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Peace and security

Real peace and security!
The nations with the United Nations talking more and more and more about peace and security, without being aware of a prophecy in the Bible that says:
(1 Thessalonians 5:3) Whenever it is that they are saying: "Peace and security!" then sudden destruction is to be instantly upon them just as the pang of distress upon a pregnant woman; and they will by no means escape.
It is clear that there will come a point when the nations with the United Nations will proclaim peace and security, they will think they have found the solution to their problems with the peace and security. But then will the great tribulation break out. (Matthew 24:21)
The great tribulation begins with an attack on all false religion (Revelation 17:16) the nations will together with the UN attack all false religion and destroy all false religion. Afterwards, the Son of Man characters show up in the sky, and Warrior King Jesus Christ will come with his angels to destroy nations and the United Nations in Armageddon. (Matthew 24:30, Revelation 19:11-21)
Nations and the UN will understand that now is their time to be destroyed come, Warrior King Jesus Christ will send his angels to destroy them, afterwards it will be dead people all over the world. They will be eaten by birds and wild animals. (Jeremiah 25:33, Ezekiel 39:17, Revelation 19:17,18) Peace and security will be a fact, that as peace and tranquility across the earth (Psalm 72:7) Warrior King Jesus Christ, the King of God Empire will then rule the entire earth.
The kingdom of God will be victorious, and introduced real peace and security. (Daniel 2:44)
This is a great encouragement to all peace-loving people who love Jehovah God and Jesus Christ, they know that when the Son of Man characters turns out the deliverance be near, the kingdom of God will come and remove the evil people, and introduce the paradise on earth. (Luke 21:28)
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Peace and security

很明顯,有到了某個時候與各國,聯合國將宣布和平與安全,他們會認為他們已經找到了解決他們的問題與和平與安全。但是,當巨大的苦難會爆發。 (馬太福音24:21)
在巨大的苦難開始攻擊所有假宗教(啟示錄 17點 16分),各國將與聯合國一起攻擊都是假的宗教和銷毀所有偽宗教。其後,人子的字符出現在天空,戰士王耶穌基督將同他的使者,來破壞聯合國和聯合國在世界末日。 (馬太福音24:30,啟示錄 19:11-21)
聯合國和聯合國都明白,現在是他們的時間來被摧毀,戰士王耶穌基督將派遣他的天使,銷毀,事後將死者的世界各地。他們將吃鳥類和野生動物。 (耶利米書 25:33,以西結書 39:17,啟示錄 19:17,18)和平與安全將是一個事實,即和平與安寧的地球上的(詩篇 72:7)勇士國王耶穌基督,上帝的國王帝國會統治整個地球。
在上帝的王國會取得勝利,引進真正的和平與安全。 (但以理書 2:44)
這是一個極大的鼓舞所有愛好和平的人們誰愛耶和華上帝和耶穌基督,他們知道,當人子人物原來是接近解脫,上帝的王國會和清除邪惡的人,並引進地球上的天堂。 (路加福音21點 28分)
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