Sådan tænkte "de" og sådan skrev "de" for mere end 5.000 år siden; "...med Solen i centrum".
Skulle vi ikke tage at se lidt på disse ”originale skrifter” for 5.000 år siden der strækker sig endnu længere tilbage i tiden; altså originale skrifter fra tiden?
Det første Paradis var iflg. Bibelen beliggende mellem de 2 floder. Eufrat og Tigris. Der hvor Abraham kom fra.
Hvordan så der ud dengang?
In 1976 Zecharia Sitchin published ”The Twelfth Planet”, which supplied an array of evidence to support the assertion that the earth had been visited by ancient alien astronauts in its past.
http://www.dipity.com/timeline/2012_Movie/ [ her søger du Planet X Nibiru - Zecharia Sitchin]Feb 6, 2009 7:41 PM Planet X Nibiru - Zecharia Sitchin - Ancient Sumerian 3600 year orbit planet x nibiru
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Sitchin based his conclusions on the written records of Sumer, the "sudden civilization" that sprang up virtually overnight in the Tigris-Euphrates Valley of modern Iraq. Historians can't begin to plausibly explain how Sumerians were transformed from Stone Age farmers to extremely sophisticated city dwellers almost instantly around 5,000 years ago. The mystery is so deep and so profound, few historians dare attempt to deal with it.
Sumerians used a cleverly subtle graphic technique known as kuniform, which is readily acknowledged as the first form of writing. The wedges were pressed into clay tablets that were then put into the first clay ovens and fired into stone to provide what became the gold standard of knowledge in all subsequent cultures: written in stone.
Historians are so baffled by the things Sumerians wrote, they classify nearly all of it as "myth," nothing more than flights of fancy by surprisingly creative "primitives."
Sitchin rejected the "myth" title officially applied to Sumerian writings, and treating them as the true history Sumerians said they were. Taking a close look he found an astonishing array of facts that could be corroborated by modern research. What he found was literally mind-boggling in 1976, and it remains so today.
Sumerians wrote in stone over 4,000 years ago that superior beings from beyond earth lived among them as their lords and masters, and in far earlier times actually created humans "in their own image, after their own likeness" ...words exactly copied 2,000 years later to be incorporated into Genesis.
The Sumerians always referred to their gods in a multiple sense and never with upper case emphasis. They wrote about those gods in matter-of-fact terms, describing them as flesh-and-blood beings with whom they could have sex, produce hybrid offspring, even occasionally marry. And Sumerian knowledge went much deeper. They had a plausible explanation for how our solar system came to have its unusual lineup of planets and moons.
The Sumerians wrote that our immediate solar system contained nine planets plus one other, a tenth, traveling in a 3600-year elliptical orbit around the sun. That planet they called Nibiru, the home world of their gods, whom they called the Anunnaki.
[ hvor vidste de det fra?
http://www.darkstar1.co.uk/Morbidelli.html ]
This immediately negates the objection that off-world beings couldn't make a journey to earth from the closest star systems in anything approaching a reasonable timeframe. These gods came from our neighborhood, so to speak, from just around the corner.
The Sumerians also counted planets from the perspective of the space-faring gods on Nibiru, from the outside in, calling earth the seventh, rather than the third rock from the sun. And, with a stunning flash of insight, they wrote that when viewed from "on high" in the heavens, Uranus and Neptune looked like "blue-green watery twins."
Most astronomers assumed anything past Saturn was likely to be a cold dead rock, so it came as quite a surprise to see photographs from Voyager 2 in 1986, and again in 1989, proving the Sumerians were right. Uranus and Neptune were made of blue-green slush.
How could the Sumerians know such things? How could they know Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto were even there, much less how they looked if viewed up close in space? We didn't learn about the existence of those three planets until 1781, 1846, and 1930, respectively. How could the Sumerians know about any of it, much less all of it? Simple...they say their gods told them.
They were refreshingly candid about it. All they knew, all they were, their very existence was owed to the Anunnaki gods who created them, created their "sudden" culture and civilization. They wrote of an astonishingly active history thrust upon them by living on earth at that unique time, in that unique place. Yet the vast majority of people in the world today have no idea any of this ever existed.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ZQVi5CLrm4&feature=rela ted
1.Mosebog kap. 6 :
............ fik Gudssønnerne Øje på Menneskedøtrenes Skønhed, og de tog: så mange af dem, som de lystede, til Hustruer.
I hine Dage, da Gudssønnerne gik ind til Menneskedøtrene og disse fødte dem Børn men også senere hen i Tiden - levede Kæmperne på Jorden. Det er Heltene, hvis Ry når tilbage til Fortids Dage.
Skriftligt vidnesbyrd.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BToUxSi-QwA&feature=rela ted
Det astronomiske år på 360 dage er lige så gammelt som Old Babylonisk tid og datere sig helt til for 6.000 år siden.
http://books.google.dk/books?id=P8fl8BXpR0MC&pg=PA186&l pg=PA186&dq=enlil+the+stars&source=bl&ots=JcZqcHN2V1&si g=iJ_O8JP6LDnPXc1-DjnokLExGOA&hl=da&sa=X&oi=book_result &resnum=6&ct=result#PPA191,M1
Assyrerne var eksperter til stjernerne og videnskaben om disse. De havde fulgt ”rådet” i 1.Mosebog kap. 1 vers 14 og 15.
Derpå sagde Gud: "Der komme Lys på Himmelhvælvingen til at skille Dag fra Nat, og de skal være til Tegn og til Fastsættelse af Højtider, Dage og År
og tjene som Lys på Himmelhvælvingen til at lyse på Jorden! Og således sket det:
Gud gjorde de to store Lys, det største til at herske om Dagen, det mindste til at herske om Natten, og Stjernerne; og Gud satte dem på Himmelhvælvingen til at lyse på Jorden og til at herske over Dagen og Natten og til at skille Lyset fra Mørket. Og Gud så, at det var godt.
Og det blev Aften, og det blev Morgen, fjerde Dag.
Så det første Paradis er en beskrivelse af datidens erkendelse, der strakte sig milliarder af år tilbage i tiden.