Med afsæt i Charles Taze Russell (Jehovas Vidner Vagttårnet 1892) fablerier eller skal jeg sige fantasier drømte han lige som Joseph Smith (Mormonerne) født 23. december 1805 i Sharon, Vermont, død 27. juni 1844; om Israels genrejsning / genoprettelse og jødernes tilbagevenden til ”Palæstina”; altså det oprindelige Israel.
Charles Taze Russell (også kaldet, The Laodikean Messenger)
Russell wrote:
"There are now in the world more than ten million Jews, about three-quarters of whom are in Russia, Poland, the Balkan States, and Turkey. If the movement toward Palestine should get the impulse that the Hirsch committee is able to give it, an imaginative person can conceive of the country's doubling or trebling its Jewish population before the close of our century, and of its having a larger Jewish population fifty years hence than it had in ancient times, when its census ran up to three millions. Should the restoration be accomplished, all hail to the New Jerusalem!" Watchtower 1892 November 1 p.329
"The more closely we investigate the New Covenant, the more we must be convinced of this fact - that it belongs to Israel alone." Watch Tower 1909 January 15 p.28
"That the re-establishment of Israel in the land of Palestine is one of the events to be expected in this Day of the Lord, we are fully assured by the above expression of the Prophet [commenting on Amos 9:11, 14, 15]. Notice, particularly, that the prophecy cannot be interpreted in any symbolic sense" Studies in the Scriptures Series III - Thy Kingdom Come p.244
"Although the Jews are gradually flowing into Palestine, gradually obtaining control of the land of Canaan, and although reports say that already nineteen millionaires are there, nevertheless, prophecy requires an evidently larger number of wealthy Hebrews to be there before the Armageddon crisis be reached. Indeed, we understand that "Jacob's trouble" in the Holy Land will come at the very close of Armageddon. Then Messiah's Kingdom will begin to be manifested. Thenceforth Israel in the Land of Promise will gradually rise from the ashes of the past to the grandeur of prophecy." Studies In the Scriptures Series IV - The Day of Vengeance - Forward pp. xviii, xix
"…expected the year 1914 to mark a significant turning point for Jerusalem" Jehovah's Witnesses - Proclaimers of God's Kingdom p.135
Rutherford continued with this concept until 1932, upholding Russell's ideal that the Jews and Jerusalem had a special place in prophecy. It was believed that the Jews had remained as God's special people and Jerusalem was to be restored. The Finished Mystery, on pages 536 and 555 was also openly Zionist, as was Comfort for the Jews p.55
"The promise, time and again repeated, that the Lord would regather them and bless them in the land and keep them there and bless them for ever is conclusive proof that the promise must be fulfilled ... Behold, that time is now at hand!"
On 17th October 1920, Rutherford delivered a lecture in Jerusalem in which he is quoted in The Golden Age 1921 Easter pp.369-382 'Zionism Certain to Succeed' as saying;
"Israel is absolutely certain to be fully established as a nation and the Jews again as a specially favored people of God…The zealous workers in Zionism today are fulfilling prophecy…Zionism is one of the steps in the great divine program."
This was more than just an expectation as the Proclaimers book puts it, it was 'absolutely certain'. Up until the 1930's the events happening to the Jews in the 19th and 20th century were even considered to be proof that this is the time of the end.
"(The) regathering of Israel to Palestine would be one of the most conclusive proofs of his presence." The Harp of God (1921) p.256
"1918 Jews began to rebuild Palestine … proof of the Lord's presence at the end of the world" Creation (1927)
Anti-Semitic comments crept into the Golden Age during the late 1920's, and in 1934 Zionism was renounced by Rutherford.
"Be it known once and for all that those profiteering, conscienceless, selfish men who call themselves Jews, and who control the greater portion of the finances of the world and the business of the world, will never be the rulers in this new earth. God would not risk such selfish men with such an important position" The Golden Age 1927 February 23 p.343
"The Journal of the A.M.A. is the vilest sheet that passes the United States mail. Nothing new and useful in therapeutics escapes its unqualified condemnation. Its attacks are generally ad hominem. Its editorial columns are largely devoted to character assassination. Its editor (Morris Fishbein) is of the type of Jew that crucified Jesus Christ."The Golden Age 1934 September 26 p.807
Citat fra Vagttårnet Jehovas Vidner slut.
