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at stjæle fra andre mennesker

En budbringer fra gud af sige nogle men andre kan se tyven der stjæler fra andre af.
hvad siger vagttånet selv til dette?
Anyone who makes it a practice to lie or steal cannot have God's favor. –Knowledge That Leads to Everlasting Life, 2006, page 120.
If a dedicated, baptized Christian renews any stealing that he did before his conversion or he takes up stealing, he is assailing the name of his God. Since he as a stealer cannot inherit God's Messianic kingdom, he comes under the divine curse. This will mean his destruction, for if he fails to gain entrance into the kingdom to which he is called, there is nothing else left for him. –Paradise Restored To Mankind-By Theocracy!, 1972, page 211.
The seriousness of the matter is emphasized by this word of warning: "Do not be misled. Neither fornicators, ... nor thieves ... will inherit God's kingdom. –The Watchtower, January 15, 1982, page 4.
vagttårnet lyver selv og bedrager, og her kan vi se at de også stjæler.
så sekten kan ikke engang selv leve op til deres egne idealer.
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Du har travlt med at gøre andre til tyve, hvad Sveland?

Selvfølgelig har Vagttårnsselskabet tilladelse til alt hvad de udgiver.
Med venlig hilsen, ftg.
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passer ikke ftg.

Især når de fejl citere andre mennesker, så det lyder som om de går ind for jeres tåbelige sekt.
"They (WT) took me out of context", Gail Bethea-Jackson video
siger hun.
hun snakkede om hvordan jehovas vidner ikke kunne vide bedre i en vidio, om pædofile før i tiden.
hvorfor skulde hun blandes ind i hvorfor sekten holder hånden over de pædofile ftg?
hun er ikke engang selv medlem af jer.
her er hvad hun bliv klippet til at have sagt.
I don't think, 18 or 20 years ago, we knew much of anything about
pedophiles. It wasn't really looked at as a criminal matter. We didn't
publicize it as being an act that needed some criminal intervention, so to
speak. We didn't look at it ... or it wasn't ... people didn't have the body
of knowledge 18 or 20 years ago to say that this is something that will
harm your child emotionally, if you don't address it. Parents didn't know
the seriousness, 18 or 20 years ago, and the long-term effects. And as
people document the work that they've done, some successes and their
failures, that some of that early work did not get to the public. I mean, it
was in some New England journal somewhere. But certainly it was in the
process of being looked at and studied. That information was not released.
We weren't taught that in school. I went to one of the most prestigious
social-work schools, at that time, in the country and in all of my studying,
we didn't have a course in child abuse.
lad mig bare sige det sådan ftg, hun er ikke særligt glad for jer idag!
det kan godt være, i selv vil lyve for at sælge jeres sekt bedre, men at få andre menneskers udtaleser til at ændre sig, så det lyder godt i sektens øre.
det er jo direkte ubehageligt, tænk engang hvis det var mig det skete for?
så ville i ikke have flere penge i jeres sekt!

kilde http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/watchtower/scandals/148574/1/They-WT-took-me-out-of-context-Gail-Bethea-Jackson-video
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her er en liste over manipulerede links fra VT

