Taliban fortjener Guantanamo
"The Taliban, under the direction of Mullah Muhammad Omar, brought about this order through the institution of a very strict interpretation of Sharia, or Islamic law. Public executions and punishments (such as floggings) became regular events at Afghan soccer stadiums. Frivolous activities, like kite-flying, were outlawed. In order to root out "non-Islamic" influence, television, music, and the Internet were banned. Men were required to wear beards, and subjected to beatings if they didn't."
Jeg synes det er helt iorden at disse talebansoldater der nu er på Guantanamobasen får den umenneskelige behandling de selv har givet deres egne uskyldige borgere!
De har helt selv fortjent at være på Guantanamo!
Ingen medlidenhed fra min side ihvertfald! Ikke når man har gjort sådan noget som Taliban har gjort mod en hel befolkning!
"The Taliban, under the direction of Mullah Muhammad Omar, brought about this order through the institution of a very strict interpretation of Sharia, or Islamic law. Public executions and punishments (such as floggings) became regular events at Afghan soccer stadiums. Frivolous activities, like kite-flying, were outlawed. In order to root out "non-Islamic" influence, television, music, and the Internet were banned. Men were required to wear beards, and subjected to beatings if they didn't."
Jeg synes det er helt iorden at disse talebansoldater der nu er på Guantanamobasen får den umenneskelige behandling de selv har givet deres egne uskyldige borgere!
De har helt selv fortjent at være på Guantanamo!
Ingen medlidenhed fra min side ihvertfald! Ikke når man har gjort sådan noget som Taliban har gjort mod en hel befolkning!