Chanting 666..
"New Age betyder Ny tid. Og dermed menes, at kristendommens tid er forbi, og at det ud fra Zodiaks 12 stjernetegn kan bevises. New Age lærer, at fra midt i tresserne begyndte en ny tidsalder, da vi gik ind i Vandmandens tidsalder. (Vandmanden er af de 12 stjernetegn i Zodiak.)
Fra firserne har New Age bevægelsen fulgt en nøje planlagt kurs til at infiltrere alle medier og undergrave den bibelsk prægede moral. Og medierne blev snart i høj grad spredere af disse idéer.
Først måtte alt, hvad der hed kristendom, ryddes af vejen, og til det brugtes og bruges mange former for angreb. Først formåede man at skifte verdensbilledet fra teisme (gudstyret) til ateisme (styre uden gud). New Age lod Østens religioner svømme over Vesten. Dernæst kom ”hippie” kulturen, der banede vej for marihuana, rockkoncerter og politiske demonstrationer. 60´ernes ungdomsoprør åbnede vejen til opstand mod det eksisterende samfund men først og fremmest mod alt, der var udsprunget af kristendommen"
"Within the Temple of Set, a member is required to read certain books. Fritz, the co-author has a list of books a Temple of Set member is asked to read, with the comments attached by the Temple of Set to each suggested title. In their suggested/required reading Category 19 entitled “The Metamind” is Metropolis by Thea von Harbou. Their comments are “An Expressionistic portrait of a negative utopia in which humans are controlled by machines.. .the basis for many electronic/audio-visual ritual techniques employed by the Church of Satan and further developed by the Temple of Set.” (p. C21-2) Another is Physical Control of the Mind: Towards a Psychocivilized Society by Jose M.R. Delgado. Their comments, “Delgado, Professor of Physiology at Yale University, is one of the most distinguished authorities in the field of Electrical/chemical Stimulation of the Brain (ESB). This book is necessarily dated, but it is so well-written that it deserves to be perused as a preface to more recent works on the subject.” (p.C-16?-2) The Psychology of Anomalous Experience by Graham Reed. Their comments, “This book addresses unusual, irregular, and puzzling experiences- deja’vu, illusions, delusions, hallucinations, etc.-in terms of the mind’s normal psychological processes of gathering, monitoring, processing, and storing information" 😕
"New Age betyder Ny tid. Og dermed menes, at kristendommens tid er forbi, og at det ud fra Zodiaks 12 stjernetegn kan bevises. New Age lærer, at fra midt i tresserne begyndte en ny tidsalder, da vi gik ind i Vandmandens tidsalder. (Vandmanden er af de 12 stjernetegn i Zodiak.)
Fra firserne har New Age bevægelsen fulgt en nøje planlagt kurs til at infiltrere alle medier og undergrave den bibelsk prægede moral. Og medierne blev snart i høj grad spredere af disse idéer.
Først måtte alt, hvad der hed kristendom, ryddes af vejen, og til det brugtes og bruges mange former for angreb. Først formåede man at skifte verdensbilledet fra teisme (gudstyret) til ateisme (styre uden gud). New Age lod Østens religioner svømme over Vesten. Dernæst kom ”hippie” kulturen, der banede vej for marihuana, rockkoncerter og politiske demonstrationer. 60´ernes ungdomsoprør åbnede vejen til opstand mod det eksisterende samfund men først og fremmest mod alt, der var udsprunget af kristendommen"
"Within the Temple of Set, a member is required to read certain books. Fritz, the co-author has a list of books a Temple of Set member is asked to read, with the comments attached by the Temple of Set to each suggested title. In their suggested/required reading Category 19 entitled “The Metamind” is Metropolis by Thea von Harbou. Their comments are “An Expressionistic portrait of a negative utopia in which humans are controlled by machines.. .the basis for many electronic/audio-visual ritual techniques employed by the Church of Satan and further developed by the Temple of Set.” (p. C21-2) Another is Physical Control of the Mind: Towards a Psychocivilized Society by Jose M.R. Delgado. Their comments, “Delgado, Professor of Physiology at Yale University, is one of the most distinguished authorities in the field of Electrical/chemical Stimulation of the Brain (ESB). This book is necessarily dated, but it is so well-written that it deserves to be perused as a preface to more recent works on the subject.” (p.C-16?-2) The Psychology of Anomalous Experience by Graham Reed. Their comments, “This book addresses unusual, irregular, and puzzling experiences- deja’vu, illusions, delusions, hallucinations, etc.-in terms of the mind’s normal psychological processes of gathering, monitoring, processing, and storing information" 😕