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Er det at stjæle?

eller er det bar en form, for nederdrægtig bedrageri?
Hvis dig og dine venner beslutter jer for at lave en "kirke" og i tager et lån, i banken. og i går så i gang med at bygge "kirken" og når i så er færdig, beslutter folkekirken sig så for at sælge jeres kirke. og fortæller jer at i skal være tro imod gud. og være glade for det i kan give.
Nu kunne jeg ikke forestille mig at folkekirke kunne gøre en ting som dette imod deres egne. men det er noget man kender alt for godt til i jehovas vidner.
her er ens forklaring, med egne ord.
Just reading another thread, and it made me think of a question I could never answer as a JW. But of course ,I can see through it all now.
How is it that when your hall wants to build, you recieve the "loan" from the society, but then you have to pay the loan back with intrest??!!
Here it is donated money, but you have to pay it abck?? What about the scripture that says not to charge your brother intrest?????
I always felt there was something shady about that whole thing!! It reminds me of how my Grandmothers hall wanted to build a new hall for the longest time. They got the green light from the society to build, but a stipulation for getting a "loan" from them was that they has to sell their current hall first. In time, they FINALLY did. They were so thrilled. Many including my elderly Grandmother put additional funds from their savings along with it so that they would not have to borrow so much back from the Society to build the new hall. They were instructed to send the sale funds along with all the funds that were donated to the society as the first step in getting the loan. Well guess what to their disbelief, shock and much disappointment, they recieved a letter AFTER the society recieved the funds of course, that they were not going to be given the loan afterall. The society felt that the funds would be better used in helping build other needed halls in other countries! (yeah right!!) My family that was in that hall was devistated as well as all th others who not only sold their hall, but had put in much money from there savings. It was quite a blow! Now they have to drive something like 30 minutes one way just to get to meeting and are still sharing a hall. This was a number of years ago. It was UNBELIEVABLE!! What is even more amazing is that when I tried bringing this incident up to my JW family that experienced it they don't like that I am using it to show the watchtowers dishonesty, and they act like it was no big deal. Oh but at the time it sure was!! Funny how the story changes once they know you have doubts!! But before they realize this they did nothing but complained about it!!
It is crazy how once you leave you can see so clearly what is really going on!! Anyone else with simular stories??
Lady Liberty
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Hej sveland er det at stjæle..............?

........jeg har tiolladt mig at stjæle dit link, og give det en lidt anden drejning! :-)

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