Hvad Russell skrev om 1910
Dette kunne nok interesere Jalmar og fernis:
WATCHTOWER 15 september 1901: reprints
"As our readers are aware, we credit the prosperity
of the world during the past three years very largely
to their wars, which have put hundreds of millions
of dollars into circulation among the people, and
stimulated manufacturing, shipbuilding, etc., at a cost
of an increase of public debts, which, being put into
the shape of negotiable bonds, is practically an increase
in the world's circulating medium--money.
Our principal reason for looking for a further period
of prosperity and inflation is, that in our judgment
there is scarcely time enough to permit a panic
and period of general prostration and then another
period of prosperity and inflation and another panic,
etc., by the time which we think the Scriptures indicate
as the time for the great cataclysm of trouble;
by which the present institutions of Christendom are
all to go down in anarchistic chaos.
The culmination of the trouble in October 1914 is
clearly marked in the Scriptures;* and we are bound
therefore to expect a beginning of that severe trouble
not later than 1910;--with severe spasms between now and
Should the severe trouble come in 1910 we may
infer that it will be preceded by a period of gradual
financial and social disturbances, similar to those of
the past, and leading on toward the condition of desperation
then, or sooner, to be reached.
For these reasons we expect the present wave of prosperity to
roll on a little while: and since it could not do so
without war, or something of the kind, to put more
money and more bonds into circulation--therefore
we look for war, possibly numerous small wars, possibly
great ones. It is a time for wars and rumors of
wars, and of crying Peace, Peace; but the end is not
yet,--a more pronounced federation of Protestantism
is first to be expected, and a consequent persecution
of such as will refuse to worship it."
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WATCHTOWER 15 september 1901: reprints
"As our readers are aware, we credit the prosperity
of the world during the past three years very largely
to their wars, which have put hundreds of millions
of dollars into circulation among the people, and
stimulated manufacturing, shipbuilding, etc., at a cost
of an increase of public debts, which, being put into
the shape of negotiable bonds, is practically an increase
in the world's circulating medium--money.
Our principal reason for looking for a further period
of prosperity and inflation is, that in our judgment
there is scarcely time enough to permit a panic
and period of general prostration and then another
period of prosperity and inflation and another panic,
etc., by the time which we think the Scriptures indicate
as the time for the great cataclysm of trouble;
by which the present institutions of Christendom are
all to go down in anarchistic chaos.
The culmination of the trouble in October 1914 is
clearly marked in the Scriptures;* and we are bound
therefore to expect a beginning of that severe trouble
not later than 1910;--with severe spasms between now and
Should the severe trouble come in 1910 we may
infer that it will be preceded by a period of gradual
financial and social disturbances, similar to those of
the past, and leading on toward the condition of desperation
then, or sooner, to be reached.
For these reasons we expect the present wave of prosperity to
roll on a little while: and since it could not do so
without war, or something of the kind, to put more
money and more bonds into circulation--therefore
we look for war, possibly numerous small wars, possibly
great ones. It is a time for wars and rumors of
wars, and of crying Peace, Peace; but the end is not
yet,--a more pronounced federation of Protestantism
is first to be expected, and a consequent persecution
of such as will refuse to worship it."
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