Ja, jeg vil også spørge dig: ” Hvorfor læser du ikke blot i Bibelen”? Eller hvorfor spørger du ikke Jehovas Vidner, så får du det ”rette” svar?
Eller du kan jo så gøre, som du nu har gjort, spørge her på debatten. Nu er det altså desværre sådan, at det vi andre svare dig her, ikke falder i god jord hos Jehovas Vidner. Det betyder, at du kan ikke selv læse Bibelen og ”forstå” hvad der står endsige, hvad den mener.
Du er nød til, at studere med Jehovas Vidner for overhovedet, at fatte hvad Bibelen indeholder af oplysninger.
Ingen ved noget ”sandt” uden Jehovas Vidner. Når du så bliver mødt med svaret, ” Hvorfor læser du ikke blot i Bibelen (hvad der står i Bibelen), så er tanken jo den at, ”at læse i Bibelen selv ”! betyder = ”studer Bibelen med Jehovas Vidner eller "/ ”spørg Jehovas Vidner".
Men hvis du har mod på at høre hvad andre har at sige, har jeg et par forslag.
1) Tænk over det svar Katarin har givet dig. Et meget sandt og uddybende svar, som kan give dig indsigt, samfund med Jesus i Gud Faderen og Den Hellige Ånd. Du kan så at sige selv blive eet med Herren Jesus og blive een med ”Ham”.
”.......at de alle må være eet, ligesom du, Fader! I mig, og jeg i dig, at også de må være eet i os, så verden må tro, at du har sendt mig.
Og den herlighed, du har givet mig, den har jeg givet dem, for at de skal være eet, ligesom vi er eet, jeg i dem og du i mig, for at de må være fuldkomne eet.....”.
citat fra Johannes Evangeliet kap. 17 vers 21,22,23.
Derfor kunne Jesus svare ”røveren” på korset: ” Sandelig siger jeg dig. I dag skal du være med mig i paradis”.
Nu er vi ikke de første, men ”de sidste”. Dengang for snart 2000 år side, troede de på ” hvad de havde set og oplevet”. Vi tror fordi vi er overbevist af Helligånden.
”Helligånden vidner sammen med vor ånd, at vi er Guds børn”.
2) Så disse kristne jøder og senere hedningerne, som kom til tro, først en lille skare og så en stor skare, forstod, troede og tilbad. Hvad de så og hvad de troede på har de givet udtryk for i mange skrifter bl.a. Thomas Evangeliet.
Thomas var den, som blev kaldt ”Tvilling” / ”didymos”. Nu var der mange Thomas`er og mange Jesus`er, men Bibelen fortæller faktisk om en samtidig Jesus, med vor Jesus. Nemlig Jesus også kaldet Justus.jfr. Kollossenserbrevet kap. 4 vers 11. OK
Om Thomas så var vor Thomas kan jeg ikke fastslå, men den som har nedskrevet Thomas Evangeliet fortæller om en Thomas, vor Thomas, som faktisk blev påstået var Jesu tvilling. Det påstår ”denne” Thomas.
Du kan selv læse det her. OK?
The Gospel of Thomas
The Fifth (5th) Gospel
The Gospel of Thomas is a collection of traditional sayings, prophecies, proverbs, and parables of Jesus. The Coptic Gospel of Thomas was translated from the Greek; in fact, several fragments of this Greek version have been preserved, and can be dated to about 200 C.E. Thus the Greek (or even or Aramaic) collection was composed in the period before about 200 C.E., possibly as early as the second half of the first century, in Syria, Palestine, or Mesopotamia. The authorship of the Gospel of Thomas is attributed to Didymos Judas Thomas, that is, Judas "the Twin," who was an apostle of Jesus.
The relationship of the Gospel of Thomas to the New Testament gospels have been a matter of special interest: many of the sayings of the Gospel of Thomas have parallels in the synoptic gospels (Matthew, Mark, and Luke). A comparison of the sayings in the Gospel of Thomas with their parallels in the synoptic gospels suggests that the sayings in the Gospel of Thomas either are present in a more primitive form or are developments of a more primitive of such sayings. Indeed, the Gospel of Thomas resembles the synoptic sayings source, often called "Q" (from the German word Quelle, "source"), which was the common source of sayings used by Matthew and Luke. Hence, the Gospel of Thomas and its sources are collections of sayings and parables are closely related to the sources of the New Testament gospels. Because of the close parallel between many of the sayings in Thomas and the Gospels, some scholars have suggested that Thomas is also based on the Q source or is actually Q itself. Of course, these remain only hypotheses since there is no conclusive proof that a Q source ever existed. Still, the existence of a collection of sayings of Jesus as early as the dates proposed for Thomas suggests that there did exist such a collection in the early church. Some authorities have referred to this sacred text as the Fifth Gospel (5th Gospel)
A primary criticism to the Gospel of Thomas is of its Gnostic origin. This is primaraly due to the fact most ancient Gnostic writings are in Coptic and that the Gospel of Thomas was found among other Gnostic writings. This is a clear case of judgement by association. Greek fragments older than the Coptic version prove the Gospel of Thomas predates Gnosticism so the Gnostic bias should be removed.
The Apostle Thomas was also called Didymus which in the Greek means Twin or Double.
KJV John 11:16 said Thomas, which is called Didymus KJV John 20:24 ..one of the twelve, called Didymus KJV John 21:2 Simon Peter, and Thomas called Didymus
This is from the King James Version, some translations render it the Twin instead of using the Greek Didymus
Revised Standard Version John 11:16 Thomas, called the Twin, said to his fellow disciples, "Let us also go, that we may die with him."
Amplified Bible John 11:16 Then Thomas, who was called the Twin...
The Gnostics called Thomas the Twin Brother of Jesus. Since the Gnostic movement was started about 100 years or so after the death of Christ, the oral history had obviously been distorted by then on this particular detail.
Gospel of Thomas
Scholars Translation
Gospel of Thomas
Paul Halsall
Gospel of Thomas
Translator Nancy Johnson
Gospel of Thomas
Messrs-Brill of Leiden
Gospel of Thomas (Research by Stevan Davies.) a New Translation Based On the Inner Meaning Mark's Use of the Gospel of Thomas Mark's Use of the Gospel of Thomas II Gospel of Thomas Translated by Thomas O. Lambdin Gospel of Thomas: Dennis Bratcher Is the Gospel of Thomas Reliable? Why Isn't The Gospel of Thomas Canon? Gospel of Thomas Gnostic Scripture Johannine Sayings in the Gospel of Thomas The Gnostic Apostle Thomas Gospel of Thomas: Nadia Babich and Hang Nguyen THE GOSPEL OF THOMAS, AND THE OTHER GNOSTIC APOCRYPHAL GOSPELS The truth behind the hidden Gospel of Thomas Rehabilitating the Gospel of Thomas What about the Gospel of Thomas? Gospel of Thomas xref NT Thomas at the Crossroads: Essays on the Gospel of Thomas The Fifth Gospel: The Gospel of Thomas Comes of Age Gospel of Thomas Yeshua: The Gospel of St. Thomas The Mustard Seed : DisCourses on the Sayings of Jesus Taken from the Gospel according to Thomas The Gospel of Thomas: The Hidden Sayings of Jesus The Gospel of Thomas: Unearthing the Lost Words of JesusUnearthing the Lost Words of Jesus: The Discovery and Text of the Gospel of Thomas The Gospel of Thomas and Jesus Insights from the Secrets Teachings of Jesus: The Gospel of Thomas Gospel of Thomas Study Guide
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