Charles Taze Russell og Pyramiderne Teologi?
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har ført til en erkendelse af baggrunden for Charles Taze Russell Pyramideteologi, som jeg ikke kendte til. ( Det er værre end jeg troede)
Det er efter min mening et emne der burde forskes i (Charles Taze Russell) af nogle kandidater. Det er altså grunden til, at jeg skifter til et nyt debat emne.
……………………………Charles Taze Russsell og Pyramiderne……………………………………….
Pyramide tekster ægte.
Det der forbavsede mig i Lyjse henvisning (Link) var bl.a. denne udtalelse:
”……………. det menneske, der har oplevet disse dybe tilstande, der ligger over tænkningens højeste udtryk, kan ikke beskrive dem, for det vil medføre en reduktion, en forenkling og en opsplitning af oplevelsen, der er i modstrid med erkendelsens natur.
For hinsides tankens adskillende natur får menneskets bevidsthed kontakt med en oplevelse af altings enhed, og den kan ikke beskrives ved hjælp af det adskillende tankesind.
I den høje bevidsthedstilstand er den, der oplever og selve oplevelsen smeltet sammen i en syntese.” Citat slut.
Nu er jeg ikke 100% enig med denne definition, men selvfølgelig er der noget om snakken. Imidlertid mener jeg, at dersom man kan dele oplysninger, karakteren af de indtryk de gør og de arkæologiske vidnesbyrd, kan man langt hen ad vejen tilføre hinanden samme bevidstheds oplevelse der dog kan tales om og få noget ud af det.
Jeg har en tilståelse at gøre. Efter at have læst det jeg nu vil dele med jer, får jeg en meget mærkelig følelse af ”afmagt” og ”sorg” i mit sind.
Det er ikke noget der skræmmer mig, men det har muligvis noget at gøre med den dæmoniske magt Jehovas Vidner efterhånden har tiltaget sig og udøver over det enkelte medlem så jeg (og andre) i den grad forundres over, at medlemmerne (her på debatten ftg, AnonymJv(2), Anonym, jirene, floarea og mange andre) overhovedet ikke aner noget om hvad hele deres trosgrundlag er.
De tror det handler om Bibelen (og det gør det vel også), men Bibelen omtaler også Moses` tid i Ægypten og den ”visdom” Moses lærte hos sin fostermor, Faraos søster.
Her bliver jeg nød til, at fremkomme med en forfatter ved navn Jakob Holdt der har forsket i Moses og dennes samtid. Der er nye og spændende oplysninger som nok er værd at stifte bekendtskab med og bogen kan anbefales.
Jeg citere:
”Det kan undre at man ikke tidligere har brugt Artapanus til at fastslå hvilken farao, Moses blev adopteret af. For sandt at sige har ingen anden farao i hele Ægyptens historie end Sobekhotep IV heddet Khaneferre, som tog navnet da han ca. 1529 f. K. besteg tronen. Han nåede ikke Ramses II’s proportioner, men betegnes dog som det 13. dynastis største farao i en tid med "mange konger." Hans svigerfar Palmanothes må være en af de i dag ukendte konger i det 14. dynasti, som herskede oppe i deltaet sideløbende med det 13. nede ved Memphis.
I den anden historikers version hedder Palmanothes datter i øvrigt Tawaret og der er jo noget dybt symbolsk i at det berømte kurvebarn, som bliver fundet vuggende mellem sivene i Nilen, ender med at blive adopteret af forældre, der er opkaldt efter henholdsvis krokodille- og flodhesteguden og at netop den kvindelige part er gudinde for amning - selvom hun ifølge Biblen overlod den egentlige amning til Moses’ mor. For her berører vi en af faraoernes vigtigste gudefortællinger: flodhesteguden er nemlig en af gudinden Isis’s tilkendegivelser, da hun beskytter sit barn Horus ved at skjule ham i deltamarsken. Horus er beskytteren af nye dynastier og hver ny farao bruger Horus, der sejrede i kampen mod Seth, som deres bevis på retten til tronen.
