JV's Løgne ord i 1 Århundrede? IV
....... I fortsættelsen af "Usande ord I/II/ - har vi forladt 1800-tallet!
Russell er stadig overbevist om, at 1914 var starten på enden af:
>>>>>>> "Den Verdslige Orden på Jord - og Jesu Kristis Regeringstid
ville begynde i 1918, Selvfølgelig med Russell ved "Roret"......? <<<<<<<
Som det Altid fremstår mere end tydeligt af JV udsagn, mener JW/WTS at alt hvad de har publiceret har indeholdt den skindbarlige Sandhed -
DETTE TVIVLSOMME FAKTUM Postuleres så sent som i 1990.....PÅ TRODS AF AT JW/WTS ud over enhver tvivl er bekendte med en hel række yderst pinlige /IKKE Gennemførte/ IKKE SKETE ÅRSTAL/Opfordringer/Udsagn/PROFETIER/og de allervæste: nemlig "Løfter i "GUDS" Navn" til "Vidnerne"!
........Watchtower 1990 December 15 p 26
For over a century, delightful, correct words of truth covering every
aspect of life have been presented in the Watch Tower Society's publications ..
I over 1 århundrede, har dejlige og KORREKTE SANDE ord dækkende
ethvert aspekt af livet, blevet præsenteret gennem Vagttårnets publikationer!
Lad os tage et nærmere kik på et par af disse SANDHEDER...!
Nedenstående postulerer JW/WTS altså i 1990 at være den skindbarlige Sandhed -
Er nedenstående Ikke Sandheden - - -
.......Allerede i 1917 skriver Rutherford.......
1920 was another of Rutherford’s foretold ends for Christendom and all governments.
Studies In the Scriptures Series VII - The Finished Mystery (1917) p.258
“Even the republics will disappear in the fall of 1920. Every kingdom of earth will pass away, be swallowed up in anarchy…. The three days in which Pharaoh’s host pursued the Israelites into the wilderness represent the three years from 1917 to 1920 at which time all of Pharaoh’s messengers will be swallowed up in the sea of anarchy.”
was another foretold closing of the calling and for the 144,000 to go to heaven. Rutherford drew on a string of interesting prophetic reasoning’s that the Watchtower no longer refers to, such as ‘half way’ signs.
Studies In the Scriptures Series VII - The Finished Mystery (1917) p.64
“This confirms the hope of the Church’s glorification forty years (a year for a day) after the awakening of the sleeping saints in the Spring of 1878. The seven days before the Deluge may represent seven years, from 1914 to 1921, in the midst of which “week of years’ the last members of the Messiah pass beyond the veil. … Our proposition is that the glorification of the Little Flock in the Spring of 1918 A.D. will be halfway between the close of the Gentile Times and the close of the heavenly way, A.D. 1921.”
The half way signs in the article above went on the include;
- Abrahamic covenant 2045 B.C. was half way between Adam 4127 B.C. and Cornelius 36 A.D.
- Last typical jubilee 626 B.C. was half way between end of Adam’s day 3127 B.C. and 1914 A.D.
- Captivity 606 B.C. was half way between fall of man 4127 B.C. and full restoration 2914 A.D.
- Christs death 33 A.D. was half way between his baptism and the conversion of Cornelius
- Awakening of the Saints 1878 was half way between 1874 and the close of the calling in 1881.
It is mind boggling to see the number of teachings Rutherford presented, some from Russell and some of his own, that he later changed. Could Rutherford have really believed that the Angels directed him to originate so many mistakes?
Enten er overstående den Skindbarlige SANDHED eller også:
>>>>>>> "Må det være en TYK Løgn der serveres af JW/WTS i 1990" <<<<<<<
Med venlig hilsen
Russell er stadig overbevist om, at 1914 var starten på enden af:
>>>>>>> "Den Verdslige Orden på Jord - og Jesu Kristis Regeringstid
ville begynde i 1918, Selvfølgelig med Russell ved "Roret"......? <<<<<<<
Som det Altid fremstår mere end tydeligt af JV udsagn, mener JW/WTS at alt hvad de har publiceret har indeholdt den skindbarlige Sandhed -
DETTE TVIVLSOMME FAKTUM Postuleres så sent som i 1990.....PÅ TRODS AF AT JW/WTS ud over enhver tvivl er bekendte med en hel række yderst pinlige /IKKE Gennemførte/ IKKE SKETE ÅRSTAL/Opfordringer/Udsagn/PROFETIER/og de allervæste: nemlig "Løfter i "GUDS" Navn" til "Vidnerne"!
........Watchtower 1990 December 15 p 26
For over a century, delightful, correct words of truth covering every
aspect of life have been presented in the Watch Tower Society's publications ..
I over 1 århundrede, har dejlige og KORREKTE SANDE ord dækkende
ethvert aspekt af livet, blevet præsenteret gennem Vagttårnets publikationer!
Lad os tage et nærmere kik på et par af disse SANDHEDER...!
Nedenstående postulerer JW/WTS altså i 1990 at være den skindbarlige Sandhed -
Er nedenstående Ikke Sandheden - - -
.......Allerede i 1917 skriver Rutherford.......
1920 was another of Rutherford’s foretold ends for Christendom and all governments.
Studies In the Scriptures Series VII - The Finished Mystery (1917) p.258
“Even the republics will disappear in the fall of 1920. Every kingdom of earth will pass away, be swallowed up in anarchy…. The three days in which Pharaoh’s host pursued the Israelites into the wilderness represent the three years from 1917 to 1920 at which time all of Pharaoh’s messengers will be swallowed up in the sea of anarchy.”
was another foretold closing of the calling and for the 144,000 to go to heaven. Rutherford drew on a string of interesting prophetic reasoning’s that the Watchtower no longer refers to, such as ‘half way’ signs.
Studies In the Scriptures Series VII - The Finished Mystery (1917) p.64
“This confirms the hope of the Church’s glorification forty years (a year for a day) after the awakening of the sleeping saints in the Spring of 1878. The seven days before the Deluge may represent seven years, from 1914 to 1921, in the midst of which “week of years’ the last members of the Messiah pass beyond the veil. … Our proposition is that the glorification of the Little Flock in the Spring of 1918 A.D. will be halfway between the close of the Gentile Times and the close of the heavenly way, A.D. 1921.”
The half way signs in the article above went on the include;
- Abrahamic covenant 2045 B.C. was half way between Adam 4127 B.C. and Cornelius 36 A.D.
- Last typical jubilee 626 B.C. was half way between end of Adam’s day 3127 B.C. and 1914 A.D.
- Captivity 606 B.C. was half way between fall of man 4127 B.C. and full restoration 2914 A.D.
- Christs death 33 A.D. was half way between his baptism and the conversion of Cornelius
- Awakening of the Saints 1878 was half way between 1874 and the close of the calling in 1881.
It is mind boggling to see the number of teachings Rutherford presented, some from Russell and some of his own, that he later changed. Could Rutherford have really believed that the Angels directed him to originate so many mistakes?
Enten er overstående den Skindbarlige SANDHED eller også:
>>>>>>> "Må det være en TYK Løgn der serveres af JW/WTS i 1990" <<<<<<<
Med venlig hilsen