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19tilføjet af blume
Voldtægt skal på skoleskemaet
Det er en af overskrifterne på Metroexpress hjemmeside her til formiddag. Enhedslisten og Konservative sætter fokus på problemet efter det er kommet frem, at kun hver ottende offer for voldtægt melder det til politiet. (!!)
Ved at sætte voldtægt og andre seksuelle krænkelser og forbrydelser på skoleskemaet mener de, at det vil øge antallet af ofre som melder forbrydelsen til politiet. Jeg synes det er på tide at dette emne bliver taget op og endda bliver taget alvorligt.
Men er det OK at sætte voldtægt og seksuelle krænkelser på skoleskemaet? Og hvor unge skal vores børn være når de bliver præsenteret for disse emner i seksualundervisningen? Kan man egentlig være FOR ung???
Artiklen kan findes her:
tilføjet af gitte1111
Voldtægt skal på skoleskemaet
Det er super fint at få sat lys på overgreb. Børn skal lære at sige fra og at søge hjælp hvis de bliver udsat for vold, enten psykisk eller fysisk.
Hvor gamle skal de være❓Det må godt starte tidligt for min skyld. Selvfølgelig uden at skræmme de små børn. Men de må godt lære at sige fra i en tidlig alder.
tilføjet af 123456+
Voldtægt skal på skoleskemaet
Jeg skulle til at svare et andet indlæg om samme emne, da det på mystisk vis forsvandt fra siderne.
Så måske fjernes dit indlæg også "af uransagelige årsager?"
Selvfølgeligt kan den slags undervisning komme "for tidligt", men selv i de yngre alders klasser, bør børnene undervises i hvad der er rigtigt og forkert, og at de, pigerne først og fremmest, ikke skal finde sig i noget og at deres nej skal respekteres.
Nu regner jeg ikke med at undervisningen vil foregå med voldsporno og rape film på programmet, men udelukkende med almindelig "kedelig" undervisning, og lige det emne burde der så ikke være de store problemer med at tilføre i undervisningen.
tilføjet af alexsmithnielsen
Voldtægt skal på skoleskemaet
Tidspunktet for det skal vel være når de får sexual undervisning når de er 12-13 år. Men det ville da være fint så pigerne lære at det ikke er dem som har gjort noget forkert og så drenge kan få indtryk af at det ikke er sejt og bruge kvinder som en ejendom.
tilføjet af saturn6
Voldtægt skal på skoleskemaet
Forslaget er aldeles uhørt!
Jeg synes nok, at det var betydeligt mere gavnligt at lære børnene om næstekærlighed i stedet for, for når det projekt lykkes vil der slet opstå voldtægt.
Det kunne desuden være særdeles forfriskende, hvis man i stedet for at lære dem om hævn og straf underviste dem i tilgivelse, for det er den eneste medicin, der virker, hvis vi ønsker et samfund, der er baseret på kærlighed.
tilføjet af Blue velvet
Voldtægt er ok - hvis man ikke har en klud!
tilføjet af 123456+
Voldtægt er ok - hvis man ikke har en klud!
Voldtægt begået af en muslimsk mand mod en ikke tilsløret kvinde, er som du skriver helt lovligt, set med de muslimske briller på.
Voldtægt begået af manden mod konen i ægtesengen eller på køkkenbordet eller hvor den muslimske mand nu lyster, er også tilladt, igen med de muslimske briller på.
tilføjet af Jaguren
Voldtægt skal på skoleskemaet
Skal det læres (i skolen) hvordan fx. en mand slipper godt fra at voldtage en kvinde?
tilføjet af anklageren
Voldtægt skal på skoleskemaet
Skal det læres (i skolen) hvordan fx. en mand slipper godt fra at voldtage en kvinde?
Hvis det ikke er en mand, hvem kan det så være, der slipper godt fra at voldtage en kvinde?
tilføjet af anklageren
Voldtægt er ok - hvis man ikke har en klud!
Voldtægt begået af en muslimsk mand mod en ikke tilsløret kvinde, er som du skriver helt lovligt, set med de muslimske briller på.
Voldtægt begået af manden mod konen i ægtesengen eller på køkkenbordet eller hvor den muslimske mand nu lyster, er også tilladt, igen med de muslimske briller på.
... og du ved selvfølgelig af erfaring, hvordan en muslim tænker :-)
En kvinde uden slør eller en ikke muslimsk kvinde, er ikke at regne som en kvinde men som frit bytte, for hun ligger jo selv op til dt.
tilføjet af saturn6
Voldtægt skal på skoleskemaet
To you WHO read this: Read and learn about Justice!