2.November 1917
Vestbredden er navnet på et 5.860 kvadratkilometer stort landområde, der er afgrænset mod øst af Jordanflodens vestlige bred (deraf navnet) og mod nord, vest og syd af den såkaldte grønne linje, den grænsedragning der blev foretaget i under våbenstilstanden af 1949, efter den Israelsk-arabiske krig i 1948.
40% af området er under begrænset palæstinensisk civilkontrol, mens Israel har overordnet kontrol (inklusive kontrol over israelske bosættelser, landlige områder og grænseområder).
Befolkningen på 2.385.615 (estimat fra juli 2004) er primært ”palæstinensisk” ( d.v.s. arabere).
Derudover bor der ca. 364.000 Israelske bosættere på Vestbredden, heraf ca. 177.000 i Øst Jerusalem.
Øst Jerusalem ligger inden for området defineret af grænsedragningen efter den Israelsk-arabiske krig i 1948, men Øst Jerusalems status som en del af Vestbredden er kontroversiel.
Efter seksdageskrigen i 1967 annekterede Israel Øst Jerusalem, og betragter ikke længere Øst Jerusalem som en del af Vestbredden.
Denne annektering er dog ikke internationalt anerkendt. Under alle omstændigheder betragtes Øst Jerusalem som oftest separat fra Vestbredden alene på grund af dennes politiske vigtighed. Osloaftalen behandler eksempelvis Øst Jerusalems status separat fra andre af de palæstinensiske områder. ( Osloaftalen er det rene antisemitiske vrøvl).
NB! ”Navnet "Vestbredden" blev først brugt af Jordan efter anneksionen af området i 1949”.
Det er den oftest brugte betegnelse for området, men andre navne er i brug:
Cisjordan eller Cis-Jordan (Latin: "på denne side af Jordan[floden]") er det typiske navn på latinske sprog
Judæa og Samaria bruges mest på hebraisk og refererer til de to gammel-testamentlige kongeriger Judæa i nord og Israel i syd. Sidstnævntes hovedstad var Samaria for en tid. Altså gammel Israelsk territorium.
Da området er defineret af grænsedragningen efter den Israelsk-arabiske krig i 1948, vil denne artikel ikke beskrive historien for området før 1949.
Fra 1949 til 1967 var området under ”Jordansk kontrol” efter forskrifterne i våbenstilstandsaftalen efter den Israelsk-arabiske krig i 1948.
Efter seksdageskrigen i 1967 kom området under Israelsk kontrol, hvorefter Israel annekterede Øst Jerusalem.
NB! ”I 1988 opgav Jordan sine krav på Vestbredden”, altså det landområde, der ad bagdøren havde været under Jordan kontrol og derfor ikke tilhørte Jordan, men var et slags ”ingenmandsland”.
år 2006.
* Løgn nr. 3) Det er jo på mange måder glædeligt, at arabiske lande stille og roligt nærmer sig demokratiske tilstande.
Officials fear Hamas terror from Gaza.
Hamas cells may come in through porous Gaza-Egypt border, stage attacks on Israel, security officials warn
Ronny Sofer.
Large quantities of weapons, including anti-tank missiles, have been pouring into the Gaza Strip through the porous Egyptian border, IDF and Shin Bet officials warned Friday.
Security officials are concerned that in the coming weeks terror cells will launch Qassam rockets from Gaza and also fear an increase in attempted terror attacks by Hamas cells originating from Rafah that would attempt to reach Israeli population centers through the Egyptian border.
Gaza Strip
Palestinians force their way into Egypt / Ali Waked
Thousands of Palestinians break through Egyptian, Palestinian Authority lines on the Gaza border; Abbas says, ‘We are working with our brothers, the Egyptians, to close the openings so the situation will be under control in 2-3 days’
According to intelligence assessments, terror experts are being brought into the Gaza Strip in a bid to recover Palestinian terror capabilities in the near future. According to a senior security official, individuals possessing in depth terror-related knowledge may have entered Gaza in recent days through Rafah.
The security establishment is also concerned about the transfer of raw materials earmarked for the Qassam rocket industry, a move that could boost the range of Qassams and allow them to hit the southern town of Ashkelon, north of Gaza.
“We have prepared and warned this could happen,” sources in the IDF Southern Command said. “To our regret, for the time being the border in Rafah remains porous. If the Egyptians wanted to, they would completely seal off the border within an hour.”
“For the time being, the Egyptians are not doing enough, and in our estimate the quantity of weapons and terror experts who are moving in constitutes a threat that could see a rise in terror from Gaza,” one source said.
“Unfortunately, this threat could materialize in the near future.”
Border mayhem continues.
