angivelser af vægt eller mål for mængde
EKS: e 100 ml eller e 2,2 kg
det e der er trygt på de flest etiketer ser ofte ikke ud som et almindelig e men er skrevet med lidt mere sving i.
Håber på et svar idet det er en ting jeg har tænkt på i flere år.
tilføjet af heiii
det betyder
hvor Extasy der er i
tilføjet af nn1
In order to facilitate the free movement of goods, the states in the European common market (EU and EEA) have agreed on common rules for prepackages within the range 5 g to 10 kg (or 5 ml to 10 l).
The producer may under certain circumstances put a special e-mark on the packages. This mark is not obligatory but, when used, is a guarantee, recognized throughout the common market, that the goods to which it is applied have been packed by weight or volume in accordance with the European Council Directives 76/211/EEC or 75/106/EEC.
The e-mark acts, therefore, as a metrological "passport".
tilføjet af læreinden
skolepengene tilbage
sig til dine snotunger, at de skal passe skolen.
tilføjet af majsep
ikke sikker
men jeg tror det står for enhed, alstå enhed i ml, eller enhed i kg...
tilføjet af anonym
svar fra nn1 giver løsningen i
76/211/EEC lidt nede findes følgende:
All prepackages made up in accordance with this Directive shall bear on the package the following markings affixed in such a manner as to be indelible, easily legible and visible on the prepackage in normal conditions of presentation: 3.1. the nominal quantity (nominal weight or nominal volume), expressed in kilogrammes, grammes, litres, centilitres or millilitres, and marked in figures at least 6 mm high if the nominal quantity exceeds 1 000 g or 100 cl ; 4 mm high if it is from 1 000 g or 100 cl inclusive down to but not including 200 g or 20 cl, and 3 mm high if it is not more than 200 g or 20 cl, followed by the symbol for the unit of measurement used or where appropriate by the name of the unit in accordance with Directive 71/354/EEC;
markings in imperial units (UK) shall be in letters and figures of dimensions not larger than those of the corresponding markings in SI units;
3.2. a mark or inscription enabling the competent departments to identify the packer or the person arranging for the packing to be done or the importer established in the Community;
3.3. a small "e", at least 3 mm high, placed in the same field of vision as the indication of the nominal weight or nominal volume, constituting a guarantee by the packer or the importer that the prepackage meets the requirements of this Directive.
This letter shall have the form shown in the drawing contained in section 3 of Annex II to Directive 71/316/EEC.
Article 12 of this latter Directive shall apply mutatis mutandis.