The Principle of Salvation
63 The Holy Spirit can use all that you give to Him for your salvation. But He cannot use what you withhold, for He cannot take it from you without your willingness. For if He did, you would believe He wrested it from you against your will. And so you would not learn it is your will to be without it. You need not give it to Him wholly willingly, for if you could, you'd have no need of Him. But this He needs—that you prefer He take it than that you keep it for yourself alone and recognize that what brings loss to no one you would not know. This much is necessary to add to the idea no one can lose for you to gain. And nothing more.
64 Here is the only principle salvation needs. Nor is it necessary that your faith in it be strong, unswerving, and without attack from all beliefs opposed to it. You have no fixed allegiance. But remember salvation is not needed by the saved. You are not called upon to do what one divided still against himself would find impossible. Have little faith that wisdom could be found in such a state of mind. But be you thankful that only little faith is asked of you. What but a little faith remains to those who still believe in sin? What could they know of Heaven and the justice of the saved?
65 There is a kind of justice in salvation of which the world knows nothing. To the world, justice and vengeance are the same, for sinners see justice only as their punishment, perhaps sustained by someone else but not escaped. The laws of sin demand a victim. Who it may be makes little difference. But death must be the cost and must be paid. This is not justice but insanity. Yet how could justice be defined without insanity where love means hate and death is seen as victory and triumph over eternity and timelessness and life?
66 You who know not of justice still can ask and learn the answer. Justice looks on all in the same way. It is not just that one should lack for what another has. For that is vengeance in whatever form it takes. Justice demands no sacrifice, for any sacrifice is made that sin may be preserved and kept. It is a payment offered for the cost of sin, but not the total cost. The rest is taken from another, to be laid beside your little payment to "atone" for all that you would keep and not give up. So is the victim seen as partly you, with someone else by far the greater part. And in the total cost, the greater his, the less is yours. And justice, being blind, is satisfied by being paid, it matters not by whom. Can this be justice? God knows not of this. But justice does He know and knows it well. For He is wholly fair to everyone.
67 Vengeance is alien to God's Mind because He knows of justice. To be just is to be fair and not be vengeful. Fairness and vengeance are impossible, for each one contradicts the other and denies that it is real. It is impossible for you to share the Holy Spirit's justice with a mind that can conceive of specialness at all. Yet how could He be just if He condemns a sinner for the crimes he did not do but thinks he did? And where would justice be if He demanded of the ones obsessed with the idea of punishment that they lay it aside unaided and perceive it is not true? It is extremely hard for those who still believe sin meaningful to understand the Holy Spirit's justice.
68 They must believe He shares their own confusion and cannot avoid the vengeance that their own belief in justice must entail. And so they fear the Holy Spirit and perceive the "wrath" of God in Him. Nor can they trust Him not to strike them dead with lightning bolts torn from the "fires" of Heaven by God's own angry hand. They do believe that Heaven is hell and are afraid of love. And deep suspicion and the chill of fear comes over them when they are told that they have never sinned. Their world depends on sin's stability. And they perceive the "threat" of what God knows as justice to be more destructive to themselves and to their world than vengeance, which they understand and love.
69 So do they think the loss of sin a curse. And flee the Holy Spirit as if He were a messenger from hell sent from above in treachery and guile to work God's vengeance on them in the guise of a deliverer and friend. What could He be to them except a devil dressed to deceive within an angel's cloak. And what escape has He for them except a door to hell that seems to look like Heaven's gate?
70 Yet justice cannot punish those who ask for punishment but have a Judge Who knows that they are wholly innocent in truth. In justice, He is bound to set them free and give them all the honor they deserve and have denied themselves because they are not fair and cannot understand that they are innocent. Love is not understandable to sinners because they think that justice is split off from love and stands for something else.
71 And thus is love perceived as weak and vengeance strong. For love has lost when judgment left its side and is too weak to save from punishment. But vengeance without love has gained in strength by being separate and apart from love. And what but vengeance now can help and save, while love stands feebly by with helpless hands, bereft of justice and vitality and powerless to save? What can Love ask of you who think that all of this is true? Could He, in justice and in love believe in your confusion you have much to give? You are not asked to trust Him far. No further than what you see He offers you and what you recognize you could not give yourself.
72 In God's own justice does He recognize all you deserve but understands as well that you cannot accept it for yourself. It is His special function to hold out to you the gifts the innocent deserve. And every one that you accept brings joy to Him as well as you. He knows that Heaven is richer made by each one you accept. And God rejoices as His Son receives what loving justice knows to be his due. For love and justice are not different. Because they are the same does mercy stand at God's right hand and give the Son of God the power to forgive himself of sin.
