Nyt lys - igen igen ???
Kære venner, - se engang her hvad jeg har fundet !
Hvis disse oplysninger ellers holder stik, er tale om et skoleeksempel på hvordan VT-organisationen manipulerer og vildleder sine medlemmer.
(jeg indrømmer at jeg kun har oplysningen fra dette amerikanske debat-forum, og at jeg ikke fået bekræftet oplysningerne andre steder.)
Saturday October 06, 2007
Year text for 2008: Exodus 14:13 "Stand Firm and See the Salvation of Jehovah."
The opening talk by Brother Gerrit Lösch (GB) gave a brief bit of history of early organization and point emphasized was that Jesus Christ trusted the Faithful and Discreet Slave to carry on the dispensing of Bible truths and so should we.
Point made that charter of WTB&TS of Pennsylvania was to disseminate Bible truths. Faithful and Discreet Slave are not inspired so they are going to err. John 16:12 Jesus said process would be gradual. The first of Faithful and Discreet Slave did not know how many would make up the group until 96 CE. Work being done well without knowing that. Adjustments will be necessary but that does not mean that slave is not the means Jehovah is using. We are in a time of greater increasing of light the unveiling of which is gradual.
Country reports and invitation work experiences.
Geoff Jackson gave the talk on the year text. He asked “Are you ready for Jehovah’s Day?” He said this year’s text from Zechariah got us focused on fact we are living in the final part of the last days. This time is different in three ways.
Scope Jeremiah 25:31& 33.
Intensity Daniel 12:1.
Effectiveness 2Peter 3:10 & 12 and 1John 2:17.
Earth is mankind alienated from God
Heat is Jehovah’s anger
Hissing noises indicates speed, a rapid passing.
Jesus made comparison between Faithful and Discreet Slave and evil slave.
Apostates complain we are too eager. Glad we are eager for Jehovah’s rule even if we are wrong once in awhile. We are not sure of all the details but we know Jehovah is with us. Used illustration of the Israelites leaving Egypt. Went right to edge of promised land and Jah made them back track and camp. They seemed trapped at the Red Sea. From a human standpoint there was no way out. That is when He totally brought Pharaoh to his knees. At the time it made no sense to Israel but Jehovah knew exactly what he was doing.
We have Jehovah’s Day right ahead of us which teaches us four lessons.
Jehovah ready for any trial and problem.
Must obey regardless what is asked of us. We are so limited in perspective. Jah knows the whole picture. We can have total confidence.
Brother John Barr (GB) spoke on the illustrations Jesus used regarding the Kingdom (mustard grain, dragnet, etc.) Very detailed. We are to be busy in the work sowing our seed and we are to get the sense of Jesus illustrations.
Theodore Jarcz (GB) spoke Christ’s Presence and End of System
He used the illustration of a talk. The conclusion covers a period of time. The speaker sums up or draws audience to a decision or the like. Takes time. The end is when he walks off the platform.
Jesus presence includes taking power in 1914, dealing with opposers; all the features of the last days
including the ingathering of the chosen ones their deaths and resurrection. This means an extended period of time. Up to and including fulfillment of Revelation. Spiritual discernment necessary to be bright and clear to us which it is. Those without spiritual knowledge do not see the significance. WE DO!
Some anointed will be alive when the tribulation begins. First vision in Revelation. 1914 until last of anointed dies and is resurrected.
Be resolved to be more urgent to keep on the watch. Prove ourselves ready for Jehovah, Jesus and our own welfare.
The "generation" is all the anointed as a class from 33 CE to the end of the world. In the context of Matt. 24:34 was Jesus talking to his followers. Other instances of generation often had clarifiers, such as "wicked generation", etc.
Bro. Barr stopped and said, "By the way, you'll be happy to know that there will be anointed on earth at the time of Armageddon".
DRAGNET: ALL the fish were thrown on the shore. Don't get excited about the large numbers at the Memorial. Maybe these are not all good fish.
MUSTARD SEED: Sows seed and then goes to bed. Remember, we sow the seed, Jehovah looks after it. Our role is to be regular in the service and to sow that seed.
LEAVEN hid in the dough. What made it rise? Jehovah did it.
At the beginning Brother Losch said, "We of the Governing body have not always had the right understanding. The Gov. Body is not inspired and neither are the publications. It is the Holy Spirit that helps us to find the correct understanding".
Starting February 2008 elders will be invited to attend The School for Congregation Elders. It will be a five day course and they will start with the Presiding Overseers first then work through the others. Will start with the English field.
Total in attendance at NY Bethels, Canada Bethel and New Jersey Assembly Hall was 14,937.
IP: RqZdZkRlrfG0K5UJ
IP: RqZdZkRlrfG0K5UJ
Efter alt at dømme er der her tale om et referat fra VT-selskabets årsmøde d.6/10
(et møde der bliver afholdt hvert år, hvor VT-toppen og specielt indbudte deltager)
Referatet indeholder flere interessante detaljer, men især to ting springer i øjnene.
Bemærk det andet afsnit, her skriver man: "Faithful and Discreet Slave are not inspired so they are going to err."
