Arbeid imot mind control tortur !
Vis som: | | Publisert 13 Mars, 2007 - 13:08 av URM
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Mind/body control and surveillance is one of the most dangerous technologies ever invented!
In Norway this type of military weapon and control systems are very little known. But we do have reason to believe that Norway is heavily involved in both research, deployment and use of such technologies.
In essence we have found 3 phases of mind control programs, (which have hundreds of sub programs connected to them). These are the 3 main programs we are currently doing research into:
1. Phase one: What we believe to be one of the first programs: Child abuse committed by parents or other authority figures, (MK Ultra). Includes abuse committed in child care institutions, schools and more. Phase one also makes it easier to continue with phase two on a person which is alien abduction.
2. Phase two: Alien Abduction/Chip Implants
3. Phase three: Mind /body control where the whole population is the target. This phase is now activated, the machines are already in place and are being tested out as we speak. This type of technology is extremely stealthy and dangerous. Phase three mind control is specially a threat to us since it is hard for the targeted individual to discover. In the new mind control system there is built in technology for using very sophisticated methods of manipulating thoughts, feelings, opinions, health, consciousness etc.
Mind Control (In Norwegian)
Flere har spurt oss om vi ikke kan ta opp temaet Mind Control. Det er et vanskelig og omfattende tema. Vi har ikke alle svarene og sitter med mange spørsmål selv.
Informasjonen som er tilgjengelig er begrenset. Ofte blir dokumenter og beviser ødelagt for all framtid. Men vi håper at dette kan være en begynnelse til en større
åpenhet og forståelse for temaet og de som rammes.
Grusomme eksperimenter i ren "Josef Mengele-stil" finansiert av rike personer og industrier, blir utført over hele verden, også her i Norge.
Mange nordmenn har blitt offer for de syke forsøkene.
Lytt til amatør radioen !
Vi har startet research i dette emnet:
<< Vi vil høre din historie! bipolar-selvmord >>
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