73 To him who merits everything, how can it be that anything be kept from him? For that would be injustice and unfair indeed to all the holiness that is in him, however much he recognize it not. God knows of no injustice. He would not allow His Son be judged by those who seek his death and could not see his worth at all. What honest witnesses could they call forth to speak on his behalf? And who would come to plead for him and not against his life? No justice would be given him by you. Yet God ensured that justice would be done unto the Son He loves and would protect from all unfairness you might seek to offer, believing vengeance is his proper due.
74 As specialness cares not who pays the cost of sin, so it be paid, the Holy Spirit heeds not who looks on innocence at last, provided it is seen and recognized. For just one witness is enough if he sees truly. Simple justice asks no more. Of each one does the Holy Spirit ask if he will be that one, so justice may return to love and there be satisfied. Each special function He allots is but for this—that each one learn that love and justice are not separate. And both are strengthened by their union with each other. Without love is justice prejudiced and weak. And love without justice is impossible. For love is fair and cannot chasten without cause. What cause can be to warrant an attack upon the innocent? In justice then does love correct mistakes, but not in vengeance. For that would be unjust to innocence.
75 You can be perfect witness to the power of love and justice if you understand it is impossible the Son of God could merit vengeance. You need not perceive in every circumstance that this is true. Nor need you look to your experience within the world, which is but shadows of all that is really happening within yourself. The understanding which you need comes not of you but from a larger Self, so great and holy that He could not doubt His innocence. Your special function is a call to Him that He may smile on you whose sinlessness He shares. His understanding will be yours. And so the Holy Spirit's special function has been fulfilled. God's Son has found a witness unto his sinlessness and not his sin. How little need you give the Holy Spirit that simple justice may be given you!
76 Without impartiality there is no justice. How can specialness be just? Judge not because you cannot, not because you are a miserable sinner too. How can the special really understand that justice is the same for everyone? To take from one to give another must be an injustice to them both, since they are equal in the Holy Spirit's sight. Their Father gave the same inheritance to both. Who would have more or less is not aware that he has everything. He is no judge of what must be another's due, because he thinks he is deprived. And so must he be envious and try to take away from whom he judges. He is not impartial and cannot fairly see another's rights because his own have been obscured to him.
77 You have the right to all the universe—to perfect peace, complete deliverance from all effects of sin, and to the life eternal, joyous and complete in every way, as God appointed for His holy Son. This is the only justice Heaven knows, and all the Holy Spirit brings to earth. Your special function shows you nothing else but perfect justice can prevail for you. And you are safe from vengeance in all forms. The world deceives, but it cannot replace God's justice with a version of its own. For only love is just and can perceive what justice must accord the Son of God. Let love decide and never fear that you in your unfairness will deprive yourself of what God's justice has allotted you.
From A Course in Miracles
tilføjet af Jaguren
Voldtægt skal på skoleskemaet
[quote="Jaguren" post=2845175]Hmm!
Skal det læres (i skolen) hvordan fx. en mand slipper godt fra at voldtage en kvinde?[/quote]
Hvis det ikke er en mand, hvem kan det så være, der slipper godt fra at voldtage en kvinde?
En hund - et æsel - en dromedar - vælg selv.
tilføjet af gitte1111
Voldtægt skal på skoleskemaet
Du er ironisk, ikke sandt❓Lov mig at du er ironisk...
tilføjet af 123456+
Voldtægt skal på skoleskemaet
And you har stadig not lært to skrive danish?
tilføjet af 123456+
Voldtægt skal på skoleskemaet
Nu kender jeg ganske vist ikke eksempler, men intet forhindrer en kvinde i at voldtage en anden, for voldtægt er vel egentlig ikke begrænset til "en stivert ind og ud af hullet".
En mand kan sagtens blive dømt for at voldtage en anden mand, og en kvinde for at voldtage en mand, så hvorfor ikke også for at voldtage en anden kvinde?
Nå ja, nu har jeg ikke interesse i at lede efter den slags, og det var i sidste ende dig selv der stillede spørgsmålet om hvem, udover en mand der kunne voldtage en kvinde, længere oppe i tråden.
tilføjet af fuerzzz
Voldtægt skal på skoleskemaet
Der findes allerede "seksual-undervisning" i skolerne...
Men må indrømme - tror jeg var 12-13 år og så satte man en helt alm lærer på den opgave at undervise i seksual-ting... hele klassen sad bare og grinede, selvom det jo er er vigtigt emne.
