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United Nations Climate Change Conference 2009

United Nations Climate Change Conference 2009 (COP15)
Hi what about you select some proverbs to guide your efforts toward a better world, based on classical public common sence or the common sence of geniuses . . ❓

Aristoteles Hippokrates
Adam Oehlenschläger
Arthur Schopenhauer
Francis Bacon
Johannes V. Jensen
Ludvig Holberg
Marcus Aurelius Antonius
Cyrano De Bergerac
Ivan Turgenev
George Washington
Robert Louis Stevenson
Blaise Pascal
Klima og miljøpolitiske forbedringer har jo noget at gøre med emner som
Politisk filosofi

All cultures — be they prehistoric, ancient, medieval, or modern; Eastern, Western, religious or secular — have had their own unique schools of philosophy, arrived at through both inheritance and through independent discovery. Such theories have grown from different premises and approaches, examples of which include (but are not limited to) rationalism (theories arrived at through logic), empiricism (theories arrived at through observation), and even through leaps of faith, hope and inheritance (such as the supernaturalist philosophies and religions). http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_philosophy

Klimatopmødet har en hjemmeside
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