Hvilket islamfascistisk land er du økonomisk flygtning fra, Ali?
tilføjet af anonym6
hvem har hjernevasket dig,anonym2
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Hvad er din egen hjernevask anonym6, for meget koranskolegang?
tilføjet af The truth shall make us fre...
well , if same guys can stop investigations of WTC and JFK-murder, i t´s possible that they can hide anything...
the truth: http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/wtc7.html
Jesus, hjælp os!
tilføjet af Goofy W. Bush
Nice to see so much support for my important war against terror.
I'm really happy to feel your big warmth towards me. Thank you for supporting the attak against Afgh... -eh, against Afganesin, aeh, against afangis Shit! Against Iraq!
I promise you, I know nothing about all the peculiar events on 7/11. Remember I was attending a school visit at that time.
God Bless America!!!