2tilføjet af

Im not weak

Do you know what it feels like
To wake every morning
With a lumb in your throat
Knowing that you'll never be happy
That you can't be proud.
Do you know what it feels like
To go to school everyday,
Wishing you could be invisible
Scared that they will laugh at you again?
Do you know how it feels
To be unhappy about yourself?
To feel fat and ugly every time people look?
How awfull it is, to know that you'll never be good enough?
Never become a beloved person?
If you don't
The you dont have the right to call me weak!
tilføjet af

Youre time will come

Those poor souls dont know that yet [l]
tilføjet af


Do u know what to doooo
but feeling sad desparation and blueee
do u have a cluuuee
but feeling bluuue
once now and a while
youl run out of despair
then you get more that
just a cluee
when feeling bluee
. . .
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