4tilføjet af

why should i work i dk

so that you can again stop my work without reason-
like ten times before-
and give my job to some danish who is not as good worker as i were?
when do we ar e free from free mason nazi bullshit in denmark, so that all people can live free here???
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At fremme forståelsen

Er det første du må lære. F.eks. at tale dansk. Så er der masser af arbejde.
Frihed er under ansvar, og indebærer også forpligtelser. Bl. andet til at forsørge sig selv og sin familie. Diskriminering indebærer at ligekvalificerede forskelsbehandles. Som eksempel mænd og kvinder. Så det er virkelig diskriminering vi kæmper imod her i Danmark. Lev op til det, så vil der være masser af arbejde.
tilføjet af

You have a point!

There is no reason to work in this country. You get almost the same in welfare!
People who don´t participant to the welfare system, by having a job and pay taxes are not welcome in this country.
People like you are an embarrassment to this country and are therefor not welcome.
I suggest you leave as quick as possible... best for you, best for us!
tilføjet af

Learn Danish and get a Danish education...

that will make the big difference.. Some employers are sceptical if u don't know the language and don't have a Danish education..
Seriously it is the best piece of advice u can get.
I haven't heard of any other country where people don't expect immigrants to learn their language and in this way show their will and respect to integrate in the local culture..
Hope u find ur way one day.. good luck
tilføjet af


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