Kun ved at forstå hvor vigtig denne gudefortælling var for faraoerne, forstår man hvorfor farao adopterer prinsessens fund af et tilfældigt kurvebarn af hebraisk afstamning på et tidspunkt hvor disse indvandreres voksende antal ses som en trussel. Denne "trussel" - lig nutidens fremmedfrygt - har netop været set som en manifestation af kampen mod Seth - guden over fremmede lande. For farao har fundet af dette kurvebarn i floden været så symbolladet - som en senere tids Jesusbarn i staldkrybben - at Moses blev synonym med selve Horus og altså var den retmæssige arving til Ægyptens trone.
Omvendt bliver Moses’ mor, Jokebed, for os andre selve indbegrebet af Isis - den uselviske mor, der beskytter sit barn fra faraos drengemord - hvis man tager Bibelens udlægning her bogstaveligt. Eller i det mindste en genial indvandrerkvinde, der har forstået at gøre brug af ægypternes egne legender til det, som jøderne bittert skulle lære gennem de næste årtusinder - overlevelse gennem personlig assimilation helt til det punkt hvor deres nationale identitet trues af selvudslettelse. Paradoksalt nok den identitet, som Moses største bedrift det jo er at få banket ind i dem ved selv hensynsløst at udslette alt og alle, der kommer i hans vej og at ty til storstilet folkedrab på drengebørn (4 Mos 31:16-17).
Citat slut.
Nu er jeg ikke tilhænger af Jakob Holdt` s personlige kommentarer der er farvet af hans politiske agenda, men arkæologiske fund og manuskripter kan man ikke sådan afvise og jeg mener, at Jakob Holdt er ærlig mod disse.
Læser man H.B.Blavatsky, er der ligeledes mange oplysninger der er nødvendige for overhovedet at kunne forstå den spirituelle lære.
The Seven Eternities meant are the seven periods, or a period answering in its duration to the seven periods, of a Manvantara, and extending throughout a Maha-Kalpa or the “Great Age” — 100 years of Brahma — making a total of 311,040,000,000,000 of years; each year of Brahma being composed of 360 “days,” and of the same number of “nights” of Brahma (reckoning by the Chandrayana or lunar year); and a “Day of Brahma” consisting of 4,320,000,000 of mortal years.
These “Eternities” belong to the most secret calculations, in which, in order to arrive at the true total, every figure must be 7x (7 to the power of x); x varying according to the nature of the cycle in the subjective or real world; and every figure or number relating to, or representing all the different cycles from the greatest to the smallest — in the objective or unreal world — must necessarily be multiples of seven.
The key to this cannot be given, for herein lies the mystery of esoteric calculations, and for the purposes of ordinary calculation it has no sense. “The number seven,” says the Kabala, “is the great number of the Divine Mysteries;”
number ten is that of all human knowledge (Pythagorean decade);
1,000 is the number ten to the third power, and therefore the number 7,000 is also symbolical.
In the Secret Doctrine the figure and number 4 are the male symbol only on the highest plane of abstraction; on the plane of matter the 3 is the masculine and the 4 the female: the upright and the horizontal in the fourth stage of symbolism, when the symbols became the glyphs of the generative powers on the physical plane.
Citat slut.
Spørg ethvert Jehovas Vidner om hvad tallet 6 repræsentere, hvad tallet 7 repræsentere og hvad tallet 10 repræsentere og du vil få ovennævnte svar.
Det ser ud til, at Charles Taze Russell kendte mere til Hinduismen og Budhismen end han ville være ved.
Charles Taze Russell Early life
Charles Taze Russell was born to Joseph Lytel (pronounced 'little') Russell and Ann Eliza Birney on Monday, February 16, 1852 in Allegheny, Pennsylvania, USA.
Charles, the second of five children, was one of only two to survive into adulthood. The other Russell children included Thomas, (1850–September 4, 1855), Margaret ("Mae", married name Margaret Land) who died in the late 1940s, Lucinda (1857–July 21, 1858), and Joseph Lytel, Jr. (1859–April 25, 1860).
