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En meget smukt refleksion.
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It is always precise to know when a stage of the life finishes. If you insist on remaining in this, beyond of the necessary time, you lose the joy and the sense of the rest. Closing doors. Closing chapters. As you want to call it. The important thing is to be able to close them. The important thing is to be able to let go moments of the life that are closed.

Did you finish with your work? Did you finishe a relationship? Do you not longer live more in that house? Must you traveling? A friendship finishes? You can spend long time of your present swimming in "whys"; in playing back the same cassette and trying to understand, why those such-and-such facts happened. Then the felling of missing will be infinite because in the life, you, I, your friend, your children, everybody, we are led to close chapters. To pass the page.
When we finishing with stages or moments of life is for move forward. We cannot be in the present longing the past. Not even asking to us why. What happened, happened. And it is necessary to loose, is necessary to give away. We can not be young for ever, neither laters adolescents, nor thinking of nonexistent companies, nor to have bonds with thoses that do not want to be tied to us. No.
The facts happen and is necessary to let them go!
For that reason sometimes it is so important to break photos, to burn letters, to destroy memories, to give presents, to change house. Papers to break, documents to throw, books to sell or to give. The external changes can symbolize inner processes of overcoming. To leave them go, loose them, give them off. In the life nobody plays with market cards and is necessary to learn to lose and to win.
It is necessary to leave, it is necessary to pass the page, it is necessary to live simply with what we have in the present.
The past already passed. You can not hope that it comes back to you, you do not hope that people aknowledge you, you do not hope that sometimes they will realize who you are.
Lets go the resentment. Waching your own movie time efter time can only damage you mentally, poison you, make you bitter. The life is for walk ahead, never for going back.

Because if you walk in life leaving opened doors, just in case, you could never give away nor live the life you have today with satisfaction. Engagements or friendships that do not close, possibilities of returning...(for what?) , necessity of explanations, words that were not said, silens that invaded it. Thus you can face them already and now, do it! If not, leave them go, close chapters.
Say to you many times:” that will not return”. But not beacuse you are angry, but because your no longer fit there, in that place, in that heart, that room, that house, that writing-desk, in that office,
your are no longer the same one that went away, for two days, for three months, for a year, therefore, there is nothing to return back.
Close the door, pas the page, close. And circulate.
Neither you will be the same nor the surroundings to which you return will be equal, because in the life nothing remains quiet, nothing is static.
It is mental healthy, love you and give off what no longer is in your life.
Remember that nothing or nobody are indispensable. Neither a person, nor a place, nor a work, nothing are vital to live because when your came to this world you arrived without no one, therefore is custom to live alone and it is our personal work to learn to live without nobody, without the human or physical adhesive that today hurts you let go.
It is a process to learn to be in your own. And it is humanly possible to be obtained because, I repeat to you, nothing or nobody is to us indispensable. Simply it is custom, security, necessity. But... close, shut, clean, throw, oxygenate you, let it go, shake you, loose... Health has so many names that mean mental sane and whatever you choose, this will definitively help you to go ahead with tranquillity.
Author: Paulo Coelho
Tak & bye!
will mis you sikkert..
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guller gjort, siden du vil skifte nick?
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Hej du

Bliver da noget nysgerrig, hvorfor mener du det er pga mig du skifter nick ?
Og hvilket er det så du vil skrive under fremover, ikke at jeg vil have så svært ved at genkende det, det tror jeg ikke, men ren nysgerrighed -
ka nu godt lide det digitale Jesusbillede du har sat ind, egen kreation ?
Du får sgu en spand smil af mig
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Stopper du?

HURRA....Det håber jeg :0) Medmindre du kan opføre dig pænt, så må du naturligvis gerne blive
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"Medmindre du kan opføre dig pænt, så må du naturligvis gerne blive"
Stakkels dansker..
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