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Update! Hjaelp Marnie Pearce og hendes to boern!

Jeg aabner et ny indlaeg, fordi jeg tror den foerste bliver ikke laest laenger.
Marnie's hjaelper har nu skrivet et brev til englands foreign secretary, David Miliband.
Hvis du vil hjaelpe, please send dette brev til ham. Vi haaber at hans mailboks bliver blocked indtil han bevaeger sig og hjaelper sine egne statsborger. Jeg synes, de er forfaerdeligt, at en europaeisk regering ikke hjaelper deres egne statsborger og forsvarer deres menneskerettigheder. De er den absolut forkerte signal til den ikke demokratisk verden!
Her er historien om Marnie:
Her er Mr. Milibands e-mail:


Og her er brevet til ham:
Dear Mr Miliband,
As the foreign secretary for the UK I am turning to you for help and assistance for Marnie Pearce, whom may I add you should be aware is languishing in a Dubai prison and facing the prospect of not seeing her two young sons for many years to come. The UK does not appear to be protecting the rights of its citizens and in fact seems to be silent regarding her plight and that of her two sons.
The UK is well respected by the citizens of many other countries and Marnie’s story has had global recognition and it appears that the respect the UK has is slowly losing its pace. If a country such as ours can deny its own citizens their basic human rights without their government intervening then what kind of message are you sending to the rest of the world?
It is my understanding that Dubai signed up to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child in 1997 and to my knowledge under this Convention their rights are being blatantly abused therefore I am confused as to how such a country that is supposedly as great as ours can allow this to continue. The world is watching Mr. Miliband and as foreign secretary you are rightly being judged so I implore you to please on behalf of Marnie Pearce and her two sons intervene and gain some diplomatic assurances that this family will not be destroyed by a system that has failed three very innocent British citizens.
The supporters of Marnie Pearce are growing Mr. Miliband and are relying on the support of a government who in their manifesto made it very focal that the family unit was very important. Well the time has come for your government to put its money where its mouth is and prove that in politics that our politicians really do mean what they say and say what they mean.
Yours sincerely

Tusind tak for jeres indsats[l]
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ja det er en virkelig trist historie, men det værste er vel, at selvom Marnie Pearce skulle komme tidligere ud af fængslet, er der vel ingen mulighed for, at GB kan hjælpe hende i spørgsmålet om forældreretten, for man skal jo følge lovgivningen, som den nu engang er, der hvor man bor, og ikke sit hjemlands lovgivning?
Men jeg skal nok sende brevet🙂
Var ked af at læse om din historie med din søster. Skulle du ikke prøve at finde hende igen, evt sætte en annonce i aviserne??
vh louise
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Hej Trunte,

min soester ringer indimellem til vores far. Hun oensker ikke rigtig kontakt lige nu. Jeg tror da skal endnu mere tid til. Hun har begyndt et helt nyt liv med ny identitet ogsaa for hendes boern. Vi giver hende alt den tid hun har behoev for.
Men ellers tak for din indsats!
Hilsen fra oerkenen [s]
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glem ikke afrika

men nåååår jo,. "stakkels marnie" hun skal jo ha i hoved og røv selvom idioten ikke sulter,.
lad hende rådne op i spjældet.. 😃😃😃😃
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Du er da en tåbe!

Hvad har du gjort for Afrika?? Selv betaler jeg et fast beløb hver måned! Men hvis DU vil have noget gjort, så gør det SELV! Du fatter absolut intet af, hvad det vil sige at miste sine børn. Men det gør jeg, for jeg har selv været meget tæt på at miste mine.
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Og her er fax-nr.

til kontoret af Mr.David Miliband:
0044 20 70084463
og her er sidste nyt fra Marnie fra igaar. Hun har 5 dage tilbage:
Had a call from Marnie not good, she was very tearful and stressed that she had been moved to another section of the prison. She underwent and examination the bordered abuse, which wasn't good she rang the embassy to come and they didn't what's new?
We're counting down although no set date has been fixed we now calculate around the 30th or 1st ...so just a short time left in hell and we'll get our girl home to some nice friendly faces who will treat her with some dignity …...
May hell rain down uponeth the EX ...watch this space ....
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Du traenger

til professionel hjaelp din stakkels!
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Overraekkelse af petitionen

Her er en artikel om planlaegt overraekkelse. Medierne som BBC, TheSun, ICTV etc. er selvfoelgelig med, lige som ai. Hjaelpeorganisationen rund om Marnie soeger stadigvaek frivillig der vil overraekke petitionen samtidig hos UAE-Ambassaden i Sverige og Berlin/Tyskland. Dem der er interesseret kan henvende sig hertil:
Desvaerre kan jeg ikke vaere med, fordi jeg sidder selv i mellem oesten.
og her er artiklen:
Dubai jail mother freedom march

Marnie Pearce is due to be released from prison in April
Supporters of a British mother who was jailed for adultery in Dubai and lost custody of her two children, aged four and seven, are to hold a freedom march.
Marnie Pearce, 40, who is originally from Bracknell, Berkshire, faces deportation after completing her three-month sentence in April.
Ms Pearce says her ex-husband accused her of adultery to gain custody of their two children, a claim he denies.
On Thursday, protesters will walk to London's United Arab Emirates Embassy.
Petition handed in
Supporters are also calling for the deportation order to be lifted so she can remain in the Arab Emirates.
The St George's Day protest is expected to result in a petition signed by almost 4,500 people, being handed in at the embassy.
The petition calls for Ms Pearce's "unconditional release from Dubai Central Jail in Al-Awir, considering her to be a prisoner of conscience".
Earlier, her friend Sandy Norman told the BBC the boys had been placed with their father, Egyptian national Ihab El-Labban, and may not see their mother for many years.
Two appeals
Ms Pearce denies the adultery claims made by her ex-husband and has twice appealed against her conviction.
Her prison term was reduced from six months at her first appeal. She is expected to be freed at the end of April, Ms Norman said.
She first met Mr El-Labban in Oman and married him in the Seychelles in September 1999.
They moved to Dubai but the relationship eventually broke down.
In March last year she was arrested and accused of committing adultery with a British man, whom she insists was only a friend, and convicted in November.
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Fik svar fra britisk udenrigsministeriet

Surprise, surprise
fik lige svaret fra foreign&commonwealth office. De skriver at de kan ikke gaa in detailjer men at de kender sagen og arbejder paa dem.
Saa haabet stiger, at da er maaske lidt solskin for Marnie og hendes to boern![s]
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Protestmarch og overraekkelse af petitionen blev igaar afblaest, fordi myndighederne i Dubai havde kontaktet Team Marnie of erklaeret, at de vil gennemgaa sagen igen. Ikke kun beslutning af deportationen, men ogsaa sagen om foraeldremyndighed.
Team Marnie havde derfor besluttet, at de er lige nu ikke den rigtige moment, hvor forhandlinger er igang, at overraekke petitionen.
Vi vil vente og se, hvad der ske.
Tusind tak, til alle dem, der har stoettet Marnie og hendes soenner hertil.[l]
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Marnie ud af faengsel idag

Marnie kommer ud idag. Hun bliver pardoned (jeg haaber de heder saadan paa dansk?!). Hun bliver heller ikke deporteret. De er den foerste sejre i denne sag.
Nu har hun mulighed for at kaempe at faa hendes boern tilbage.[l]
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