Jeg vil sige det på denne måde. Det er lidt pinligt, at det er mig der skal være ”Jehovas” vidne og fortælle, undervise og blære jer om hvad Jehovas Vidner lære, underviser i og tror på. Essensen af den efterfølgende her er Jehovas Vidners troslære.
Dersom du vil fornægte dette kan du ikke være et Jehovas Vidner. Men som sagt; lad det komme an på en prøve.
Mener du, at dette offentlige skøde på ejendommen (ikke Beth Sarim), men den anden paladsagtige bygning Beth Shan;
mener du, at Jehovas Vidner lære, at disse navngivne personer fra Bibelens tidligste beretninger som Abel, er dem dette offentlige skøde fortæller om?
Mener du, at det er hvad man kan læse i ”Consolation of May 27, 1942” af Vagttårnselskabet (svarende til det efterfølgende navn, Vågn Op).
The Beth Shan property purchased Feb. 3, 1939 by William P. Heath, Jr., member of the WT board of directors, and Rutherford's confidant and secretary.
The Beth-Shan property was purchased on February 3, 1939 by William P. Heath, Jr., who was a Watch Tower Board of Directors member, and Rutherford’s confidant and secretary.6 The deed dated May 20, 1940, by which this property was conveyed to the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society, reads in part,
The deed which was dated May 20, 1940, conveyed the property to the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society. A portion of the deed of trust reads as follows:
NOW THEREFORE this trust is created and the said trustee shall hold the title to said property in trust for the use and benefit of the following named persons, whose names appear in the Bible at the Book of Hebrews, chapter eleven, verses one to forty, to wit: Abel, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Sarah, Joseph, Moses, Rahab, Gideon, Barak, Samson, Jephthae, David, Samuel.
Until such time as the aforementioned persons return and identify themselves to the legal representatives of the said WATCH TOWER BIBLE & TRACT SOCIETY and by the consent of said Society take possession and control of said premises, the President of the WATCH TOWER BIBLE & TRACT SOCIETY shall have the right and be duty bound to direct the management and use of said premises hereby conveyed and to determine who shall be in possession and have the active management thereof.
(Book 1075, pp. 42-43, County Recorder)
Dette er altså det officielle skøde på ejendommen.
Vagttårnets blad; Consolation!
For at gøre læsningen nemmere, skal du ”klikke” på Full Text.
"The Theocracy is
another name for the Kingdom of God, for which
all Christians have been taught to pray.
"After its completion, Beth-Sarim was held in
trust for the visible representatives of The Theoc-
racy. These men will shortly be resurrected and
made the official governors or princes of the earth.
"They are specifically mentioned in the 11th
chapter of Hebrews. Among them are included
Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joshua and Gideon, all
of whom died faithful to Jehovah in the days of
ancient Israel.
Altså det er korrekt, at Vagttårnselskabet lærer og underviser, at ”Abel, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Sarah, Joseph, Moses, Rahab, Gideon, Barak, Samson, Jephthae, David, Samuel”, skal oprejses til evigt liv her på planeten Jorden.
Bogen; ”Salvation” contains a discussion of these princes (pages 307-310), kapitel 6 =
At all times since the challenge was flung into His face by the Devil Jehovah God has had on
earth some faithful and true servants. Among such are mentioned Abel, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, and others. (Hebrews chapter 11) Included therein are all of Cod's faithful prophets from Samuel to John the Baptist. Those men had faith in God and in his promise to set up a government and peace, and they fully devoted themselves to God, refusing to compromise in any manner whatsoever with Satan's world or organization.
None of them can ever be members of the heavenly kingdom or government of Jehovah, for the manifest reason that they all died before the ransom sacrifice was provided and paid over. Those faithful men of old, faithful and true to God, others have long looked upon and spoken of as "our fathers". (Psalm 39:12; 22:4) Those time and faithful men told their children of God and of their own faith in his promises. "We have heard with our ears, 0 God, our fathers have told us, what work thou didst in their days in the times of old." (Psalm 44:1) Those men are held forth in the Scriptures as examples of faith and true devotion. (Hebrews 12:1)
Being faithful, they received at God's hand a "good report". They were witnesses to the name and majesty of Almighty God, and he approved them, and concerning them the inspired apostle, who is a member of the kingdom, wrote: "These all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off, and were persuaded of them, and embraced them, and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth." "And these all, having obtained a good report through faith, received not the
promise: God having provided some better thing for us, that they without us should not be made perfect." (Hebrews 11:13,39,40) The apostle Paul spoke also of himself when he said "us", and he knew that he could not be made perfect until the coming of Christ Jesus, the King of glory (2 Timothy 4:8); and therefore the faithful men of old could not be made perfect until the setting up of the kingdom. It is certain, then, from the Scriptures that these men shall be brought back from death as "perfect" men. What, then, shall be their place in Jehovah's arrangement and under his theocratic government?
The abundance of Scriptural evidence, together with the physical facts that have come to pass showing the fulfillment of prophecy, conclusively proves that the time for the battle of the great day of God Almighty is very near and that in that battle all of God's enemies shall be destroyed and the earth cleared of wickedness, preparatory to the complete establishment of righteousness.
The affairs of the earth then will be under the complete control of Christ Jesus; and the faithful men of old above mentioned, resurrected as perfect creatures, will act as the representatives on earth of the theocratic government. The evidence also abundantly shows that those faithful men will be back on the earth at the beginning of Armageddon. From the Scriptures it appears to be absolutely certain that some of the remnant will be on the earth when those faithful men appear, and certainly those who compose the great multitude will also be on the earth, and all of these will meet and greet earth's princes.
At San Diego, California, there is a small piece of land, on which, in the year 1929, there was built a house, which is called and known as Beth-Sarim.
The Hebrew words Beth Sarim mean "House of the Princes"; and the purpose of acquiring that property and building the house was that there might be some tangible proof that there are those on earth today who fully believe God and Christ Jesus and in His kingdom, and who believe that the faithful men of old will soon be resurrected by the Lord, be back on earth, and take charge of the visible affairs of earth.
The title to Beth-Sarim is vested in the WATCH TOWER BIBLE & TRACT SOCIETY in trust, to be used by the president of the Society and his assistants for the present, and thereafter to be for ever at the disposal of the aforementioned princes on the earth. To be sure, everything then on the earth will belong to the Lord, and neither the Lord nor the princes need others to build houses for them; but it was thought well and pleasing to God that the aforementioned house be built as a testimony to the name of Jehovah and showing faith in his announced purposes.
The house has served as a testimony to many persons throughout the earth, and while the unbelievers have mocked concerning it and spoken contemptuously of it, yet it stands there as a testimony to Jehovah's name; and if and when the princes do return and some of them occupy the property, such will be a confirmation of the faith and hope that induced the building of Beth-Sarim.
Nu kan jeg næsten ikke skære det mere ud i hverken pap eller noget andet materiale. Dersom du nu vil benægte dette kan du altså ikke være et Jehovas Vidner fordi dette er selve grundvolden for Jehovas Vidners lære den grundvold der blev lagt da ”Herren kom til sit tempel i 1930erne og rensede og oprejste ledelsen af Vagttårnet (igen).
Jeg er, Ven af Sandheden.