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Buy Me a Rifle, Daddy

Buy Me a Rifle, Daddy
digt af Harvey Andrews

Buy me a rifle, Daddy, buy me a gun,
so I can practise shooting, Daddy, killing's really fun.
Tell me who to shoot at, Daddy, tell me where to aim,
war is really great fun, Daddy, it's my favourite game.
No I won't buy you a rifle, son, and I won't buy a gun,
for killing is no sport for you, it really isn't fun.
I'll buy you a ball to kick and punch upon the ground,
it's in chasing and playing, son, that fun is best found.
But over in China, Daddy, they have real guns,
and little children play with them and they're somebody's sons.
TV films from America show killings every day,
so please buy me a rifle, Daddy, so that I can play.
If you had a rifle, son, it's only a toy,
because you know you're not, thank God, a little Chinese boy,
and the best toy guns that you'll find are from the U.S.A.,
the children of the world all practise killing every day.
Oh, I won't fight the Chinese, Daddy, that's not in my game,
I'll fight little Jimmy Smith, my toy bullets won't maim.
He won't be a Cuban or a Fascist or a Red,
I'll pretend that he's an Indian and shoot him dead instead.

Et digt jeg faldt over... og syntes det skulle deles med jer, så jeg kunne høre jeres tolkning af det =) jeg er meget fascineret af digtet, for det er jo rigtigt. børn verden over, leger krig hver dag.. lidt sygt at tænke på egentlig.
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Et udmærket digt (især stofe et). Rent fortolkningsmæssigt er det vist ret åbenlyst.
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jeg synes, at det åbenlyse budskab (og fortolkning) er noget af det fedeste ved digtet =)
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Spiller for meget...

Det er sq oss fordi de spiller for meget.
Det gør jeg egentlig oss men gjorde jeg ik som lille, og det har åbentbart en lidt dårlig effekt på de små børn.
De tror sq at det nu er helt normalt at skyde folk, for de dør jo ik rigtigt...
øhh, jo de gøt ;P
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