Here is a list of alleged misquotes by the Watchtower complied from various websites.
Some seismologists believe that the earth is now in an active earthquake period. For example, Professor Keiiti Aki of the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology speaks of "the apparent surge in intensity and frequency of major earthquakes during the last one hundred years," though stating that the period from 1500 through 1700 was as active. - 5/15/83 The Watchtower "Earthquakes - A Sign of the End?"
"This is in response to your inquiry about earthquakes [EC:ESH September 24, 1982]. The apparent surge in intensity and frequency of major earthquakes during the last one hundred years is, in all probability, due to the improved recording of earthquakes and the increased vulnerability of human society to earthquake damage. The main reason is the well established plate tectonics which indicates a very steady fault motion over the past many millions of years."
"A measure of earthquake strength more objective than casualty is the Richter scale. It is in general difficult to assign the Richter scale to earthquakes more than 100 years ago. An attempt, however, has been made in China, where historical records are kept in better shape than in other regions. Enclosed figures shows the Richter scale (M) of earthquakes in China during the periond of about 2000 years. The past 100 years are certainly active, but there have been periods as active as that, for example, from 1500 to 1700." - Letter from Keiiti Aki to the Watchtower Society dated September 30, 1982
Fossil hunter Donald Johanson acknowledged: "No one can be sure just what any extinct hominid looked like." - ce 89 7 "Ape-Men"-What Were They?
The actual source reads Picture text to one specific species: "No one can be sure what any extinct homonid looked like with its skin and hair on. Sizes here are to scale, with afarensis about two feet shorter than the average human being." - Donald C. Johanson and Maitland A. Edey, Lucy -- the Beginnings of Humankind, New York: Warner Books, Inc, 1981, p 286
*** w92 5/1 3 1914-The Year That Shocked the World *** "The Great War of 1914-18 lies like a band of scorched earth dividing that time from ours. In wiping out so many lives . . . , in destroying beliefs, changing ideas, and leaving incurable wounds of disillusion, it created a physical as well as psychological gulf between two epochs."-From The Proud Tower-A Portrait of the World Before the War 1890-1914, by Barbara Tuchman.
*** w92 5/1 5 1914-The Year That Shocked the World *** Indeed, 1914 changed much. It had not produced a better world, and the war did not turn out to be "the war to end all wars," as many people had hoped. Instead, as historian Barbara Tuchman observes: "Illusions and enthusiasms possible up to 1914 slowly sank beneath a sea of massive disillusionment."
*** g94 11/8 9 Sarajevo-From 1914 to 1994 *** "The Great War of 1914-18 lies like a band of scorched earth dividing that time from ours. In wiping out so many lives which would have been operative on the years that followed, in destroying beliefs, changing ideas, and leaving incurable wounds of disillusion, it created a physical as well as psychological gulf between two epochs."-The foreword to The Proud Tower, by Barbara W. Tuchman.
A more complete quote from "The Proud Tower"
The Great War of 1914-18 lies like a band of scorched earth dividing that time from ours. In wiping out so many lives which would have been operative on the years that followed, in destroying beliefs, changing ideas, and leaving incurable wounds of disillusion, it created a physical as well as psychological gulf between two epochs. This book is an attempt to discover the quality of the world from which the Great War came.
It is not the book I intended to write when I began. Preconceptions dropped off one by one as I investigated. The period was not a Golden Age or Belle Epoque except to a thin crust of the privileged class. It was not a time exclusively of confidence, innocence, comfort, stability, security and peace. All these qualities were certainly present. People were more confident of values and standards. , more innocent in the sense of retaining more hope of mankind, than they are today, although they were not more peaceful nor, except for the upper few, more comfortable. Our misconception lies in assuming that doubt and fear, ferment, protest, violence and hate were not equally present. We have been misled by the people of the time themselves who, when looking back across the gulf of the War, see that earlier half of their lives misted over by a lovely sunset haze of peace and security. It did not seem so golden when they were in the midst of it. Their memories and their nostalgia have conditioned our view of the pre-war era but I can off the reader a rule based on adequate research: all statements of how lovely it was in that era made by persons contemporary with it will be found to have been made after 1914. - Forward to "The Proud Tower - A Portrait of the World Before the War: 1890-1914" by Barbara W. Tuchman, page xv, xvi
"The Greek word rendered "cross" in many modern Bible versions ("torture stake" in NW) is stau·ros´. In classical Greek, this word meant merely an upright stake, or pale. Later it also came to be used for an execution stake having a crosspiece. The Imperial Bible-Dictionary acknowledges this, saying: "The Greek word for cross, [stau·ros´], properly signified a stake, an upright pole, or piece of paling, on which anything might be hung, or which might be used in impaling [fencing in] a piece of ground. . . . Even amongst the Romans the crux (from which our cross is derived) appears to have been originally an upright pole."-Edited by P. Fairbairn (London, 1874), Vol. I, p. 376." Reasoning from the Scriptures p.89
What exactly has this quote hidden by use of ellipses (…)? The full quote is:
"The Greek word for cross, (stauros), properly signified a stake, an upright pole, or piece of paling, on which anything might be hung, or which might be used in impaling (fencing in) a piece of ground. But a modification was introduced as the dominion and usages of Rome extended themselves through Greek-speaking countries. Even amongst the Romans, the crux (from which the word cross is derived) appears to have been originally an upright pole, and always remained the more prominent part. But from the time that it began to be used as an instrument of punishment, a traverse piece of wood was commonly added: not however always then. … There can be no doubt, however, that the later sort was the more common, and that about the period of the Gospel Age, crucifixion was usually accomplished by suspending the criminal on a cross piece of wood. … But the commonest form, it is understood, was that in which the upright piece of wood was crossed by another near the top, but not precisely at it, the upright pole running above the other, thus "a cross" and so making four, not merely two right angles. It was on a cross of this form, according to the general voice of tradition, that our Lord suffered. … It may be added that crucifixion was abolished around the time of Constantine, in consequence of the sacred associations which the cross had now gathered around it."

kilde http://www.paradisecafediscussions.net/showthread.php?tid=3767
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Hvorfor mon ftg ikke reagerer på FAKTA-oplysninger


... Mon det skulle være fordi han ser sådanne ud 😖 -
NEJ det tror jeg faktisk ikke er muligt, snarere temmelig umuligt!

Godt gået sveland!
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