulde tro at ytdrings friheden hersker.
men det bliver mere og mere censureret.
blandt andet af den gruppe, der er i jehovas vidner.
de grupper der er hvor jehovas vidner er med, skal visse forholds regler følges, for at have lov til at være der.
tror de er de samme som der er i en rigsal.
jeg ved det ikke.
reglerne i disse grupper er generelt:
"Kun upbuilding og opmuntrende kommentarer og drøftelser er tilladt. Negative og / eller kritiske indlæg er ikke tilladt. Overtrædere af denne regel vil blive fjernet."
disse regler gælder også denne gruppe.
da den bliver holdt åben, for at gøre reklame for sekten, og derfor er det vigtigt for dem, at kommetarene, bliver holdt positive.
jo der er en krig på FB lige for tiden.
så meget at der er blivet sendt denne advarelse ud til mange af medlemmerne.
"Dear brothers and sisters,
There have been some opposers who have come in to the group and posted some strange things. If you see someone post something odd like 'I'm so proud of my 6 year old who is getting baptized' this should set off an alarm. We know that we do not allow very young children to get baptized. All young ones must be mature enough to make the truth their own. So, I saw one such post and looked at the person's profile and it turned out that she had apostate friends and was a member of apostate groups.
So the opposers are trying to work their way cunningly into our group and get us to add them as friends. We must be on guard on the internet just as the faithful slave has told us over and over.
If a person does not have a profile picture and makes a strange sounding post, they may be an opposer. I have clicked on such profiles and seen that they apparently came on to FB and have no friends or info or any other groups than the Watchtower fan page. This is a RED FLAG! No one comes on to FB for the first time just to join our group! These are fake profiles!
If you are truly one of Jehovah's Witnesses and do not like the fact that anyone and everyone can join the Watchtower fan page, there is a private, secure group but you must read and comply with the description before you request to join:
While you are sharing upbuilding, positive messages on the Watchtower fan page, if you come across something strange sounding do not reply to the strange post. If you like you can check out the profile of the poster and if the evidence shows that they are an opposer then you can alert the admins by posting an alert to the group IN BOLD like this:
skal du have teksten oversat er der et link til det her.
så hvorfor alt den censur, er sandheden så forfærdelig?
minder jo lidt om stalin tiderne og nazismen, hvor alle anderledes troende skulde renses væk, for alles bedste.
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Ikke desto mindre er det rigtigt

at mindre børn bliver døbt indenfor JV.
Jeg har selv oplevet at en 8 års pige blev døbt, og det var de så stolte af, at hun kom op på podiet for at give en "opbyggende" tale til de andre unge.
Hvorfor må det ikke nævnes på facebook, når det bliver udbasuneret til deres egne stævner og i deres egen litteratur?
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der er også den her

Watchtower 1992 March 1 p.27
“In the summer of 1946, I was baptized at the international convention in Cleveland, Ohio. Although I was only six years of age, I was determined to fulfill my dedication to Jehovah. That summer I served as a pioneer for the first time.”
men ja, hvorfor må det ikke komme frem?
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How Some Make Donations to the Kingdom-Preaching Work
• CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE WORLDWIDE WORK: Many set aside or budget an amount that they place in the contribution boxes labeled: “Contributions for the Society’s Worldwide Work—Matthew 24:14.” Each month congregations forward these amounts either to the world headquarters in Brooklyn, New York, or to the nearest branch office.
• GIFTS: Voluntary donations of money may be sent directly to the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania, 25 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, New York 11201-2483, or to the Society’s office that serves your country. Jewelry or other valuables may also be donated. A brief letter stating that such is an outright gift should accompany these contributions.
• CONDITIONAL-DONATION ARRANGEMENT: Money may be given to the Watch Tower Society to be held in trust until the donor’s death, with the provision that in the case of personal need, it will be returned to the donor.
• INSURANCE: The Watch Tower Society may be named as the beneficiary of a life insurance policy or in a retirement/pension plan. The Society should be informed of any such arrangement.
• BANK ACCOUNTS: Bank accounts, certificates of deposit, or individual retirement accounts may be placed in trust for or made payable on death to the Watch Tower Society, in accord with local bank requirements. The Society should be informed of any such arrangements.
• STOCKS AND BONDS: Stocks and bonds may be donated to the Watch Tower Society either as an outright gift or under an arrangement whereby the income continues to be paid to the donor.
• REAL ESTATE: Salable real estate may be donated to the Watch Tower Society either by making an outright gift or by reserving a life estate to the donor, who can continue to live therein during his or her lifetime. One should contact the Society before deeding any real estate to the Society.
• WILLS AND TRUSTS: Property or money may be bequeathed to the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania by means of a legally executed will, or the Society may be named as a beneficiary of a trust agreement. A trust benefiting a religious organization may provide certain tax advantages. A copy of the will or trust agreement should be sent to the Society.
• PLANNED GIVING: The Society has assembled information on “Planned Giving.” Those who are planning to make a special gift to the Society now or to leave a bequest at death may find this information helpful. That is especially true if they wish to accomplish some family goal or estate-planning objective while using tax benefits to minimize the cost of the gift or bequest. This information can be obtained by writing to the Society at the address shown below.
(The Watchtower 1994 12/1 page 19)
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