Their mother died on January 25, 1861 at the age of 29. The patriarch, Joseph (Charles Taze Russell father), died December 17, 1897, at the age of 84.
Allegheny (or Allegheny City) was an industrial town, named after the Allegheny River, in the region now designated Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, United States. ... Official language(s) English,
Pennsylvania Dutch Capital Harrisburg Largest city Philadelphia Area
The Russells had lived in Philadelphia, as well as Allegheny. Once established in Pittsburgh, the Russells became respected members of the Presbyterian Church. In his early teens, his father made him partner of his Pittsburgh haberdashery store. By age twelve, he was writing business contracts for customers, and given charge of some of his father's other clothing stores. At age thirteen, he left the Presbyterian Church to join the Congregational Church due to a preference in their organizational style.
In his earlier youth, Russell would chalk Bible verses on the downtown sidewalks to draw attention to the punishment of hell awaiting the unfaithful. (hvad vi i dag ser rundt omkring os, som grafitti)
When sixteen, a discussion with a childhood friend on faults perceived in Christianity (such as perceived contradictions in creeds, and medieval traditions) led him to question his faith.
He then began to investigate other views and philosophies, including Confucianism, Buddhism, Taoism, and Hinduism, but abandoning them in short order.
In 1870, at age eighteen, he cautiously attended a presentation by the famous Adventist preacher, Jonas Wendell. Wendell focused on what Russell considered to be rational, logical matters relating to Biblical prophecy and chronology, drawing attention to the future date of 1874 as the supposed date for Christ's return.
The presentation left him with, he later related, a renewed zeal that not only was the Bible the word of God, but that all Christians had a responsibility to preach the gospel.
Presbyterianism is part of the Reformed churches family of denominations of Christian Protestantism based on the teachings of John Calvin which traces its institutional roots to the Scottish Reformation, especially as led by John Knox.
A haberdasher is a person who sells small items via retail, commonly items used in clothing, such as ribbons and buttons, or completed accessories, such as hats or gloves. ...
Congregational churches are Protestant Christian churches practicing congregationalist church governance, in which each congregation independently and autonomously runs its own affairs. ...
Confucian temple in Jiading district, Shanghai. ...
Buddhism is a dharmic, non-theistic religion, which is also a philosophy and a system of psychology. ...
Taoism is the English name for a cluster of Chinese religious and philosophical traditions. ...
Hinduism –
The term Adventist can refer to: One who believes in the Second Advent (usually known as the Second coming) of Jesus. ...
Elder Jonas Wendell (December 25, 1815 - August 14, 1873) of Edenboro, Pennsylvania, was a zealous Adventist preacher following in the spirit of William Miller. ...
Russell devoted nearly a tenth of his fortune, along with contributed funds, in publishing and distributing Food for Thinking Christians in 1881.
In the same year followed The Tabernacle and its Teachings, and Tabernacle Shadows of the Better Sacrifices.
In 1886, after what was reported to be a financial set-back resulting from the immense outlay on these three titles, he published the long promised The Plan of the Ages (later renamed The Divine Plan of the Ages).
In the course of preparation, Russell concluded the book was to be merely the first of a seven-volume series. The remaining volumes, originally called Millennial Dawn, but later renamed Studies in the Scriptures to clarify that they were not novels, were:
The Studies in the Scriptures is a series of publications containing six volumes of great importance to the history of the Bible Students and Jehovahs Witnesses. ...
The Time is at Hand (1889)
Thy Kingdom Come (1891)
The Day of Vengeance" later retitled "The Battle of Armageddon'' (1897)
The At-one-ment Between God and Men (1899)
The New Creation (1904)
The delayed publishing of the seventh volume eventually became a source of great anticipation and mystery among Bible Students.
Following Russell's death in 1916, a seventh volume entitled The Finished Mystery, was published in 1917 and advertised as his "posthumous work".
True to Russell's plan, this seventh volume was a detailed interpretation of the book of Revelation, but had included interpretations of Ezekiel, and the Song of Solomon.
