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Jerusalem's Destruction (The City of Jerusalem)
587 or 607?
Most historians agree that 539-B.C.E. is the date of the overthrow of Babylon, for there is much evidence pointing to this. So, it is called an absolute date.
However, secular historians say that Babylon’s king (NebuChadnezzar) began his reign in 605-B.C.E., while the Bible seems to indicate that his reign began in 625-B.C.E. What accounts for the 20-year discrepancy?
Notice that the Bible says at Jeremiah 52:12, 13 (NIV): ‘On the tenth day of the fifth month, in the nineteenth year of Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon, Nebuzaradan commander of the imperial guard, who served the king of Babylon, came to Jerusalem. He set fire to the temple of the LORD, the royal palace and all the houses of Jerusalem. Every important building he burned down.'
Editor's Note:
The words 'nineteenth year' do not appear here in the Septuagint. However, that it was the nineteenth year is indicated at Jeremiah 32:1.
The Bible shows that the Jews returned to their homeland in the first year of King Cyrus, which would have been 537-B.C.E. So, we arrive at 607-B.C.E. for the start of the desolation of Jerusalem by counting 70 years back from 537-B.C.E. (using the prophecy of the 70-years of Jerusalem’s desolation).
And since the destruction occurred in NebuChadnezzar’s 19th year, if we count 18 years back from 607-B.C.E., this shows us that the date when NebuChadnezzar began his rule was 625-B.C.E.
Jerusalem Uninhabited for Seventy Years
The simple reason for concluding that 607-B.C.E. is the correct date can be found at Daniel 9:1, 2, which reads, ‘It was during the first year of the reign of Darius, the son of AhasuErus from the seed of the Medes, who ruled over the kingdom of the Chaldeans, that I DaniEl came to understand the number of the years from the words that [Jehovah] had given to the Prophet JeremJah, for there he prophesied that Jerusalem would lie desolate for seventy years.’
Daniel's Exile
Some also claim that Daniel was in Babylon during the 2nd year of NebuChadnezzar’s reign.
So, they reason that if NebuChadnezzar started his rule in 625-B.C.E. and Daniel was brought into exile before that, he would have been well over 100-years-old when he died, since he lived under the rule of Cyrus and Darius after Babylon was conquered.
But notice what Daniel 1:1 says: ‘It was during the third year of the reign of JehoiAkim (the king of Judah) that NebuChadnezzar (the king of Babylon) came to Jerusalem and attacked it.’
Note that it was NebuChadnezzar who did the conquering and took the exiles, and among these exiles was Daniel, for Daniel 1:5, 6 says, ‘Then the king arranged for them to eat at the king’s table each day, to share in his banquet wine, and to have them taken special care of for three years. And after that, they were to be brought before the king.’
So, Daniel had been in captivity for at least three years by the end of this period, right?
Now let’s compare the dates. Ezekiel gave this prophecy in 570-B.C.E., so the desolation had to take place sometime after that. Vat 4956 (the source that establishes the 37th year of NebuChadnezzar and which secular historians believe to be 568-B.C.E.) also talks about NebuChadnezzar’s campaign against Egypt. So according to secular chronology, NebuChadnezzar desolated Egypt in 568… his 37th year.
So, the 40-year desolation would have ended in 528-B.C.E. But Cyrus let all the exiles go in 537-B.C.E.!
So, here is the true chronology:
625 – NebuChadnezzar begins his rule
617 – Daniel, Ezekiel, and JehoiAchin were exiled
614 – Daniel’s training ends
607 – Jerusalem was destroyed and the 70 years begin
606 – Ezekiel prophesies against Tyre
606 – The siege of Tyre and the 70 years of being forgotten begins
605 – Daniel interprets NebuChadnezzar’s dream
590 – Ezekiel gets the prophecy of Egypt’s desolation and tells of the siege of Tyre is now completed (it lasted 13 years according to Josephus)
588 – Egypt’s 40-year desolation begins
548 – Egypt’s 40-year desolation ends
539 – Babylon is conquered
537 – the Jews are restored to their homeland and the 70 years end
536 – the 70 years on Tyre end when they provide timber for Jerusalem.
Yes, the date of 607-B.C.E. the fall of Jerusalem fits perfectly with the Bible. It is in fact the only date that does fit perfectly… no other date will work!
Her er mit indlæg hvorfra disse oplysninger findes i 2 link.
Hertil skriver solveigj,
"solveigj": Hej Platoon.
Desværre er mit syn ikke så godt, og jeg har stort besvær med at læse så meget, men hvis du har nogle modargumenter til mine indlæg er du meget velkommen til at komme frem med dem, men ikke for langt, tak.
Venlig hilsen solveigj
Ftg: Dette årstal regnes for sikkert af både historikere og af bibelstuderende.
Eftersom der er enighed om at året 539 er korrekt, så er det dette årstal Jehovas Vidner går ud fra, når de skal udregner profetien om de syv tider.
Mener du ikke også selv at året 539 f.v.t. var det år da Persien indtog Babylon?
Dette spørgsmål må du gerne besvare.
Citat slut.
Solveigj: Jo, det er helt korrekt. Og det er netop dette årstal, der er tale om i Jeremias 25:12, da Kyros gjorde op med Babylons konge, og forud for dette opgør siger Jeremias, at der var afsluttet en 70 års periode, som jo så må være begyndt i 609 f.v.t., ikke. Det er forøvrigt den eneste 70-års periode, som Jeremias omtaler.
Det vil så igen sige, at Jehovas Vidners 70-års periode fra 607 f.v.t. til 537 f.v.t. er det rene vrøvl.
70-års perioden referer til Babylons terrorregime over de omkringliggende nationer, og Babylon fik derved sin velfortjente straf.
Citat slut.
Som jeg har skrevet tidligere, I er enige om, at Jehovas Vidner har regnet 2 år forkert og ftg påstår, at det har man ikke.
Jeg vil så sige, at, at regne 2 år forkert har ikke den store betydning for mig.
Sebl har så sin egen version hvor han er så flink, at medtage alle årstal, både 607BC og 588BC o.s.v. fordi han har opfundet (fundet) 2 årsperioder. Godt gået sebl.