9tilføjet af

One scared foreigner housewife on the road.

First of all, sorry that I post in English, I am a foreigner here (but please feel free to reply in Danish. I can read Danish).
I have ran into some kind of shocking experience this evening while I was driving to a gas-station nearby my house. I live in a country side btw.
The road to the gas-station is what you call it “landevej”. Speed limit is 80 km/hour and some part is 60km/hour as we all know about. I was driving at approx 83 km/hour. I can see a car behind me driving very close and until it was nearly too close. He was driving after my car for almost 2-3 km. than he was illegally over took me (it was a long white line painted on the road and it’s in a town). Then I pointed my *index* finger to him while he’s over taking. I was trying to warn him that he shouldn’t do that.
He misunderstood my index finger as the middle finger. Then he stopped the car in front of mine and walked to my car with very aggressive manners. He’s about 23-25 years old. He could be someone from Turkey or as such, according to his physical appearance. I opened my window because I wanted to tell him that wasn’t the middle finger but he didn’t listening. He was keeping on yelling and shouting at me like crazy and with all kind of nasty words. I wish that if only he claims down he could hear me saying “That WAS NOT the middle finger”. By that time there was no cars behind and no one around the area. He put his face into my car and very close to me and shout “F**K YOU!!” out loud. I have 3 dogs in my car also (I was planning to take them to a dog wood after). My dogs were scared and they were barking. I was completely in shocked and speechless. Then he went back to his car and drove away. I can’t remember his number plate but I can remember his face clearly. If you have someone shout the f-word at you about 20 centimetres away from your face, you will remember that person also.
The moral of this story :
I will never point any finger to anyone ever again, not even my little finger. And
I will stay away from *that* kind of people, if you have the same experience like I have, you will agree.
Have a pleasant evening,
One scared foreigner housewife.
Ps. I post this on “Samfundsproblemer” as I guess that is what
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sorry I've missed out some words.

Ps. I post this on “Samfundsproblemer” as I guess that is what my post is about.
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Hvilken side af vejen kørte du i?

Hvad mener du med "That kind of people"... Hvis du mener tyrkere, så kan du opleve det samme med danskere.. Der er ingen forskel...
Nogle mennesker tror fejlagtigt at de ejer vejen, og bliver ret aggressive. Det skal man huske at det gør de ikke - for det er min vej og selv han må køre ind til siden når JEG kommer. Og i dette tilfælde har han vel ment at du belærte ham om hvordan man kørte bil (det kan der være noget om, for du må vel gå ud fra han selv kender reglerne om hvornår man må overhæle en anden), eller noget andet der har irriteret ham (op og ned i fart uden at du selv bemærker det).
Men jo, jeg holder mig også gerne fra folk der overreagerer.
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Been there!

Almost. I was pulled over; I thought it was the police in a civil car. When he approached my car, I could see he was not the police, so I decided to drive away. He kicked my car and jumped back into his car, and followed me a long way, so I decided drive directly to the police station. When he realized where I was going, he drove of.
The police did absolutely nothing. "It's no use, he won’t understand" they said.
I still don't know what I did "wrong". I had my 14 years old daughter in the car with me, and she was absolutely terrified.
The morale is: Never to point at anyone, never stop for anyone unless it’s you are absolutely sure it’s the police, and if pulled over, lock the doors, and keep you phone so the “intruder” can se that you are just about to call the police.
The 2G’s in Denmark has a very bad temper, and if anyone tries to “teach” them the Danish way of communicating, they scream racism. They are impossible to integrate into a Nordic/western society, and I do understand why more and more people want them to go back to where they came from.
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what I mean is..

when I say "that kind of people" I mean, people with tempers and not listening to others. I don't mean anything about nationality. Don't think too much.
I drive 83km/h. on the road with speed limit 80. I have GPS and I know how fast I drive. He made his first mistake by driving too close to my car, that's illegal. I understand that he misuntaken my index finger as middle finger and I can understand if he feels upset BUT, at least he should have listen to me and he has NO RIGHT! to put his face into my car and very close to my face and shout the F-word at me, plain and simple. I have no right to put my face into his car and shout the F-word at him also and I will never do that.
tilføjet af

thank you for sharing your story..

Oh, I feel sorry to hear that you have the same experience and specially it happened to you when you have your daughter in the car. I don't understand whey some people can be so mean when they're driving.
Yes, agree with your conclusion. "Never to point at anyone, never stop for anyone unless it’s you are absolutely sure it’s the police".
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Defensive driving

Racists would at once point to race or nationality as the problem when the real problem is road rage, which has nothing to do with race or nationality. It was unfortunate that you mentioned his nationality as this had brought out the racist in some. Only you know the truth of why you did that. Thank god that you didn't meet a rocker. A friend of mine had her face punched when she rolled down her window to tell him he was breaking a traffic rule! Yes, bullies and people with problems are unreasonable - on and off the road. Be safe than right.
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I agree.

Yes, that was my bad choice of words. I shouldn't mention his nationality and in fact, I don't know if he's what I say. I was too upset and anything negative came out. Thank you for bringing back some senses here.
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Driving Harrasment

Next time: [s]
If you are being followed or harrassed try not to make eye contact, keep calm and
make for a well lit service/police station etc.
Switch on your hazard lights sound the horn and summon help.
tilføjet af

road rage or simple racism towards whites?

The real problem may be road rage - used a "safe", general term which encompasses everyone, but if the moslem immmigrants and their damned offspring have no regard for the Danish laws, society and sense of decency, and they readily exhibit this deplorable lack by their abundant anti-social and deeply racist behaviour towary anyone "not of their creed" ESPECIALLY females, then the generalization concerning them holds true.
All the statistics on crime support this and to ignore it for fear of being called racist by the ignorant politically correct is a grave mistake.
Yes - there are bikers who are psychopaths, I will not deny this. In fact, I am pretty much prepared to label anyone willing to wear a stinking leather jacket and conduct organized crime of the depraved type which the bikers do, as pyschopaths and potential life-time-servers-in-jail. They should be locked away forever.
But refusing to see the larger prevalence of bullies, racists and sociopaths amongst the moslem immigrants is just plain stupid. We don't have the same level of problems with any other immigrant group - even when seen relative to their distribution in the population.
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