seth var christ?
syndes at jeg har hørt det før, men har ikke set det før nu ;)
“The twelve rulers spoke with the twelve angels: ‘Let each of you [52] […] and let them
[…] generation [—one line lost—] angels’:
The first is [S]eth, who is called Christ.
The [second] is Harmathoth, who is […].
The [third] is Galila.
The fourth is Yobel.
The fifth [is] Adonaios.
These are the five who ruled over the underworld, and first of all over chaos.
Judas said to Jesus, “[What] is the long duration of time that the human being will live?”
Jesus said, “Why are you wondering about this, that Adam, with his generation, has
lived his span of life in the place where he has received his kingdom, with longevity with
his ruler?”
Judas said to Jesus, “Does the human spirit die?”
Jesus said, “This is why God ordered Michael to give the spirits of people to them as a
loan, so that they might offer service, but the Great One ordered Gabriel to grant spirits to
the great generation with no ruler over it—that is, the spirit and the soul. Therefore, the
[rest] of the souls [54] [—one line missing—].
der er mange spændene ting at finde, der klargøre mange at de ting, der har været besværligt at forstå.