Immediate controversy surrounded both its publishing, and contents.
In a short time it was established that it was actually written and compiled by two of Russell's associates, Clayton J. Woodworth and George H. Fisher, and edited by Joseph Franklin Rutherford.
Joseph F. Rutherford Joseph Franklin Rutherford 8 November 1869 / 8 January 1942, is best known as the second president of the Watch Tower Society, the legal organization used by Jehovahs Witnesses. ...
(See the article Bible Student movement for a more detailed history
Charles Russell in 1911
The Bible Student movement is a religious movement with premillennialist expectations, that sprang from the teachings and ministry of Pastor Charles Taze Russell in the 1870s, whose followers generally call themselves Bible Students.
Following a schism after Russell`s death in 1916, several offshoot groups formed... (som jeg før har omtalt her på debatten)
Several denominations have either formed around, or adopted some style of, Pastor Russell's views,
among them the Worldwide Church of God,
the Concordant Publishing Concern,
the Assemblies of Yahweh.
Among the numerous Bible Student off-shoot groups include
the Pastoral Bible Institute, the Layman's Home Missionary Movement and others.
The Worldwide Church of God was founded in 1933 by Herbert W. Armstrong as the Radio Church of God. ...
The Assemblies of Yahweh are a religious organization based in Bethel, PA.
Their doctrines are a mix of Christian and Orthodox Jewish beliefs, centering on the use of the names Yahweh for God and Yahshua the Messiah for Jesus Christ, respectively. ...
In the early history of Bible Students, a number of prominent brethren withdrew their support from the Watchtower Society after Judge Rutherford became the president of the Society, following the death of Pastor Russell. ...
The Laymans Home Missionary Movement, founded by Paul S. L. Johnson in 1919, is a non-sectarian, interdenominational religious organisation that arose as an independent offshoot of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society after the death its founder, Charles Taze Russell. ...
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Jeg bliver nød til, at skifte fra denne del af debatten …………………………… ………………
…………….. …………der indeholder alle tanker og indlæg fra forskellige.
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…………………… jeg selv har skrevet og Lyjse link her ……………. ……………………
har ført til en erkendelse af baggrunden for Charles Taze Russell Pyramideteologi, som jeg ikke kendte til. ( Det er værre end jeg troede)
Det er efter min mening et emne der burde forskes i (Charles Taze Russell) af nogle kandidater. Det er altså grunden til, at jeg skifter til et nyt debat emne.
……………………………Charles Taze Russsell og Pyramiderne……………………………………….
Pyramide tekster ægte.
Det der forbavsede mig i Lyjse henvisning (Link) var bl.a. denne udtalelse:
”……………. det menneske, der har oplevet disse dybe tilstande, der ligger over tænkningens højeste udtryk, kan ikke beskrive dem, for det vil medføre en reduktion, en forenkling og en opsplitning af oplevelsen, der er i modstrid med erkendelsens natur.
For hinsides tankens adskillende natur får menneskets bevidsthed kontakt med en oplevelse af altings enhed, og den kan ikke beskrives ved hjælp af det adskillende tankesind.
I den høje bevidsthedstilstand er den, der oplever og selve oplevelsen smeltet sammen i en syntese.” Citat slut.
Nu er jeg ikke 100% enig med denne definition, men selvfølgelig er der noget om snakken. Imidlertid mener jeg, at dersom man kan dele oplysninger, karakteren af de indtryk de gør og de arkæologiske vidnesbyrd, kan man langt hen ad vejen tilføre hinanden samme bevidstheds oplevelse der dog kan tales om og få noget ud af det.
Jeg har en tilståelse at gøre. Efter at have læst det jeg nu vil dele med jer, får jeg en meget mærkelig følelse af ”afmagt” og ”sorg” i mit sind.
