3tilføjet af

Vagttårnet er sandheden.

Ja det sagde ftg engang, og mener det sikkert stadig, og når jeg så retter ham i dette, siger han at jeg lyver.
lad os se på hvad vagttårnet har skrevet. uden at ændre i noget her, bare lade deres ord, snakke til dig.
*** The Watchtower January 1, 1942 p.5 ***
Scan available
It clearly appears that Jehovah by Christ Jesus is doing his work on earth among his people and hence is guiding his people in the right way according to his promise... Thus the Lord declares he has entrusted his people with the privilege and obligation of telling his message... Jehovah having thus favored his people, they must be true to him and speak his word to others... The Lord does not say to speak the words of wisdom of man, nor to be influenced or guided by the word of man. Those who are convinced that The Watchtower is publishing the opinion or expression of a man should not waste time in looking at it at all, because a man's opinion proves nothing except when that opinion is based wholly upon the Word of God. Those who believe that God uses The Watchtower as a means of communicating to his people, or of calling their attention to his prophecies, should study The Watchtower with thankfulness of heart and give Jehovah God and Christ Jesus all the honor and credit and give neither honor nor credit to any man. The prophecy of Obadiah shows clearly that the identity of the persons or individuals engaged in God's service is not now material.
og der næst, lidt mere fra vagttårnet om rumflyveninger.
*** The Truth Shall Make You Free (1943) pp.284-285, ch.XXii "THE TIME OF THE END" ***
[Complete book (digital version) available on WT Bookshelf CD]
[Scan Available: pages 284 & 285] http://www.qwotes.info/scans/1943_truth_free_p284-5.pdf

The superficial appearance of our literal earth was greatly changed by the addition of the flood from the fallen water canopy, but upon this same earth another visible organization of ungodly men was built up. It dates particularly from the time of the founding of Nimrod's kingdom at Babel, or Babylon, and it has spread over all the earth. This human, visible organization of religion, commerce and politics makes up the symbolic "earth", and men think it will endure just as long as our earthly planet does. Our planet earth is surrounded by an invisible air mass, which is the "firmament" or expanse of atmosphere extending up about one hundred miles higher than man. In like manner the symbolic "earth" has invisible spirit powers in control of it, namely, the demons under Satan the Devil. This organization of wicked spirits with Satan as their prince is both higher than man and unseen to him. Hence that demon organization constitutes the "heavens" with relation to man's present earthly organization. Man on earth can no more get rid of these demonic "heavens" than man can by airplane or rockets or other means get up above the air envelope which is about our earthly globe and in which man breathes. God alone can and will deliver humankind from such demon powers of control.
ja de har jo ikke ret hele tiden, så at gruge ordet sand om dem, er ikke et ord der dækker dem. da de har lavet fejl. og taget fejl i alle deres profetier intil videre.
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er sandheden. Dette engelske gjorde mig allerede træt. Du debatterer på en dansk side, så skriv dog på dansk - hvor svært kan det være Sveland??
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ærede gæst, det kan også genere...........................

...............mig ind imellem, da mit engelske kan ligge på et frimærke.
Men jeg tror sveland gør dette, for at der ikke skal tabes så meget som et komma, og han derved kan få skudt i skoen, at det ikke var det der stod.
Er der noget nogle af disse mennesker er Proffessionelle i, så er det at slå ned på en enkel kommafejl, og derefter sige, at det var en fejloversættelse.

Med venlig hilsen
tilføjet af

jeg har ikke teksterne på dansk.

men hvis du kan finde dem, er du da meget velkommen til at poste dem, så kan du hjælpe os med at få sandheden frem om vagttårnet,
For der er ingen tvil om at det er noget vagttårnet har udgivet. Så en oversættelse fra mig af vil aldrig komme i nærheden af hvad vagttårnet har oversat det til. så derfor vil jeg forfalske det, hvis jeg oversatte det til dig. men jeg kan da godt gøre et forsøg alligevellet.
så alle kan komme til at læse det på dansk:)
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