Filled with darkness and shadows
Dette er et digt som handler om livets skyggesider men også om håb og på en måde styrke... En dybt digt fra mit hjerte, men det referer til alle der har det svært med spiseforstyrrelser og cutting... Giv gerne respons, vel og mærke hvis det er positivt🙂
The darkness and shadows of life goes hand in hand.
My ground is shaking and it's so hard to stand. A earthquick there makes me die...
Tomorrow i will throw another lie!
Telling you and everybody i'm okay...
If you read this please don't ask whats wrong cause i won't say,
but i'm gonna have to lie to you again, but it's not the lies there makes my heart in vain,
it's the keep on bleeding there makes the pain!
But i'll keep my hope,
cause when i'm on my best almost nothing can't stop me, nope!
Then i'll know there will be a dawn and after that a brigth day.
At taht time i have told you what there was to say..
But there's a long way yet!
I will fall many more times and get even more wet!
My blood will stream even more down from my arm...
It feel SO warm!
My food will get even more up.
But one day it will stop.
The day the darkness and shadows of lifes hands are splitted.
When my day are filled with
The darkness and shadows of life goes hand in hand.
My ground is shaking and it's so hard to stand. A earthquick there makes me die...
Tomorrow i will throw another lie!
Telling you and everybody i'm okay...
If you read this please don't ask whats wrong cause i won't say,
but i'm gonna have to lie to you again, but it's not the lies there makes my heart in vain,
it's the keep on bleeding there makes the pain!
But i'll keep my hope,
cause when i'm on my best almost nothing can't stop me, nope!
Then i'll know there will be a dawn and after that a brigth day.
At taht time i have told you what there was to say..
But there's a long way yet!
I will fall many more times and get even more wet!
My blood will stream even more down from my arm...
It feel SO warm!
My food will get even more up.
But one day it will stop.
The day the darkness and shadows of lifes hands are splitted.
When my day are filled with