Det er ikke noget der skræmmer mig, men det har muligvis noget at gøre med den dæmoniske magt Jehovas Vidner efterhånden har tiltaget sig og udøver over det enkelte medlem så jeg (og andre) i den grad forundres over, at medlemmerne (her på debatten ftg, AnonymJv(2), Anonym, jirene, floarea og mange andre) overhovedet ikke aner noget om hvad hele deres trosgrundlag er.
De tror det handler om Bibelen (og det gør det vel også), men Bibelen omtaler også Moses` tid i Ægypten og den ”visdom” Moses lærte hos sin fostermor, Faraos søster.
Her bliver jeg nød til, at fremkomme med en forfatter ved navn Jakob Holdt der har forsket i Moses og dennes samtid. Der er nye og spændende oplysninger som nok er værd at stifte bekendtskab med og bogen kan anbefales.
Jeg citere:
”Det kan undre at man ikke tidligere har brugt Artapanus til at fastslå hvilken farao, Moses blev adopteret af. For sandt at sige har ingen anden farao i hele Ægyptens historie end Sobekhotep IV heddet Khaneferre, som tog navnet da han ca. 1529 f. K. besteg tronen. Han nåede ikke Ramses II’s proportioner, men betegnes dog som det 13. dynastis største farao i en tid med "mange konger." Hans svigerfar Palmanothes må være en af de i dag ukendte konger i det 14. dynasti, som herskede oppe i deltaet sideløbende med det 13. nede ved Memphis.
I den anden historikers version hedder Palmanothes datter i øvrigt Tawaret og der er jo noget dybt symbolsk i at det berømte kurvebarn, som bliver fundet vuggende mellem sivene i Nilen, ender med at blive adopteret af forældre, der er opkaldt efter henholdsvis krokodille- og flodhesteguden og at netop den kvindelige part er gudinde for amning - selvom hun ifølge Biblen overlod den egentlige amning til Moses’ mor. For her berører vi en af faraoernes vigtigste gudefortællinger: flodhesteguden er nemlig en af gudinden Isis’s tilkendegivelser, da hun beskytter sit barn Horus ved at skjule ham i deltamarsken. Horus er beskytteren af nye dynastier og hver ny farao bruger Horus, der sejrede i kampen mod Seth, som deres bevis på retten til tronen.
Kun ved at forstå hvor vigtig denne gudefortælling var for faraoerne, forstår man hvorfor farao adopterer prinsessens fund af et tilfældigt kurvebarn af hebraisk afstamning på et tidspunkt hvor disse indvandreres voksende antal ses som en trussel. Denne "trussel" - lig nutidens fremmedfrygt - har netop været set som en manifestation af kampen mod Seth - guden over fremmede lande. For farao har fundet af dette kurvebarn i floden været så symbolladet - som en senere tids Jesusbarn i staldkrybben - at Moses blev synonym med selve Horus og altså var den retmæssige arving til Ægyptens trone.
Omvendt bliver Moses’ mor, Jokebed, for os andre selve indbegrebet af Isis - den uselviske mor, der beskytter sit barn fra faraos drengemord - hvis man tager Bibelens udlægning her bogstaveligt. Eller i det mindste en genial indvandrerkvinde, der har forstået at gøre brug af ægypternes egne legender til det, som jøderne bittert skulle lære gennem de næste årtusinder - overlevelse gennem personlig assimilation helt til det punkt hvor deres nationale identitet trues af selvudslettelse. Paradoksalt nok den identitet, som Moses største bedrift det jo er at få banket ind i dem ved selv hensynsløst at udslette alt og alle, der kommer i hans vej og at ty til storstilet folkedrab på drengebørn (4 Mos 31:16-17).
Citat slut.
Nu er jeg ikke tilhænger af Jakob Holdt` s personlige kommentarer der er farvet af hans politiske agenda, men arkæologiske fund og manuskripter kan man ikke sådan afvise og jeg mener, at Jakob Holdt er ærlig mod disse.
Læser man H.B.Blavatsky, er der ligeledes mange oplysninger der er nødvendige for overhovedet at kunne forstå den spirituelle lære.
