Hej igen Lyjse,
Her kommer så min kommentar vedr. dette arkæologiske fund i Tyrkiet:
(der er link, der ikke fungere; sol fejl, men så må I markere dem, kopiere dem, og sætte ind i søgefelste på Google.)
Det er lidt besynderligt, at man mener, at man ikke kan finde arkæologiske ”ting” fra Jesu tid og i forbindelse med Jesus.
Husene, redskaberne, potter og pander, mønter og figurer og andre arkæologiske fund. Det er ligesom om man ikke kan forestille sig, at der var en tid før denne (vor tid).
Det er klart, at dersom man fornægter alt hvad man finder, så har man et problem. Det er i så tilfælde kun nutiden, altså vor tid, det vi selv har set og oplevet vi kan tro på.
F.eks. kun det man finder på et loppemarked, man kan regne for autentiske arkæologiske fund.
Men sådan forholder virkeligheden sig ikke. Jeg kunne godt tænke mig at pege på nogle fakta i denne forbindelse. Fakta, jeg med mine egne øjne har set på muser og i Jerusalem og ellers i Israel.
The True Cross is the name for physical remnants which, by a Christian tradition,
are believed to be from the cross upon which Jesus was crucified.
According to post-Nicene historians such as Socrates Scholasticus, the
Empress Helena, mother of Constantine, the first Christian Emperor of Rome, travelled to the Holy Land in
326–28, founding churches and establishing relief agencies for the poor.
(jeg vil godt lige kommentere dette. Det er altid den Kristne tankegang og Kirker, der hjælper de fattige)
Historians Gelasius of Caesarea and Rufinusclaimed that she discovered the hiding place of three crosses that were believed to be used at the crucifixion of Jesus and of two thieves, St. Dismas and Gestas, executed with him, and that a miracle revealed which of the three was the
True Cross.
Many churches
possess fragmentary remains that are by tradition alleged to be those of the True Cross.
Their authenticity is not accepted universally by those of the Christian faith and the accuracy of the reports surrounding the discovery of the True Cross is questioned by some Christians.
The acceptance and belief of that part of the tradition that pertains to the Early Christian Church is generally restricted to the Catholic and Orthodox Churches.
The medieval legends that developed concerning its provenance differ between Catholic and Orthodox tradition. These churches honour Helena as a saint, as does also the Anglican Communion.
According to Socrates Scholasticus
Socrates Scholasticus (born c. 380), in his Ecclesiastical History, gives a full description of the discovery that was repeated later by Sozomen and by Theodoret.
In it he describes how Saint Helena, Constantine's aged mother, had the temple (a temple for Venus on the Sepulchre ground completely covered with earth. Dette sted Sepulchre er der hvor Jesus blev lagt i stengraven.) destroyed and the Sepulchre uncovered (Jesu stengrav),
whereupon three crosses and the titulus from Jesus's crucifixion were uncovered as well.
In Socrates's version of the story, Macarius (byggeren af Kirken på stedet) had the three crosses placed in turn on a deathly ill woman.
woman recovered at the touch of the third cross, which was taken as a sign that this was the cross of Christ, the new Christian symbol.
(lige en bemærkning her. Blot skyggen af Apostlene var nok til at helbrede)
Socrates also reports that, having also
found the nails with which Christ had been fastened to the cross, Helena sent these to Constantinople, where they were incorporated into the emperor's helmet and the bridle of his horse.
The silver reliquary that was left at the Basilica of the Holy Sepulchre in care of the bishop of Jerusalem was exhibited periodically to the faithful.
In the 380s a nun named Egeria who was travelling on pilgrimage described the veneration of the True Cross at Jerusalem in a long letter, the Itinerario Egeriae that she sent back to her community of women:
Then a chair is placed for the bishop in Golgotha behind the [liturgical] Cross, which is now standing; the bishop duly takes his seat in the chair, and a table covered with a linen cloth is placed before him; the deacons stand round the table, and a silvergilt casket is brought in which is the holy wood of the Cross.
The casket is opened and [the wood] is taken out, and both the wood of the Cross and the title are placed upon the table.
Now, when it has been put upon the table, the bishop, as he sits, holds the extremities of the sacred wood firmly in his hands, while the deacons who stand around guard it.
It is guarded thus because the custom is that the people, both faithful and catechumens, come one by one and, bowing down at the table, kiss the sacred wood and pass through.
And because, I know not when, some one is said to have bitten off and stolen a portion of the sacred wood, it is thus guarded by the deacons who stand around, lest any one approaching should venture to do so again.
And as all the people pass by one by one, all bowing themselves, they touch the Cross and the title, first with their foreheads and then with their eyes; then they kiss the Cross and pass through, but none lays his hand upon it to touch it.
When they have kissed the Cross and have passed through, a deacon stands holding the ring of Solomon and the horn from which the kings were anointed; they kiss the horn also and gaze at the ring...
Before long, but perhaps not until after the visit of Egeria, it was possible also to venerate the crown of thorns, the pillar at which Christ was scourged, and the lance that pierced his side.
Hvorledes er det nye fund ét arkæologisk bevis?
Jo, man praktiserede det i den første Kristne tidsalder, at modtage disse ”ting” der havde religiøs betydning for et konkret bevis for de begivenheder man refererede til i forbindelse med etableringen af den Kristne Kirke i Europa og Lille Asien.
Derfor kunne små dele af Jesu Kors, klædning, tornekrone eller andet fra hans virke og hjem og jordiske familie sagtens befinde sig alle de steder i det sydlige Europa og i det vestlige Lille Asien som sådanne hellige relikvier eller blot genstande man hægede om og opbevarede mere værdifulde end noget andet.
Her viser arkæologen fragment fra den lille stenkiste, som Kors-træ-stumpen befandt sig i.
Jeg kan samtidig fortælle, at man i Israel har fundet Pagtens Ark under tempelpladsen i Jerusalem.
og at et 3. Tempel på selve Tempelpladsen er under planlægning for en opførelse. ”Når I ser Ødelæggelsens Vederstyggelighed stå på Hellig grund ……………
Har du fantasi til at forestille dig konsekvensen? Har du fantasi til at forestille dig konsekvensen af USA indgriben i Syrien?
4) 27.August 2013 Braking News :
In loving remembrance of my friend Ofra Haza: