I 1951 står der át læse i "Vagttårnet" ...............
"Vagttårnet" Feb/Mar 3 1951 .......
1951 "Counting from the end of the 'appointed times of the nations' in 1914, we are 37 years into the 'time of the end' of this world. (Luke 21:24, Dan. 12:4) During these crucial years Jehovah's witnesses have sought shelter and strength in him, and they can confess for themselves that he is a "well-proved help in trouble". If it were not for this, they would not be here today nor increasing in numbers.
But we are entering the most serious and trialsome years of this "time of the end".
The final conflict of Armageddon draws near."
¤¤¤¤¤¤ ¤¤¤¤¤¤ ¤¤¤¤¤¤
"Vagttårnet" Apr 1 1951
1951 "Whereas the 'appointed times of the nations' ended in 1914, it is now 37 years that we have been in the 'time of the end' of Satan's world." {WT Apr 1 1951 214}
Ja de stakkels jehovas vidner der af SATAN bliver tvunget til at være omgivet af tåber der ikke kan se at JW(WTS er de store PROFET med de SANDFÆDIGE FORUDSIGELSER -
Men AK - 1950'erne går også iblandt alle disse hedninge - MAN har jo næsten ondt af disse stakkels vidner, der skal være omgivet af OS andre!
Med venlig hilsen
"Vagttårnet" Feb/Mar 3 1951 .......
1951 "Counting from the end of the 'appointed times of the nations' in 1914, we are 37 years into the 'time of the end' of this world. (Luke 21:24, Dan. 12:4) During these crucial years Jehovah's witnesses have sought shelter and strength in him, and they can confess for themselves that he is a "well-proved help in trouble". If it were not for this, they would not be here today nor increasing in numbers.
But we are entering the most serious and trialsome years of this "time of the end".
The final conflict of Armageddon draws near."
¤¤¤¤¤¤ ¤¤¤¤¤¤ ¤¤¤¤¤¤
"Vagttårnet" Apr 1 1951
1951 "Whereas the 'appointed times of the nations' ended in 1914, it is now 37 years that we have been in the 'time of the end' of Satan's world." {WT Apr 1 1951 214}
Ja de stakkels jehovas vidner der af SATAN bliver tvunget til at være omgivet af tåber der ikke kan se at JW(WTS er de store PROFET med de SANDFÆDIGE FORUDSIGELSER -
Men AK - 1950'erne går også iblandt alle disse hedninge - MAN har jo næsten ondt af disse stakkels vidner, der skal være omgivet af OS andre!
Med venlig hilsen