The Seven Eternities meant are the seven periods, or a period answering in its duration to the seven periods, of a Manvantara, and extending throughout a Maha-Kalpa or the “Great Age” — 100 years of Brahma — making a total of 311,040,000,000,000 of years; each year of Brahma being composed of 360 “days,” and of the same number of “nights” of Brahma (reckoning by the Chandrayana or lunar year); and a “Day of Brahma” consisting of 4,320,000,000 of mortal years.
These “Eternities” belong to the most secret calculations, in which, in order to arrive at the true total, every figure must be 7x (7 to the power of x); x varying according to the nature of the cycle in the subjective or real world; and every figure or number relating to, or representing all the different cycles from the greatest to the smallest — in the objective or unreal world — must necessarily be multiples of seven.
The key to this cannot be given, for herein lies the mystery of esoteric calculations, and for the purposes of ordinary calculation it has no sense. “The number seven,” says the Kabala, “is the great number of the Divine Mysteries;”
number ten is that of all human knowledge (Pythagorean decade);
1,000 is the number ten to the third power, and therefore the number 7,000 is also symbolical.
In the Secret Doctrine the figure and number 4 are the male symbol only on the highest plane of abstraction; on the plane of matter the 3 is the masculine and the 4 the female: the upright and the horizontal in the fourth stage of symbolism, when the symbols became the glyphs of the generative powers on the physical plane.
Citat slut.
Spørg ethvert Jehovas Vidner om hvad tallet 6 repræsentere, hvad tallet 7 repræsentere og hvad tallet 10 repræsentere og du vil få ovennævnte svar.
Det ser ud til, at Charles Taze Russell kendte mere til Hinduismen og Budhismen end han ville være ved.
Charles Taze Russell Early life
Charles Taze Russell was born to Joseph Lytel (pronounced 'little') Russell and Ann Eliza Birney on Monday, February 16, 1852 in Allegheny, Pennsylvania, USA.
Charles, the second of five children, was one of only two to survive into adulthood. The other Russell children included Thomas, (1850–September 4, 1855), Margaret ("Mae", married name Margaret Land) who died in the late 1940s, Lucinda (1857–July 21, 1858), and Joseph Lytel, Jr. (1859–April 25, 1860).
Their mother died on January 25, 1861 at the age of 29. The patriarch, Joseph (Charles Taze Russell father), died December 17, 1897, at the age of 84.
Allegheny (or Allegheny City) was an industrial town, named after the Allegheny River, in the region now designated Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, United States. ... Official language(s) English,
Pennsylvania Dutch Capital Harrisburg Largest city Philadelphia Area
The Russells had lived in Philadelphia, as well as Allegheny. Once established in Pittsburgh, the Russells became respected members of the Presbyterian Church. In his early teens, his father made him partner of his Pittsburgh haberdashery store. By age twelve, he was writing business contracts for customers, and given charge of some of his father's other clothing stores. At age thirteen, he left the Presbyterian Church to join the Congregational Church due to a preference in their organizational style.
In his earlier youth, Russell would chalk Bible verses on the downtown sidewalks to draw attention to the punishment of hell awaiting the unfaithful. (hvad vi i dag ser rundt omkring os, som grafitti)
When sixteen, a discussion with a childhood friend on faults perceived in Christianity (such as perceived contradictions in creeds, and medieval traditions) led him to question his faith.
He then began to investigate other views and philosophies, including Confucianism, Buddhism, Taoism, and Hinduism, but abandoning them in short order.
In 1870, at age eighteen, he cautiously attended a presentation by the famous Adventist preacher, Jonas Wendell. Wendell focused on what Russell considered to be rational, logical matters relating to Biblical prophecy and chronology, drawing attention to the future date of 1874 as the supposed date for Christ's return.
The presentation left him with, he later related, a renewed zeal that not only was the Bible the word of God, but that all Christians had a responsibility to preach the gospel.
Presbyterianism is part of the Reformed churches family of denominations of Christian Protestantism based on the teachings of John Calvin which traces its institutional roots to the Scottish Reformation, especially as led by John Knox.