Og hvornår ER en voldtægt en voldtægt?
Altså der er jo de åbenlyse som en pige som bliver overfaldet på vej hjem fra byen en mørk nat - men så er der jo alle de tilfældet hvor en pige vågner næste morgen og måske fortryder hvad hun gjorde aftenen før og føler sig krænket....
Det er i mine øjne IKKE voldtægt, så må hun lære at "se sig bedre for"...!
tilføjet af saturn6
Let forgiveness be the lesson not rape!
Forgiveness is the key to happiness.
1 Here is the answer to your search for peace. Here is the key to meaning in a world which seems to make no sense. Here is the way to safety in apparent dangers which appear to threaten you at every turn and bring uncertainty to all your hopes of ever finding quietness and peace. Here are all questions answered; here the end of all uncertainty ensured at last.
2 The unforgiving mind is full of fear and offers love no room to be itself, no place where it can spread its wings in peace and soar above the turmoil of the world. The unforgiving mind is sad, without the hope of respite and release from pain. It suffers and abides in misery, peering about in darkness, seeing not, yet certain of the danger lurking there.
3 The unforgiving mind is torn with doubt, confused about itself and all it sees, afraid and angry, weak and blustering, afraid to go ahead, afraid to stay, afraid to waken or to go to sleep, afraid of every sound, yet more afraid of stillness; terrified of darkness, yet more terrified at the approach of light.
4 What can the unforgiving mind perceive but its damnation? What can it behold except the proof that all its sins are real? The unforgiving mind sees no mistakes, but only sins. It looks upon the world with sightless eyes and shrieks as it beholds its own projections rising to attack its miserable parody of life. It wants to live, yet wishes it were dead. It wants forgiveness, yet it sees no hope. It wants escape, yet can conceive of none because it sees the sinful everywhere.
5 The unforgiving mind is in despair, without the prospect of a future which can offer anything but more despair. Yet it regards its judgment of the world as irreversible and does not see it has condemned itself to this despair. It thinks it cannot change, for what it sees bears witness that its judgment is correct. It does not ask because it thinks it knows. It does not question, certain it is right.
6 Forgiveness is acquired. It is not inherent in a mind, which cannot sin. As sin was an idea you taught yourself, forgiveness must be learned by you as well, but from a Teacher other than yourself, who represents the other Self in you. Through Him you learn how to forgive the self you think you made and let it disappear. Thus you return your mind as one to Him Who is your Self and Who can never sin.
7 Each unforgiving mind presents you with an opportunity to teach your own how to forgive itself. Each one awaits release from hell through you and turns to you imploringly for Heaven here and now. It has no hope, but you become its hope. And as its hope, do you become your own. The unforgiving mind must learn through your forgiveness that it has been saved from hell. And as you teach salvation, you will learn.
8 Yet all your teaching and your learning will be not of you, but of the Teacher Who was given you to show the way to you. Today we practice learning to forgive. If you are willing, you can learn today to take the key to happiness and use it on your own behalf. We will devote ten minutes in the morning and at night another ten, to learning how to give forgiveness and receive forgiveness too.
9 The unforgiving mind does not believe that giving and receiving are the same. Yet we will try to learn today that they are one through practicing forgiving toward one whom you think of as an enemy and one whom you consider as a friend. And as you learn to see them both as one, we will extend the lesson to ourselves and see that their escape included ours.
10 Begin the longer practice periods by thinking of someone you do not like, who seems to irritate you or to cause regret in you if you should meet him; one you actively despise or merely try to overlook. It does not matter what the form your anger takes. You probably have chosen him already. He will do.
11 Now close your eyes and see him in your mind and look at him a while. Try to perceive some light in him somewhere-a little gleam which you had never noticed. Try to find some little spark of brightness shining through the ugly picture which you hold of him. Look at this picture till you see a light somewhere within it, and then try to let this light extend until it covers him and makes the picture beautiful and good.
12 Look at this changed perception for a while, and turn your mind to one you call a friend. Try to transfer the light you learned to see around your former "enemy" to him. Perceive him now as more than friend to you, for in that light his holiness shows you your savior, saved and saving, healed and whole. Then let him offer you the light you see in him and let your "enemy" and friend unite in blessing you with what you gave. Now are you one with them and they with you. Now have you been forgiven by yourself.
13 Do not forget throughout the day the role forgiveness plays in bringing happiness to every unforgiving mind, with yours among them. Every hour tell yourself:
14 Forgiveness is the key to happiness.
I will awaken from the dream that I
Am mortal, fallible, and full of sin,
And know I am the perfect Son of God.