Satans Babylonske Treenigheder (sbt)
Studer denne fyldestgørende tekst og se hvorfor treenigheden er hedensk og at der aldrig i Biblen hverken tales om tre Guder, men heller ikke i hverken det gamle eller nye testamente tales om en treenig Gud. Jeg gentager...
1) Hverken peger Biblen på tre Guder men
2) den peger heller ikke på at Gud splittede sig op i tre væsener men alligevel var den samme Gud.
Det kommer af Babylonske ideer som bl.a Platon henviste til og som katolikkerne adopterede.
Her et malende udsnit af en længere interessant tekst, som belyser punkt 1) og 2).
" Within this occult mysticism, the spirits within Nimrod, Simeramus, and Tammuz were the real essence of the cosmos that made their trinity family a unique fullness of the one pluralistic cosmos. The next step in the formation of the trinity in unity concept, was to teach the idea of emanation. The doctrine of emanation is the pantheistic concept behind the teachings of evolution, all things emanate and evolve from the one source and are a part of the whole in unity and of the same substance.
The idea of emanation of a primary God making of himself another God by subdividing his person as an amoeba splits in half to form another like being, is purely pagan. From Genesis 1:1 and the words: *In the beginning God,* we have the idea of a singular God and there being none else. It is true that the Hebrew word Elohim from which we get the word *God* is a plural word. But that does not mean there are plural Gods.
From ancient time Mystery Babylon has tried to make God what he is not. The ancient Godly Jews would have never dreamed of their being more than one God. They were prohibited by the first Commandment of having a pluralistic concept or view. It was from within this revelation, in contradiction to the surrounding religions of Pagan trinitarians, that Israel worship the One LORD of the Old Testament, chanting : *Hear O Israel, the LORD our GOD is ONE LORD.*
The plural use of *us* as in let *us* make man; Let *u*s go down; were interpreted by the Jews to be God speaking to his angels. It was only after the Council of Nicaea that the Catholics fled to these verses in order to find Scriptural support and excuse for adopting Plato's trinity in unity doctrine that he borrowed from Mystery Babylon.
The doctrinal position formulated at Nicaea was that if a theory does not conform to the Scriptures, then the Scriptures must be reinterpreted to conform to the theory.
Theory was then based upon spiritualizing or bending toward mysticism and philosophy for its support of the great Mystery of Babylon. Except they drop the word Babylon and say only that the trinity is a great MYSTERY that no one can understand. The world is deceived to believe the trinity should be left to mystics and philosophers to interpret, exactly as they did in ancient Mystery Babylon. "
Jeg synes det er væsentligt at få på plads hvad man vil tro på og holde sig til Biblen istedet for menneskelige doktriner vedtaget ved forskellige konventer: For eksempel filioque-spørgsmålet som netop skilte den græsk ortodokse kirke fra den Romersk katolske kirke på spørgsmålet vedrørende en sætning som den Romersk Katolske kirke ændrede for at cementere Gud som lig med Jesus istedet for de to som adskilte individer. Det ville den ortodokse kirke ikke være med til.
De fleste kristne kirker idag har fulgt den katolske kirke i det spørgsmål og derfor er treenigheden så udbredt i verden. Jeg mener stadig at den skyldes Platons fortælling om Babylonsk mystisk treenighed som netop afspejles i mange af verdens religioner. (ovenfor)
Den katolske kirke valgte at tilpasse Biblen til den menneskeligt vedtagede treenighed. Der er dog stadig den gammelkatolske kirke som ikke fulgte trop med hensyn til Pavens enevælde samt Mariatilbedelsen.
Jeg har det sådan at jeg ikke afsiger troen for menneskers doktriners skyld men istedet mener jeg man bør tage ansvar for så at finde ind til sandheden.
1) Hverken peger Biblen på tre Guder men
2) den peger heller ikke på at Gud splittede sig op i tre væsener men alligevel var den samme Gud.
Det kommer af Babylonske ideer som bl.a Platon henviste til og som katolikkerne adopterede.
Her et malende udsnit af en længere interessant tekst, som belyser punkt 1) og 2).
" Within this occult mysticism, the spirits within Nimrod, Simeramus, and Tammuz were the real essence of the cosmos that made their trinity family a unique fullness of the one pluralistic cosmos. The next step in the formation of the trinity in unity concept, was to teach the idea of emanation. The doctrine of emanation is the pantheistic concept behind the teachings of evolution, all things emanate and evolve from the one source and are a part of the whole in unity and of the same substance.
The idea of emanation of a primary God making of himself another God by subdividing his person as an amoeba splits in half to form another like being, is purely pagan. From Genesis 1:1 and the words: *In the beginning God,* we have the idea of a singular God and there being none else. It is true that the Hebrew word Elohim from which we get the word *God* is a plural word. But that does not mean there are plural Gods.
From ancient time Mystery Babylon has tried to make God what he is not. The ancient Godly Jews would have never dreamed of their being more than one God. They were prohibited by the first Commandment of having a pluralistic concept or view. It was from within this revelation, in contradiction to the surrounding religions of Pagan trinitarians, that Israel worship the One LORD of the Old Testament, chanting : *Hear O Israel, the LORD our GOD is ONE LORD.*
The plural use of *us* as in let *us* make man; Let *u*s go down; were interpreted by the Jews to be God speaking to his angels. It was only after the Council of Nicaea that the Catholics fled to these verses in order to find Scriptural support and excuse for adopting Plato's trinity in unity doctrine that he borrowed from Mystery Babylon.
The doctrinal position formulated at Nicaea was that if a theory does not conform to the Scriptures, then the Scriptures must be reinterpreted to conform to the theory.
Theory was then based upon spiritualizing or bending toward mysticism and philosophy for its support of the great Mystery of Babylon. Except they drop the word Babylon and say only that the trinity is a great MYSTERY that no one can understand. The world is deceived to believe the trinity should be left to mystics and philosophers to interpret, exactly as they did in ancient Mystery Babylon. "
Jeg synes det er væsentligt at få på plads hvad man vil tro på og holde sig til Biblen istedet for menneskelige doktriner vedtaget ved forskellige konventer: For eksempel filioque-spørgsmålet som netop skilte den græsk ortodokse kirke fra den Romersk katolske kirke på spørgsmålet vedrørende en sætning som den Romersk Katolske kirke ændrede for at cementere Gud som lig med Jesus istedet for de to som adskilte individer. Det ville den ortodokse kirke ikke være med til.
De fleste kristne kirker idag har fulgt den katolske kirke i det spørgsmål og derfor er treenigheden så udbredt i verden. Jeg mener stadig at den skyldes Platons fortælling om Babylonsk mystisk treenighed som netop afspejles i mange af verdens religioner. (ovenfor)
Den katolske kirke valgte at tilpasse Biblen til den menneskeligt vedtagede treenighed. Der er dog stadig den gammelkatolske kirke som ikke fulgte trop med hensyn til Pavens enevælde samt Mariatilbedelsen.
Jeg har det sådan at jeg ikke afsiger troen for menneskers doktriners skyld men istedet mener jeg man bør tage ansvar for så at finde ind til sandheden.