A haberdasher is a person who sells small items via retail, commonly items used in clothing, such as ribbons and buttons, or completed accessories, such as hats or gloves. ...
Congregational churches are Protestant Christian churches practicing congregationalist church governance, in which each congregation independently and autonomously runs its own affairs. ...
Confucian temple in Jiading district, Shanghai. ...
Buddhism is a dharmic, non-theistic religion, which is also a philosophy and a system of psychology. ...
Taoism is the English name for a cluster of Chinese religious and philosophical traditions. ...
Hinduism –
The term Adventist can refer to: One who believes in the Second Advent (usually known as the Second coming) of Jesus. ...
Elder Jonas Wendell (December 25, 1815 - August 14, 1873) of Edenboro, Pennsylvania, was a zealous Adventist preacher following in the spirit of William Miller. ...
Russell devoted nearly a tenth of his fortune, along with contributed funds, in publishing and distributing Food for Thinking Christians in 1881.
In the same year followed The Tabernacle and its Teachings, and Tabernacle Shadows of the Better Sacrifices.
In 1886, after what was reported to be a financial set-back resulting from the immense outlay on these three titles, he published the long promised The Plan of the Ages (later renamed The Divine Plan of the Ages).
In the course of preparation, Russell concluded the book was to be merely the first of a seven-volume series. The remaining volumes, originally called Millennial Dawn, but later renamed Studies in the Scriptures to clarify that they were not novels, were:
The Studies in the Scriptures is a series of publications containing six volumes of great importance to the history of the Bible Students and Jehovahs Witnesses. ...
The Time is at Hand (1889)
Thy Kingdom Come (1891)
The Day of Vengeance" later retitled "The Battle of Armageddon'' (1897)
The At-one-ment Between God and Men (1899)
The New Creation (1904)
The delayed publishing of the seventh volume eventually became a source of great anticipation and mystery among Bible Students.
Following Russell's death in 1916, a seventh volume entitled The Finished Mystery, was published in 1917 and advertised as his "posthumous work".
True to Russell's plan, this seventh volume was a detailed interpretation of the book of Revelation, but had included interpretations of Ezekiel, and the Song of Solomon.
Immediate controversy surrounded both its publishing, and contents.
In a short time it was established that it was actually written and compiled by two of Russell's associates, Clayton J. Woodworth and George H. Fisher, and edited by Joseph Franklin Rutherford.
Joseph F. Rutherford Joseph Franklin Rutherford 8 November 1869 / 8 January 1942, is best known as the second president of the Watch Tower Society, the legal organization used by Jehovahs Witnesses. ...
(See the article Bible Student movement for a more detailed history
Charles Russell in 1911
The Bible Student movement is a religious movement with premillennialist expectations, that sprang from the teachings and ministry of Pastor Charles Taze Russell in the 1870s, whose followers generally call themselves Bible Students.
Following a schism after Russell`s death in 1916, several offshoot groups formed... (som jeg før har omtalt her på debatten)
Several denominations have either formed around, or adopted some style of, Pastor Russell's views,
among them the Worldwide Church of God,
the Concordant Publishing Concern,
the Assemblies of Yahweh.
Among the numerous Bible Student off-shoot groups include
the Pastoral Bible Institute, the Layman's Home Missionary Movement and others.
The Worldwide Church of God was founded in 1933 by Herbert W. Armstrong as the Radio Church of God. ...
The Assemblies of Yahweh are a religious organization based in Bethel, PA.
Their doctrines are a mix of Christian and Orthodox Jewish beliefs, centering on the use of the names Yahweh for God and Yahshua the Messiah for Jesus Christ, respectively. ...
In the early history of Bible Students, a number of prominent brethren withdrew their support from the Watchtower Society after Judge Rutherford became the president of the Society, following the death of Pastor Russell. ...
The Laymans Home Missionary Movement, founded by Paul S. L. Johnson in 1919, is a non-sectarian, interdenominational religious organisation that arose as an independent offshoot of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society after the death its founder, Charles Taze Russell. ...
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