Blir mennesker gjort til kannibaler?
Gennem DISCOUNT,og madligende produkter(ingen navne nævnt,ingen glemt)etc.
Efter devisen hvad-de-ikke-ved-har-de-ikke-ondt-af ❓
[f] [f]
Ender der ting i dyremad,der IKKE burde være der!
Hestekødaskandalen stod mafiaen fx bag,og hvis så det i realiteten handlede om mere,end blot hestekød...
ville Mainstream medierne,så skrive det..
"McDonald’s has been accused of using worm meat fillers. Now, inspectors have allegedly found human meat and horse meat in the freezer’s of an Oklahoma City McDonald’s meat factory. Human meat was also recovered in several trucks that were on their way to deliver the patties to the fast food restaurants. According to various reports, authorities have inspected factories and restaurants across the country and have found human meat in 90% of the locations. Horse meat was found in 65% of the locations. FBI agent Lloyd Harrison told Huzler reporters, “The worst part is that it’s not only human meat, it’s child meat. The body parts were found across the US factories and were deemed too small to be adult body parts. This is truly horrible"
"Cannibalism has gone back tens of thousands of years and is still present today. In 2013 a North Korean man was executed for killing his children for food. Today there are a few tribes that still believe in eating human flesh as a cultural practice. Here in America, people have obsessed about eating human meat such as Jeffrey Dahmer and Albert Fish. We have labeled them mentally ill. To be in denial that this type of thing does not happen, would be foolish"
Lad mig starte op med det forbudte spørgsmål:
Hvad nu hvis.......
Det er sandt,at de her ting de finder sted idag,og
kan få lov til,at fortsætte......
fordi,at raske normale mennesker,end ikke tør tænke tanken..
Efter devisen hvad-de-ikke-ved-har-de-ikke-ondt-af ❓
[f] [f]
Ender der ting i dyremad,der IKKE burde være der!
Hestekødaskandalen stod mafiaen fx bag,og hvis så det i realiteten handlede om mere,end blot hestekød...
ville Mainstream medierne,så skrive det..
"McDonald’s has been accused of using worm meat fillers. Now, inspectors have allegedly found human meat and horse meat in the freezer’s of an Oklahoma City McDonald’s meat factory. Human meat was also recovered in several trucks that were on their way to deliver the patties to the fast food restaurants. According to various reports, authorities have inspected factories and restaurants across the country and have found human meat in 90% of the locations. Horse meat was found in 65% of the locations. FBI agent Lloyd Harrison told Huzler reporters, “The worst part is that it’s not only human meat, it’s child meat. The body parts were found across the US factories and were deemed too small to be adult body parts. This is truly horrible"
"Cannibalism has gone back tens of thousands of years and is still present today. In 2013 a North Korean man was executed for killing his children for food. Today there are a few tribes that still believe in eating human flesh as a cultural practice. Here in America, people have obsessed about eating human meat such as Jeffrey Dahmer and Albert Fish. We have labeled them mentally ill. To be in denial that this type of thing does not happen, would be foolish"
Lad mig starte op med det forbudte spørgsmål:
Hvad nu hvis.......
Det er sandt,at de her ting de finder sted idag,og
kan få lov til,at fortsætte......
fordi,at raske normale mennesker,end ikke tør tænke tanken..