Thousands of Palestinians broke through Egyptian and Palestinian Authority lines on the Gaza border for a second day Friday, pouring into Egypt in defiance of government attempts to secure the frontier.
Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas toured the Rafah border Friday and met with senior Egyptian officials.
“We are working with our brothers, the Egyptians, to close the openings so the situation will be under control in 2-3 days,” he said.
Witnesses reported that armed Palestinians, mainly Hamas and Popular Resistance Committees members, have recently managed to create an additional opening in the fence by ramming a truck into it.
Hundreds, and perhaps thousands of Palestinians were able to cross the border before PA police forces were able to control the scene.
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
Palæstinensere: fuld støtte til al-Qaidas terrorangreb i Europa
Det norske meningsmålingsinstitut fafo har for nyligt (mellem 19. november og 10. december 2005) foretaget en meningsmåling blandt araberne i Palæstina. Det er nogle artige resultater, der er kommet ud af sagen.
Om den våbenhvile, der eksisterede mellem Israel og araberne indtil omkring nytår hedder det for eksempel:
83% mener, det er en fordel for araberne at bibeholde våbenhvilen (tabel 2.4 side 17).
Det lyder jo umiddelbart lovende for fredsprocesen. Der er imidlertid et problem:
74% er imod, at de arabisk-palæstinensiske sikkerhedsstyrker sikrer, at våbenhvilen faktisk bliver overholdt (tabel 2.5 side 18).
Med andre ord er våbenhviler i orden, så længe det kun er Israelerne, der skal overholde dem. Det kan da også ses på statistikkerne over terror-angreb under våbenhvilen.
Den Israelske efterretningsorganisation Shin Bet har således registreret samfulde 2990 arabiske-palæstinensiske terror-angreb siden våbenhvilen trådte i kraft!
Det er imidlertid, når talen falder på al Qaeda, at svarene begynder at blive interessante:
12% støtter al Qaedas terrorangreb i Jordan (tabel 2.22(3), s55)
33% støtter al Qaedas terrorangreb i Irak (tabel 2.22(1), s 53).
65% støtter al Qaedas terrorangreb i Europa og USA (tabel 2.22(2), s 54)
Drab på uskyldige er altså i orden, så længe det ikke lige går ud over dem selv (halvdelen af Jordans befolkning er palæstinensiske arabere).
Omtrent lige så interessant er fordelingen af støtten i den sidstnævnte tabel (2.22(2) ). Modsat hvad vi normalt får at vide bunder støtten til terror i dette tilfælde ikke i lav uddannelse og arbejdsløshed - det er tværtimod i grupperne med den laveste uddannelse og dem uden arbejde, at støtten er lavest.
Oppinions and attitudes to the peace process, governance, security and service provision in The West Bank and gaza Strip (pdf).
Pressemeddelelse med resumé af de vigtigste resultater findes her (pdf).
Dækning i den norske presse:
NRK: Palæstinenser støtter terror
Aftenposten: Bred palæstinensisk støtte til al-Qaeda
Dækning i den danske presse: ikke-eksisterende.
Skrevet af en anonym debattør:
Verden handler ikke om dem og deres religion.
Jeg er syg og træt at folk fra Mellemøsten, hvor der er diktatur, og hvor der har været slavehandel, hvor folk ikke forstår mening med demokrati og hvor vesterlændinge eller andre bliver slået ihjel.
De vil gerne påtvinge deres religion i hele verden, og hvis påtvang vores tro derned så ville vi har været slået ihjel af psykiske syge mennesker, der tror at de bliver martyr. Dem der bor i mange vestlige lande skal vide en ting.
Der er demokrati i Vesten, og de er værdier, som de skal respektere. De handler ikke om dem. Det handler ikke om deres religion. Verden handler ikke om deres religion.
Jeg støtter Jyllands Posten, og jeg vil opmuntre andre aviser til at gøre det samme. Vi er ikke i Tyrkiet eller andre mellemøstlige lande, heller ikke Indonesien. Jeg ved at når man ytrer sig, bærer man også ansvar, men disse demonstration viser bare hvordan muslimske lande er langt fra demokrati. Finito !
Vi er i et frit samfund
Tak Frankrig
Tak England
Tak hele Vesten
Som du kan se, forholder virkeligheden sig ganske anderledes. Dersom du er i tvivl, så bosæt dig gerne i Gaza, Ægypten, Saudi Arabien, eller et hvilket som helst muslimsk land og dyrk dine tanker der på stedet.
Venlig hilsen
Ven af Sandheden.