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Amerikas most wanted (kriminelle)

på Amerikas most wanted kan man finde Frederick "Rick" McLean. Som er pædofil i Jehovas vidner.
Det lykkes ham at være pædofil i sekten i 25 til 30 år, på grund af reglen om 2 vidner. før han bliv udstødt.
her er hvad de siger om ham.
Cops say that Frederick "Rick" McLean was described as a loner by those who knew him. An expert mechanic who was financially successful in the business of buying, restoring, and reselling vintage CanAm and open-wheel race cars from the 60's and 70's, McLean lived and worked in the San Diego and Riverside counties of southern California.
According to US Marshals, McLean was a Ministerial Servant in the Jehovah's Witnesses and was utilizing his position of trust to commit sexual crimes against young girls - some no more than five years old.
As one victim's parents told AMW, they had no clue that an alleged sexual predator was amongst them -- even though church elders had prior knowledge of complaints against McLean from another congregation.
McLean was an experienced outdoorsman and would often take children on overnight camping trips. Police maintain that parents trusted him with their kids because of his almost "fanatical concern" for the kids' safety.
Authorities say that McLean was confronted a number of times over the years by those he molested, but Jehovah's Witnesses judicial committees require two witnesses to an event of molestation before taking any kind of disciplinary action. Detectives believe that by moving from one Kingdom Hall congregation to another, McLean was able to keep his crimes mostly hidden for 25 to 30 years, before finally being "outed" to the general public and "disfellowshipped", or expelled, from the religion.
Police say he also left a neatly drawn treasure map with a family member spelling out where a large cache of money is hidden.
A Treasure Map And A Quick Getaway
Ja lad endeligt ikke de små børn komme ind i denne sekt. deres brikker, rykker ikke så hurtigt, at de er til harme for deres omgangs kreds!
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ftg svarer ikke

hvorfor? skammer han sig?
prøver han at tie det ihjel?
er han selv pervers?
tager han stadig narko, og hvilken slags?
spændende med alle disse spørgsmål - håber vi en dag kan få en ærlig snak med ftg, istedet for envejs kommunikation af kopieret jehova vidne cd-rom propaganda.
Indtil da, kan vi vel opstille nogle hypoteser baseret på denne persons tekster.
Vi ved at manden er fanatisk jv'er og ikke vil diskutere, men kun sende indlæg som er kopieret jv-propaganda.
Vi ved at han er tidligere stofmisbruger, måske også alkoholiker.
vi ved at han ikke vil snakke om de dårlige ting i jv, men helst vil tie det ihjel.
Er der andre ting vi kan konkludere?
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