Her indrømmer man altså at "den tro og kloge træl IKKE er inspireret, og derfor nødvendigvis vil begå fejl (der er der i og for sig ikke noget nyt i), straks efter hævder man dog følgende:
"Adjustments will be necessary but that does not mean that slave is not the means Jehovah is using", - eller sagt på dansk, - selv om man ikke er inspireret, og selv om man hele tiden tager fejl, "så betyder det ikke at man ikke er det redskab som Jehova benytter !
I det andet sidste afsnit bliver det så helt slået fast:
"We of the Governing body have not always had the right understanding. The Gov. Body is not inspired and neither are the publications. It is the Holy Spirit that helps us to find the correct understanding".
Altså: Hverken ledelsen eller publikationer er inspirerede, MEN det er den hellige ånd der hjælper den til den rette forståelse !
Alt dette er selvfølgelig en stor gang vrøvl. Man vil så at sige både blæse og have mel i munden. Man ønsker både at besidde autoritet, og samtidig være fritaget for ansvar.
Bemærk denne sætning (ca midt i referatet):"Must obey regardless what is asked of us"
Altså: medlemmerne må adlyde uanset hvad der bliver forlangt af dem !
Jeg spørger: Hvorfor adlyde mennesker der åbent indrømmer at de ikke er inspirerede ?
Det allermest interessante kommer imidlertid her:
"The "generation" is all the anointed as a class from 33 CE to the end of the world. In the context of Matt. 24:34 was Jesus talking to his followers"
Detter er efter min mening intet mindre end en sensation !
Nu laver de minsandten om på forståelsen IGEN !
I "gamle dage" var forståelsen af "generationen" som bekendt: Dem som oplevede 1914 skulle ikke dø før harmageddon kom.
Det lavede man så om til at skulle forståes som "den onde generation", altså alle de onde mennesker der ville leve ved endens tid.
Men nu, - ta daaa!!! - NYT LYS !!!
Nu skal det så forståes som "de salvede" som gruppe betragtet, d.v.s. alle "de salvede fra år 33 og frem til harmageddon.
Jeg forstår godt hvis de af jer der ikke kender til Jehovas Vidners snørklede Bibelfortolkning for længst er stået af ! Det ER indviklet.
Men jeg kan trøste jer med: De kan heller ikke selv finde ud af det !
Som man kan se til slut i referatet, så skal alt dette vrøvl munde ud et kursus for alle de ældste i 2008.
Jeg er bare så spændt på det her noget der holder vand.
Hvis det er, så vil jeg grine min r.. i laser !!!!!
mvh arres
Hvis disse oplysninger ellers holder stik, er tale om et skoleeksempel på hvordan VT-organisationen manipulerer og vildleder sine medlemmer.
(jeg indrømmer at jeg kun har oplysningen fra dette amerikanske debat-forum, og at jeg ikke fået bekræftet oplysningerne andre steder.)
Saturday October 06, 2007
Year text for 2008: Exodus 14:13 "Stand Firm and See the Salvation of Jehovah."
The opening talk by Brother Gerrit Lösch (GB) gave a brief bit of history of early organization and point emphasized was that Jesus Christ trusted the Faithful and Discreet Slave to carry on the dispensing of Bible truths and so should we.
Point made that charter of WTB&TS of Pennsylvania was to disseminate Bible truths. Faithful and Discreet Slave are not inspired so they are going to err. John 16:12 Jesus said process would be gradual. The first of Faithful and Discreet Slave did not know how many would make up the group until 96 CE. Work being done well without knowing that. Adjustments will be necessary but that does not mean that slave is not the means Jehovah is using. We are in a time of greater increasing of light the unveiling of which is gradual.
Country reports and invitation work experiences.
Geoff Jackson gave the talk on the year text. He asked “Are you ready for Jehovah’s Day?” He said this year’s text from Zechariah got us focused on fact we are living in the final part of the last days. This time is different in three ways.
Scope Jeremiah 25:31& 33.
Intensity Daniel 12:1.
Effectiveness 2Peter 3:10 & 12 and 1John 2:17.
Earth is mankind alienated from God
Heat is Jehovah’s anger
Hissing noises indicates speed, a rapid passing.
Jesus made comparison between Faithful and Discreet Slave and evil slave.
Apostates complain we are too eager. Glad we are eager for Jehovah’s rule even if we are wrong once in awhile. We are not sure of all the details but we know Jehovah is with us. Used illustration of the Israelites leaving Egypt. Went right to edge of promised land and Jah made them back track and camp. They seemed trapped at the Red Sea. From a human standpoint there was no way out. That is when He totally brought Pharaoh to his knees. At the time it made no sense to Israel but Jehovah knew exactly what he was doing.
We have Jehovah’s Day right ahead of us which teaches us four lessons.
Jehovah ready for any trial and problem.
Must obey regardless what is asked of us. We are so limited in perspective. Jah knows the whole picture. We can have total confidence.
Brother John Barr (GB) spoke on the illustrations Jesus used regarding the Kingdom (mustard grain, dragnet, etc.) Very detailed. We are to be busy in the work sowing our seed and we are to get the sense of Jesus illustrations.
