Træt af Post Danmark.
Har købt en fin model revolver af Bat Masterson (Ok Corral) Colt 45, (altså en attrap) og lovlig, denne kom til landet d.22 marts, og sendt retur d.24 marts, jeg er ikke blevet kontaktet af P.D. på nogen måde, og nu sidder jeg tilbage med et tab på 1900 kr.
jeg har tlf med Post/told, der ikke kan forklare mig hvorfor den er sendt tilbage, men sagde jeg skulle skrive til Post kundeservice, hvad jeg så har gjort, de sender mig så våben loven og regler, jeg skriver så tilbage at denne revolver ikke er omfattet våbenloven da der er tale om en attrap/model, men modtager intet svar, jeg prøver igen og igen og modtager stadige intet svar, jeg ringer til Post Danmark men de henviser mig til Post Danmark Kundeservice og kan intet fortælle. hm
Nu har jeg modtaget en mail fra dette firma jeg købte mine vare og de skriver, de aldrig har været udsat for noget ligende, æsken til revolveren var flået itu, æsken til patronerne var flået itu og bare smidt samlet ned i kassen så alt blev ridse.
Og nu er det jeg spørg, hvad gør jeg? hvem skal jeg kontakte? Post Danmark kan ikke svare mig på dette spørgsmål.
Mailen jeg fik fra firmaet
Hello Casper,
Your order #16427 was returned as undeliverable in Denmark Customs Delvery Attempt Made. Statement: Returned because of the ban on sending weapons in postal items to Denmark (cf. UPU International Bureau Circular 390 of 5 December 2005 and the UPU List of Prohibited Aricles) miss diagnosis of contents by Denmark customs operators as a REVOLVER
The package was properly documented as Antique Article of Decoration, Replica Non Firing Collectors Model. Not a revolver. The Stage Prop Dummy Bullets Completely Inert were also properly documented. The Denmark Customs officials defaced the articles, damaged Collectors Class box and ripped the bag and emptied 50 brass dummy bullets open to bounce around causing further scratches and damages.
We cannot restock the revolver and sell the product as new, first quality condition but we can provide a full credit and waive the 20% restocking fee for the Dummy Bullets. We are not able to refund shipping related fees. Please let us know if you have any questions. We are sorry this happened to you but it is completely out of our control and it is unfortunate that they had to tear the nice manufacturers boxes up and tear everything apart and let 50 bullets bounce around all the way back here. We have never seen anything look like this and we wish they would have just confiscated it all and destroyed it. The replica is worthless to us the way it got misshandled and then returned in such poor condition. Contact your local customs officials to obtain more information or to file a complaint.
jeg har tlf med Post/told, der ikke kan forklare mig hvorfor den er sendt tilbage, men sagde jeg skulle skrive til Post kundeservice, hvad jeg så har gjort, de sender mig så våben loven og regler, jeg skriver så tilbage at denne revolver ikke er omfattet våbenloven da der er tale om en attrap/model, men modtager intet svar, jeg prøver igen og igen og modtager stadige intet svar, jeg ringer til Post Danmark men de henviser mig til Post Danmark Kundeservice og kan intet fortælle. hm
Nu har jeg modtaget en mail fra dette firma jeg købte mine vare og de skriver, de aldrig har været udsat for noget ligende, æsken til revolveren var flået itu, æsken til patronerne var flået itu og bare smidt samlet ned i kassen så alt blev ridse.
Og nu er det jeg spørg, hvad gør jeg? hvem skal jeg kontakte? Post Danmark kan ikke svare mig på dette spørgsmål.
Mailen jeg fik fra firmaet
Hello Casper,
Your order #16427 was returned as undeliverable in Denmark Customs Delvery Attempt Made. Statement: Returned because of the ban on sending weapons in postal items to Denmark (cf. UPU International Bureau Circular 390 of 5 December 2005 and the UPU List of Prohibited Aricles) miss diagnosis of contents by Denmark customs operators as a REVOLVER
The package was properly documented as Antique Article of Decoration, Replica Non Firing Collectors Model. Not a revolver. The Stage Prop Dummy Bullets Completely Inert were also properly documented. The Denmark Customs officials defaced the articles, damaged Collectors Class box and ripped the bag and emptied 50 brass dummy bullets open to bounce around causing further scratches and damages.
We cannot restock the revolver and sell the product as new, first quality condition but we can provide a full credit and waive the 20% restocking fee for the Dummy Bullets. We are not able to refund shipping related fees. Please let us know if you have any questions. We are sorry this happened to you but it is completely out of our control and it is unfortunate that they had to tear the nice manufacturers boxes up and tear everything apart and let 50 bullets bounce around all the way back here. We have never seen anything look like this and we wish they would have just confiscated it all and destroyed it. The replica is worthless to us the way it got misshandled and then returned in such poor condition. Contact your local customs officials to obtain more information or to file a complaint.