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Oversættelse ønskes -Please?..............................

..............Jeg kan nogenlunde forstå meningen i nedennævnte og alligevel ikke - Og det Irriterer mig Frygteligt. For mig ser det ud som om, at det Navn på "Jehova", overhoved ikke burde være i være i det "Nye Testamente"?
Hvis min forståelse er rigtig, understøtter det nemlig et andet dokument jeg har, vor dette kun Perifert berøres.
På forhånd tak:

David Reed, an ex-Witness, says in his book, Jehovah's Witnesses Answered Verse by Verse that basically the New World Translation came into being for the sole purpose of supporting Watchtower doctrines showing their own bias (pp.17-18). Reed says, "So, during the 1950's, Watchtower leaders went beyond interpretation by producing their own version of the Bible, with hundreds of verses changed to fit Watchtower doctrine. And, their New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures continues to be rewritten every few years, with additional changse made to bring God's Word into closer agreement with what the organization teaches."
The New World Translation systematically sets out to eliminate evidence for the deity of Christ. Instead of falling at Jesus' feet to worship Him, people did "obeisouce" to Him. John 1:1 no longer says "the Word was God" but "the Word was a God." Jesus did not say, "Before Abraham was, I am" but rather to avoid association with the "I AM" of Exodus 3:14, Jesus's statement becomes, "Before Abraham came into existence, I have been."
The most widespread change in the Watchtower Bible is the insertion of the name JEHOVAH 237 times in the New Testament. Of course, it is appropriate for a translator to choose to use the divine name JEHOVAH or YAHWEH in the Old Testament where the Tetragrammator YHWH actually appears in the Hebrew text. However, the Watchtower has gone beyond this by inserting the name JEHOVAH in the New Testament, where it does not appear in Greek manuscripts. One need only look at the word-by-word English that appears under the Greek text in the Society's own Kingdom Interlinear Translation to see that the name JEHOVAH is not there in the Greek.

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Du har forstået teksten ok.
Hvad skal jeg sige mere? Jehovas Vidner ftg, er udelukkende bedragere.
Jeg gider ikke gentae det mere.
De fylder verden med løgn af værste skuffe.
De tilbeder Satan og ikke Yeshua.
Jehovas Vidner her på debatten; ftg, AnnaE, floarea, Yamaha 200 og hvad ved jeg hvad de ellers kalder sig.
De er svindler hele bundet.
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hvilken tak

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