Theodore Jarcz (GB) spoke Christ’s Presence and End of System
He used the illustration of a talk. The conclusion covers a period of time. The speaker sums up or draws audience to a decision or the like. Takes time. The end is when he walks off the platform.
Jesus presence includes taking power in 1914, dealing with opposers; all the features of the last days
including the ingathering of the chosen ones their deaths and resurrection. This means an extended period of time. Up to and including fulfillment of Revelation. Spiritual discernment necessary to be bright and clear to us which it is. Those without spiritual knowledge do not see the significance. WE DO!
Some anointed will be alive when the tribulation begins. First vision in Revelation. 1914 until last of anointed dies and is resurrected.
Be resolved to be more urgent to keep on the watch. Prove ourselves ready for Jehovah, Jesus and our own welfare.
The "generation" is all the anointed as a class from 33 CE to the end of the world. In the context of Matt. 24:34 was Jesus talking to his followers. Other instances of generation often had clarifiers, such as "wicked generation", etc.
Bro. Barr stopped and said, "By the way, you'll be happy to know that there will be anointed on earth at the time of Armageddon".
DRAGNET: ALL the fish were thrown on the shore. Don't get excited about the large numbers at the Memorial. Maybe these are not all good fish.
MUSTARD SEED: Sows seed and then goes to bed. Remember, we sow the seed, Jehovah looks after it. Our role is to be regular in the service and to sow that seed.
LEAVEN hid in the dough. What made it rise? Jehovah did it.
At the beginning Brother Losch said, "We of the Governing body have not always had the right understanding. The Gov. Body is not inspired and neither are the publications. It is the Holy Spirit that helps us to find the correct understanding".
Starting February 2008 elders will be invited to attend The School for Congregation Elders. It will be a five day course and they will start with the Presiding Overseers first then work through the others. Will start with the English field.
Total in attendance at NY Bethels, Canada Bethel and New Jersey Assembly Hall was 14,937.
IP: RqZdZkRlrfG0K5UJ
IP: RqZdZkRlrfG0K5UJ
Efter alt at dømme er der her tale om et referat fra VT-selskabets årsmøde d.6/10
(et møde der bliver afholdt hvert år, hvor VT-toppen og specielt indbudte deltager)
Referatet indeholder flere interessante detaljer, men især to ting springer i øjnene.
Bemærk det andet afsnit, her skriver man: "Faithful and Discreet Slave are not inspired so they are going to err."
Her indrømmer man altså at "den tro og kloge træl IKKE er inspireret, og derfor nødvendigvis vil begå fejl (der er der i og for sig ikke noget nyt i), straks efter hævder man dog følgende:
"Adjustments will be necessary but that does not mean that slave is not the means Jehovah is using", - eller sagt på dansk, - selv om man ikke er inspireret, og selv om man hele tiden tager fejl, "så betyder det ikke at man ikke er det redskab som Jehova benytter !
I det andet sidste afsnit bliver det så helt slået fast:
"We of the Governing body have not always had the right understanding. The Gov. Body is not inspired and neither are the publications. It is the Holy Spirit that helps us to find the correct understanding".
Altså: Hverken ledelsen eller publikationer er inspirerede, MEN det er den hellige ånd der hjælper den til den rette forståelse !
Alt dette er selvfølgelig en stor gang vrøvl. Man vil så at sige både blæse og have mel i munden. Man ønsker både at besidde autoritet, og samtidig være fritaget for ansvar.
Bemærk denne sætning (ca midt i referatet):"Must obey regardless what is asked of us"
Altså: medlemmerne må adlyde uanset hvad der bliver forlangt af dem !
Jeg spørger: Hvorfor adlyde mennesker der åbent indrømmer at de ikke er inspirerede ?
Det allermest interessante kommer imidlertid her:
"The "generation" is all the anointed as a class from 33 CE to the end of the world. In the context of Matt. 24:34 was Jesus talking to his followers"
Detter er efter min mening intet mindre end en sensation !
Nu laver de minsandten om på forståelsen IGEN !
I "gamle dage" var forståelsen af "generationen" som bekendt: Dem som oplevede 1914 skulle ikke dø før harmageddon kom.
Det lavede man så om til at skulle forståes som "den onde generation", altså alle de onde mennesker der ville leve ved endens tid.
Men nu, - ta daaa!!! - NYT LYS !!!
Nu skal det så forståes som "de salvede" som gruppe betragtet, d.v.s. alle "de salvede fra år 33 og frem til harmageddon.
Jeg forstår godt hvis de af jer der ikke kender til Jehovas Vidners snørklede Bibelfortolkning for længst er stået af ! Det ER indviklet.
Men jeg kan trøste jer med: De kan heller ikke selv finde ud af det !
Som man kan se til slut i referatet, så skal alt dette vrøvl munde ud et kursus for alle de ældste i 2008.
Jeg er bare så spændt på det her noget der holder vand.
Hvis det er, så vil jeg grine min r.. i laser !!!!!
mvh arres