4tilføjet af

Er det her korrekt engelsk?

Who oppose and who are in favor of these statements of the liberals and the conservatives?
1. Taxes should not increase.
2. People should be able to withdraw from the labor market as 60-year-old people.
3. The gap between rich and poor should be narrowed.
4. More welfare benefits should be outsourced to private companies for example in elderly care and childcare.
5. Local expenditures should not increase in the coming years.
6. Immigration laws should be tightened further.
7. We shouldn’t have religious considerations in public institutions for example in schools, daycare centers and courtrooms.
8. We should have a common currency in the world.
9. We should have higher targets for CO2 reduction.
10. Politicians should introduce charges for driving with private cars in the big cities.
11. Development aid should be increased.
12. Health services should make greater use of private hospitals.
13. There should be more elite classes or elite schools.
14. The state should take responsibility for the hospitals.
15. It should cost money to go to the doctor.
16. We need to work one more hour per week.
17. The maximum class size on pupils in primary schools should be lowered.
18. Wealthy retirees should contribute to pay for welfare benefits such as home help.
19. Transfer incomes should be frozen for two years after the coming election.
tilføjet af

Er det her korrekt engelsk?

Er det bare mig, eller er det lektier du smider en del op af?
Det er lidt fristende bare at skrive "nej".... Men det meste er nu rigtig nok.

2. People should be able to withdraw from the labor market as 60-year-old people.
People should be able to withdraw from the labour market at the age of 60
3. The gap between rich and poor should be narrowed.
Det her lyder underligt i mine ører, men jeg har ikke et bedre bud, og det er meget muligt der slet ikke er noget galt.
Måske er det fordi der mangler et "down" til sidst...
4. More welfare benefits should be outsourced to private companies for example in elderly care and childcare.
- in
[quote]10. Politicians should introduce charges for driving with private cars in the big cities.[/quote]
Politicians should introduce charges for driving in private cars in the big cities.
Lyder bedre. Ellers kører man med sin bil, og ikke i den.
[quote]12. Health services should make greater use of private hospitals.[/quote]
Her er jeg lidt i tvivl, for det kommer lidt an på hvad originalen evt. siger, eller hvad der helt præcist menes.
Hvis der kun er 1 "health service", så skal der stå "The" foran. Hvis der er flere, skal der stå "Health services".
Evt. skal der stå "free health care" i stedet, eller "free health insurance".
[quote]18. Wealthy retirees should contribute to pay for welfare benefits such as home help.

Jeg kan ikke huske det korrekte udtryk, men "home help" er galt. De har et udtryk for hjemme hjælp på engelsk. Prøv evt. at kigge her: http://www.ageuk.org.uk/home-and-care/
tilføjet af

Er det her korrekt engelsk?

Man KUNNE fristes til at tænke, at Kristianxxxx er spindoktor for Venstre. 😉
Ud over det, kan han også være studerende som du skriver. I så fald, er det på høje tid, at han selv laver sine lektier. Samt hvilket STUDIE stiller disse spørgsmål til deltagerne?!?
tilføjet af

Er det her korrekt engelsk?

1) Conservatives in favor
2)Evenly split between Liberals and Conservatives. Problem is at what rate of pay, and who is providing funds for that retirement. If government, then Liberals favor, if private savings, then Conservatives favor.
3) Both in favor - However the Liberals want to lower the wealthy,while the Conservatives want to raise the poor.
4) Conservative approve
5) Conservatives in favor
6)Conservatives in favor
7) Both in favor, but to different degrees. Conservatives do not want any particular religion advanced by the government, and Liberals want no mention of religion whatsoever, including the celebration of religious holidays like Christmas.
8) Both in favor, as long as it is the US Dollar
9) Liberals in favor. Conservatives believe CO2 limitation is a hoax being perpetrated on the general public, which is why the USA has never signed on to any of the treaties that would limit CO2 emissions.
10) Liberals in favor
11) Liberals in favor
12) 95% (my guess) of the hospitals in the US are private. Very few are actually owned by a government entity. There really is no discussion of this topic.
13) Neither discuss this. Liberals believe there should be more teacher unions, to obtain that goal, I guess more schools are needed. So looking at it that way, you could say that Liberals are in favor of more schools. However, almost all elite schools are private.
14) Neither is in favor
15) Conservative are in favor of health insurance being privately funded. Liberals are in favor of public funding.
16) Not being discussed by either group.
17) Teacher unions always want this - no matter the size of the class, so Liberals in favor
18) Liberals in favor of the "wealthy" (whoever they determine is wealthy) should pay more for everything.
19) I'm not sure what you mean by "transfer incomes." Neither group is currently discussing the freezing of wages.
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Jeg sender det lige over til Villy Søvndal

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