Biggi skrev
Det er alvor og ikke nogen joke vi skal info alle vi kender og få dem se denne og andre video hvor fly spreder chemitrals indeholder kemikalier og tilsætningsstoffer ligesom i
alt vi putter i munden vi spiser drikker ryger tager medicin der skaber kroniske sygdom
"They have planned the economic crash. They want a one government world. Bilderberg Group is destined to control the necessities of the planet. To prove Bilderberg Group’s power, Estulin matched dates, and stated that the group agreed for the date of the invasion of Iraq. The group has an ambitious plan, which is prevailing subtly well: Global Death Plot. That’s right: they want to reduce the population of the world by the millions, maybe billions. They are poisoning the food we eat with chemicals (other than the farmers’ original chemicals to grow the food more vibrant and large) to target the human immune system. They have given some of the new Swine Flue vaccines (the spray through the nose) enzymes that will weaken your immune system. They want to kill and poison the young, and to make women sterile to prevent future births. I like to call this: The By-Half Plan"